Auction 134 Special Sale no Incunables, Chassidut, Belongings of Tzaddikim, Amulets, Segula Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical letters, Chabad and Rare books
LOT 51: Sefer Bat Ayin - Second Version of the First Edition, Zhitomir, [1850] . Sefer Bat Ayin on the Torah, sermons delivered every Sabbath by the Admor Rabbi Avraham Dov [Auerbach] of Ovrutch. The articles were written by two of his disciples, one was Rabbi Meshulam Zussman of Zhitomir - from whose ...
LOT 52: Yismach Moshe. Shemot, VaYikra. Lvov, 1850-1851. First Edition. Yismach Moshe - Chassidic elucidation in the order of the Torah, on Shemot and VaYikra, by Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum of Ujhely. Lvov, 1861. First edition of the famous Chassidic book. The author, Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum of Shinowa ...
LOT 53: Shu"t Chiddushei HaRi"m MiGur. Yosefov, 1867. First Edition. Pedigree Copy. Shu"t HaRi"m . Responsa and compilations on Talmudic tractates by Rabbi Yitzchak Meir [the Admo"r of Gur]. Yosefov, 1867. First edition. Many of the Admo"r Rabbi Aharon of Stretin's signatures. Refer to the Hebrew ...
LOT 54: Amud HaAvodah by the Kossover Rebbe. Chernowitz, 1954. First Edition. Sefer Amud HaAvodah - elucidations on Kabblistic doctrine in the Chassidic way, by the Rebbe Rabbi Baruch of Kossov, one of the patriarchs of Chassidism and a disciple of the Maggid of Mezeritch. Chernowitz, 1854. First ...
LOT 55: Maggid Dvarav L'Ya'akov by the Maggid of Mezeritch. Berdichev, 1808. Maggid Dvarav L'Ya'akov - compilation of essays on Chassidic doctrine by the gaon Rabbi Dov Ber - the "Maggid" of Mezeritch, with supplements. Berdichev, 1808. "With supplementary new compilations by the rabbi, the author, and ...
LOT 56: Yismach Lev. Elucidations on Aggadahs and Chaza"l's Midrashim by Rabbi Menachem Nachum Twersky of Chernobyl. Zolkiew, 1800. Second edition printed only two years after the first edition. The word "B'Slavuta" is highlighted on the title page. With an approbation from the rabbi of Zolkiew, Rabbi ...
LOT 57: Noam Elimelech by Rabbi Elimelech MiLizhensk. Harovshov, 1817. Including Rabbi Elimelech's last will and testament, and with ta'amei hamitzvot by Kabbalist Rabbi Yosef Gikatilla. The name of the book and the place it was printed are in red ink. With the last leaf that is not found in all copies. ...
LOT 58: Divrei Menachem by Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Rimanov, Lemberg, 1863. Segulah. Words from the sacred mouth of the honorable Admo"r, the rabbi and true gaon, the tzaddik and foundation of the world, who has surpassed his teachers, Rabbi Menachem Mendel ... who was based in Frysztak and Rimanov ...
LOT 59: Magen Avraham. The Admo"r of Trisk. First Edition. Segulah Book. Magen Avraham - Chassidut on the Torah and the festivals by the Admo"r Rabbi Avraham of Trisk. Lublin, 1886. First edition, printed in the author's lifetime. First edition of the book by the maggid of Trisk, the first Admo"r ...
LOT 60: Tehillim Ben Beiti. Segulah Book. Special Copy with the Subscriber Leaves. Psalms with the Ben Beiti commentary, in the Chassidic way with hints and gematrias , by the Admo"r Rabbi Eliezer Tzvi Safrin ... of Komárno with words from his honorable father, the Admo"r Rabbi Yitzchak Yehuda Yechiel ...
LOT 61: Siddur Rabbi Ya'akov Emden - Ya'ave"tz. First Edition. Two Parts - Complete copy. Segulah Book. Siddur Rabbi Ya'akov Emden . Volume I: Amudei Shamayim [prayers for weekdays and Shabbat]; Volume II: Sha'arei Shamayim [prayers for festivals]. Printed at the author's home in Altona, 1745-1747. ...
LOT 62: Siddur Rabbi Shabtai. Koritz, 1794. Prayers for Festivals with the Passover Haggadah and High Holiday Prayers. First Edition. Prayer services for the entire year with Kavanot HeAr"i . Siddur with the Sephard text and customs and yichudim from the Ba'al Shem Tov, with Hagahot V'Dikdukei Sofrim ...
LOT 63: First Printing: Siddur Rebbi Koppel - the Segulah Siddur Chassidic Patriarchs Used. Kabbalistic Glosses. Siddur HeAr"i Kol Ya'akov - known by its nickname, as Siddur Rebbi Koppel , after the name of its author, Rabbi Ya'akov Koppel Lipschutz, one of the leading disciples of the Ba'al Shem Tov. ...
LOT 64: Chassidic Siddur - First Edition Published by the Admo"r Rabbi Shlomo Chaim Perlow. Prayer book for the whole year per the Sephard custom, adorned and inlaid with every segulah and delight:1. Derech HaChaim HaShalem 2. Kohelet Shlomo - anthology of required legal novellae compiled from ...
LOT 65: Siddur Olat Tamid. Premishlan, 1896. First Edition. Prayer book including prayers for the entire year per the Sephard custom. With the Olat Tamid Parde"s -style commentary authored by Rabbi Nathan Nota of Shinowa, accompanied by Sefer Arugot HaBosem , a commentary on Shir HaShirim by Rabbi Moshe ...
LOT 66: Siddur Chemdat Yisrael - Kavanat HeAr"i. Munkacs, 1901. First Edition. Segulah Book. " ... my faithful counsel is to purchase this siddur as an excellent protection for one's home from all plague and disease, and for an abundance of blessing and success, offspring, long life and plentiful ...
LOT 67: Machzor for the Three Pilgrimage Festivals. Slavuta, 1821. Machzor for the three pilgrimage festivals per the custom of Poland, Pihem, Mähren, Lithuania and Reisin ... with a commentary and cantillation for the meggilot and biblical texts ... Slavuta, Rabbi Moshe Shapira Press. Including Ivri ...
LOT 68: Chumash Bereishit. Slavuta, 1836[?]. Chumash Bereishit with Rash"i's commentary, Targum Onkelos, and the Ba'al HaTurim's commentary. Slavuta, Rabbi Shmuel Avraham Shapira Press. 1836[?]. Chumash printed in sanctity by Rabbi Shmuel Avraham Shapira at the renowned press in Slavuta. The ...
LOT 69: Chumash with the Ohr HaChaim Commentary and Siddur with the Sephard Text. Zhitomir, 1865. Chumash VaYikra with Targum Onkelos, commentaries by Rash"i, Ba'al HaTurim, Siftei Chachamim and the Ohr HaChaim's commentary. With the prayer service for Shabbat in Sephard text. Zhitomir, Rabbi Chanina ...
LOT 70: Techinot Mikra Kodesh. Shapira Press, Zhitomir, 1864. Rare. Kuntress Techinot Mikra Kodesh - supplications for Birkat HaChodesh , with the times of the moladot of the new months. Zhitomir, Shapira brothers. 1864. Rare - bibliographically unknown. The supplications are in Yiddish. With a list of ...
LOT 71: Sidduro shel Shabbat - Zhitomir, 1849. Sidduro shel Shabbat - on the sanctity of Shabbat per Kabbalah and Chassidut, by Rabbi Chaim Tirer, av beit din of Chernowitz. Zhitomir, Rabbi Chanina Lipa, Rabbi Aryeh Leib and Rabbi Yehoshua Heschel Shapira's press - grandsons of the rabbi of Slavuta. ...
LOT 72: Chiddushei HeChata"m Sofer Handwritten by his Leading Disciple, the Mahara"m Schick. From Moshe to Moshe, none arose like Moshe! Leaf of Torah novellae on Tractate Nedarim from the teacher of the entire Jewish people, the Chata"m Sofer, penned by his leading disciple and successor to the ...
LOT 73: Handwritten and Signed Blessing from the Chazon Ish in his Book Chazon Ish on Tractates Demai and Ma'asrot. Sefer Chazon Ish on Demai, Ma'asrot and various compilations [by Rabbi Avraham Yeshayahu Karelitz]. Jerusalem, Shemittah year - 1937-8. First edition. Handwritten dedication and blessing ...
LOT 74: Kehillot Ya'akov. Copy that Belonged to the Author, the Steipler. Kehillot Ya'akov Part IX - deliberations, elucidations and in-depth studies of several deep topics by Rabbi Yisrael Ya'akov Kanievsky. Jerusalem, 1954. Author's signature on the title page: Yisrael Ya'akov Kanievsky. With the ...
LOT 75: HeAruch HeChadash - Copy that Belonged to the Admo"r of Radzyn, the "Ba'al HaTecheilet". HaMashbir or HeAruch HeChadash is a large and important elucidation of words in the Talmuds and midrashim , similar to the Sefer HeAruch, with an elucidation in German by Rabbi Yosef Sheinhoch. Warsaw, 1858. ...
LOT 76: Emek Yehoshua, Copy that Belonged to the Admo"r Rabbi Yechezkel HaLevi of Ostrovtza. Glosses. Emek Yehoshua , novellae on Talmudic topics and issues by Rabbi Yehoshua Isaac Shapira, with "Sefat HaEmek" - supplements by his son and disciple Rabbi Moshe Shapira. Pietrkov, 1896. Signatures and ...
LOT 77: Rishon LeTziyon by the Ohr HaChaim HaKadosh. Pedigree Copy - Belonged to the Author of Etz Chaim of Sighet and his Son Rabbi Meshulam Zusha. Sefer Rishon LeTziyon - commentary on several books of Prophets by Rabbeinu Chaim ben Attar. Warsaw, 1896. Notation on the inner part of the back binding: ...
LOT 78: Ohel David by Rabbi David Deutch. Two Books. With the Author's Handwritten Glosses . Ohel David on Tractate Yevamot by Rabbi David Deutch. Vienna, 1825. Two lengthy glosses handwritten by the author. Especially lengthy scholarly inscription on the blank page at the end, in a different script. ...
LOT 79: Imrei Binah. Jerusalem. First Edition. Glosses by Rabbi Hillel Meshel Gelbstein. Imrei Binah - novellae on Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim and Yoreh Deah, and responsa, by Rabbi Meir Auerbach. Jerusalem, 1871. First edition. The author, renowned as the rabbi of Kalisch, ascended to Jerusalem in ...
LOT 80: Ben Ish Chai, Copy that Belonged to the Author's Disciple Chacham Menashe Salman Sharabani. Sefer Ben Ish Chai - sermons for all the Shabbats of the year by Rabbi Yosef Chaim of Baghdad, author of Ben Ish Chai. Jerusalem, 1904. Personal copy of the G-dly Kabbalist Chacham Menashe Salman ...
LOT 81: Ohr Chadash - Many Lengthy Glosses Handwritten by the "Lechem Shlomo" of Shamloy. Sefer Ohr Chadash on Tractate Pesachim by the gaon Rabbi Elazar Clear. Yosefov, 1858. Copy that belonged to the renowned gaon Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Ehrenreich of Shamloy, author of Lechem Shlomo - one of the leading ...
LOT 82: Sefer Chochmat Adam. First Edition. Vilna, 1815. Rare. Chochmat Adam - novellae and commentary on the halachahs in Yoreh Deah by the mighty gaon Rabbi Avraham Danzig, author of Chayyei Adam . With the second part, known as Binat Adam . Vilna, 1815-1816. Rare first edition. Incomplete copy in ...
LOT 83: Gemara that Belonged to the Gaon Rabbi Shimon Sofer with a Gloss that Mentions the Chata"m Sofer. Volume of Seder Moed from the Talmud Yerushalmi. Tractates: Yuma, Shekalim, Sukkah, Rosh HaShanah, Beitzah, Ta'anit, Meggilah, Chagigah. Printed by Rabbi Chanina Lipa and Rabbi Yehoshua Heschel ...
LOT 84: Takfu Kohen. First Edition. Dozens of Handwritten Glosses by the Av Beit Din of Ludmir. Not Printed. Sefer Takfu Kohen on the rules of comprehension. One of the most famous and important in-depth books of all generations, by Rabbeinu Shabtai HaKohen Katz, author of Siftei Kohen - the 'Sha"ch.' ...
LOT 85: Shu"t Chacham Tzvi. Copy that Belonged to Rabbi Shimshon Raphael Hirsch. Responsa by Rabbi Tzvi Ashkenazi - the Chacham Tzvi. Furth, 1767. Book by the leading warrior against the Sabbateans - personal copy that belonged to the leading warrior against Reform. At the top of the title page is ...
LOT 86: Nefesh HaChaim, Vilna, 1837. Copy that Belonged to the Gaon and Tzaddik Rabbi Eliyahu Dushnitzer. Nefesh HaChaim - topics in mussar , Kabbalah and deep Jewish thought by Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin, leading and primary disciple of the Vilna Gaon. Second edition, edited by his son Yitzchak. Vilna ...
LOT 87: Handwritten Responsum by the Maharika"sh. Cairo, 16th Century. Autograph. Wonderful responsum by Rabbeinu the Maharika"sh, in which he was asked about the blessing HaRav et Riveinu , and was asked to explain the meaning of the apparent repetition in the blessing. In his responsum (followed by ...
LOT 88: Expert Person, Expert Amulet: Rare Blessings for Wealth and Long Life Signed by the 'Sdei Chemed'. "May Hashem fulfill all your wishes for the good, may you live and may He give you from the gold of Sheba even until advanced old age, the youth Chaim Chizkiyahu Medini" Important and lengthy ...
LOT 89: Impressive Document With a Handwritten and Signed Addition from Rabbi Avraham Son of R' Chaim Palagi. Izmir, 1879. Large, impressive document - letter of absolution signed on the 4th day of Cheshvan at a beit din in Izmir, 1879. The document was signed between two partners who are mentioned by ...
LOT 90: Complete Kuntress Loaded with Wondrous Kabbalistic Blessings Handwritten by the 'Kaf HaChaim' Himself. "Wondrous herb that revives the dead, wondrous ash that overturns ruins, precious gems and pearls, wondrous miracles, wondrous blessings and Kabbalistic Names" and much more, handwritten by ...
LOT 91: Segulah for a Spouse and Wealth: Kuntress Loaded with Blessings Handwritten by the Ben Ish Chai. "To receive this reward with huge multiplicity with the fruits and fruits of the fruits" (one of the innumerable blessings) Complete compilation rare in length and content, covering over 70 pages ...
LOT 92: Incomparable Amulet! "Children, Long Life and Sustenance" Handwritten by the Ben Ish Chai - Known as a Tried-and-True Amulet. "I will fill their storehouses with offspring, wealth and life" - all the blessings a person could wish for himself! Bar mitzvah speech that has never been printed ...
LOT 93: Manuscript: Torah Novellae, Riddles and Jokes by Rabbi Yosef Simchon - When he was Only 14 Years Old!!!. Notepad in clear penmanship with Torah novellae, various compilations, riddles, rhymes and witty jokes by the youth Yosef Simchon. Jaffa, 1869-1870. Written when he was only 14 years old!! ...
LOT 94: Never Before Seen! General Amulet for all Diseases and Patients, Handwritten by the G-dly Kabbalist Rabbi Yehudah Pattiyah. "Extends life and heals pain, affliction, wound and injury" (from the manuscript) Complete manuscript, lengthy and detailed, across four pages handwritten by the G-dly ...
LOT 95: Sefer HaGoralot by the Elder Kabbalist Rabbi Kadouri, in his Script. Compilation written on [24] leaves documenting one hundred petitions to Rabbi Kadouri for miraculous salvation and predicting the future. Alongside each one of the names are precise details in Rabbi Kadouri's script as to how ...
LOT 96: Letter from Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef about Carmel Mizrachi that Spurred a Huge Controversy. Halachic responsum - important, current and interesting. Entirely handwritten and signed by the Rishon LeTziyon Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef. Jerusalem, 1984. This responsum caused a huge controversy at the time. ...
LOT 97: Vowelized Taklil. Yemen, 1894. Impressive Volume. Thick handwritten volume - Yemenite Taklil including prayers for weekdays, Shabbat and annual festivals. Yemen, late 19th century. Extraordinarily beautiful Yemenite script, the work of an expert scribe. Impressive copy. Detailed Hebrew calendar ...
LOT 98: Manuscript by the Rasha"sh. Kabbalistic Names and Blessings. With Differences from the Printed Version. "To enact supernatural miracles for them" (one of the many blessings) Two pages on deep Kabbalistic topics - some of which have never been printed - entirely handwritten by the G-dly ...
LOT 99: Maggid Meisharim - Yemen, 1689. Complete Manuscript!. "Elucidations by luminaries of great and lofty secrets that were revealed to a man ... the prince of Torah, Rabbi Yosef Karo, z"l, as printed in Lublin, 1646. Written by the scribe Ya'akov ben B'Sa'adiah ben Yeshua ben Shlomo HaLevi. Kabir ...
LOT 100: Passover Haggadah. Aden, 1896. Yemenite manuscript including a Passover haggadah, Seder Hoshanot and songs for Simchat Torah. Separate title pages. Written for "... Shalom Moshe" one of the prominent members of the Aden community, by a professional scribe who marked his name with the ...
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