LOT 081:
Leaf handwritten and signed by Maran the Chazon Ish. Exciting letter handwritten by the Chazon Ish, in which he expresses interest in the physical and spiritual wellbeing of the recipient. It was brief, as was his style: “my dear Shimon please let me know how you are doing and how your Torah ...
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LOT 082:
Kadosh v’Nora: Handwritten signature of the gaon Rabbi Mordechai Baneth, on a manuscript booklet with divrei torah by Hungarian and Moravian rabbis, those of his generation, never before printed. Booklet from a yeshiva student in Ettingen, 41 pages packed with divrei torah on the parshiyot of ...
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LOT 083:
Holy of holies: Chiddushei Torah handwritten by Maran the Chatam Sofer. A leaf of paper written on both sides by Rabbeinu Moshe Sofer of Pressburg, the Chatam Sofer. The writing includes chiddushei Torah handwritten by the Chatam Sofer, with the note at the top of the page: “B’ezrat Hashem ...
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LOT 084:
Sefer Zera Berach Shlishi. Copy of Rabbi Yaakov Shemesh, rabbi of the Chatam Sofer. First edition, Halle, 1714. Zera Baireich Shlishi, a commentary on the Torah by Rabbi Berachya Beirach. [1717]. The end of the book was never printed; only the section on Genesis was printed and then the ...
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LOT 085:
Copy owned by a student of the gaon Rabbi Akiva Eiger with wonderful hand-drawn charts regarding the laws of kiddush hachodesh. Set of the Yad Chazaka of the Rambam. Dihrenport 1809-1814. Set of four volumes, the Mishneh Torah/Yad Chazaka of the Rambam, with the commentaries Maggid Mishnah ...
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LOT 086:
Strongly worded letter by Rabbi Avraham Binyamin Kluger, son of Rav Shlomo Kluger. Brody 1894. Postcard handwritten and signed by Rabbi Avraham Binyamin Kluger, addressed to Rabbi Avner Katvan, a rabbi in Romania, with strong words of encouragement to stand up for truth and strengthen ...
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LOT 087:
Long halachic tshuva handwritten and signed by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Greenfeld, Av Beit Din of Sajószentpéter. 1941. Long halachic tshuva handwritten and signed by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Greenfeld hy”d, Av Beit Din of Sajószentpéter (northern Hungary), on permitting a business to operate on Shabbos in ...
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LOT 088:
Glosses handwritten by the kabbalist Rabbi Avraham Gershon of Kitov, brother-in-law of the Baal Shem Tov and a leader of the Ashkenazi community in Israel. Glosses handwritten by Rabbi Gershon Kitover, brother-in-law and student of the Baal Shem Tov, on a manuscript of the book Etz Chaim by ...
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LOT 089:
An incredibly holy object: Channukiyah of Rabbi Levi Yitzhak of Berdichev. A once-in-a-generation type opportunity to possess a holy object, the actual channukiyah used by Rabbi Levi Yitzhak of Berdichev, the author of the Kedushat Levi, who lit it in holiness and full kavana of the mitzvot ...
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LOT 090:
Glosses from the Admor Rabbi Meir of Przmyslan on the book Pri Etz Chaim—Koritz 1785. Sections from the Pri Etz Chaim, by Rabbi Chaim Vittel (the Maharhav), a foundational kabbalistic work drawn from his rabbi, the Ari, printed by students of the Baal Shem Tov in Koritz in 1785, with glosses and ...
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LOT 091:
Kiddush cup made from segulah coins from tzaddikim, with a single coin which was left whole. Silver kiddush cup made by a professional silversmith. The family who deposited this for sale (who lack basic knowledge of the Chassidic world) knew to say that the cup was made from coins given by ...
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LOT 092:
privileged: Amulet on parchment from the holy hands of the tsaddik, the Admor Rabbi Yeshayle Krestirer—rare. Before us is a rare and extremely exciting item for those engaged in acquisitions of Chassidic material and lovers of tsaddikim—an amulet given by the Tzaddik from Krestir to someone ...
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LOT 093:
Chassidic Psalms in which the kabbalist and tzaddik Rabbi Yosef Woltuch shed tears for the Redemption of the Jewish people. A number of kvitlach are among the pages, as well as a note on the Chassidic yichus of the owner, handwritten. Chassidic psalms with commentaries from rabbis of the ...
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LOT 094:
. Pair of Rashi tefillin owned by the Gahach Rabbi Gad’l Eisner, also worn by the Admor the Nahalat Dan of Mozhitz at the end of his life. Pair of tefillin worn by Rabbi Gad’l Eisner, the mashgiach of the Chiddushei HaRim yeshiva of Gur in Tel Aviv, since his arrival in Israel following the ...
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LOT 095:
Kabbalistic, Chassidic notes with citations for the Komarna sefarim, on the book Likkutei Torah by Rabbi Chaim Vittel. Vilna 1880. Likkutei Torah by Rabbi Chaim Vittel, deep mysteries of the Tanach. A small number of moth holes, good condition. Among the pages are around 20 notes referencing ...
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LOT 096:
2 sections of the Shulchan Aruch Orech Chaim HaRav; second edition. [Sadilkov] 1726, printed for the first time with the approbation of the Maggid of Chernobyl. “Shulchan Aruch Orech Chaim from his holinesss … Marana v’Rabana Schneur Zalman … with the addition on the Rishonim: A. Siman 175 and ...
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LOT 097:
Early and rare edition of the book Kitzur Likkutei Moharan—Lemberg/Zolkwa, 1849(?). “The wise man will study this book and keep it beside him to study his whole life, this one and the next.” Kitzur Likkutei Moharan, collected by Rabbi Natan of Breslav from the Likkutei Moharan, in accordance ...
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LOT 098:
2 chassidic works, first editions. Imrei Shoham—Kolomiya 1880; Minchat Yisrael and Emunat Yisrael, Lemberg 1879. “it is a great mitzvah that the book should be in the Jewish home, it is a great safeguard in the home.” Imrei Shoham—chiddushim on sugiyot of Shas, by Rabbi Moshe Shoham of ...
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LOT 099:
A collection of 5 volumes of the book Imrei Yosef Spinka on the Torah and the festivals, first edition. The book Imrei Yosef, chiddushim on the Torah in the approach of kabbalah and Chassidut by Rabbi Yosef Meir Weiss, the first rebbe and founder of the Spinka dynasty. First edition. A ...
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LOT 100:
Extremely rare: Chiddushei Torah on the Yoreh De’ah handwritten by the Admor Ahavas Yisrael of Vizhnitz—on the Sefer Minchat Patim. Chiddushei Torah on Shulchan Aruch Yoreh De’ah, handwritten by the Admor Rabbi Yisrael Hager of Vizhnitz, the Ahavas Yisrael, written between 1900-1910 (approx.). ...
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LOT 101:
Chiddushei Torah handwritten by the Admor Rabbi Eliezer Hager (the Damesek Eliezer) – on “Hadran L’Chibur Reishit Torah L’Tchilata” (linking the end of the Torah to the beginning). Leaf with chiddushim, written on both sides, on a variety of issues. Handwritten by the Admor Rabbi Eliezer Hager ...
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LOT 102:
Letter filled with tochechot and mussar, handwritten and isgned by the Rahak Rabbi Mordechai Chaim of Slonim, “Rabbi Motil Slonimer”, leader of the Chassidic community of Slonim. Letter filled with rebukes and mussar on the behavior of bachurim in yeshiva, handwritten and signed by Rabbi ...
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LOT 103:
Rare brachot for wellbeing and nachat, and for a Chag Pesach, handwritten by the Admor Rabbi Avraham Elimelech of Karlin. Letter signed by the Admor Rabbi Avraham Elimelech Perlov of Karlin. A response to a kvitl sent to him by Rabbi Aharon Haltovsky, “from the Avrech Reb Menachem Mendel ben ...
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LOT 104:
10 personal, family letters handwritten by the Admor of Spikov-Roshkov, Rabbi Moshe David Twersky. Wada Roshkov 1934. Packet of 10 letters in Yiddish, handwritten and signed by the Admor Rabbi Moshe David Twersky of Roshkov. Personal/family letters sent to his sister and her children. When he ...
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LOT 105:
Letter handwritten by the Admor Rabbi Ben Zion Leib Twersky of Hornsteipel. Sent from Tel Aviv! 1936—the only year that he was in Tel Aviv. Letter handwritten and signed by the Admor Twersky of Hornsteipel, sent to his brothers who remained in Antwerp. From 1936, the only year that he lived ...
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LOT 106:
Never appeared at auction: letter handwritten and signed by the Admor Rabbi Yisrael Aryeh of Skelivka (Przmyslan). New York 1937. Letter on official letterhead, handwritten and signed by the Admor Rabbi Yisrael Aryeh Leib of Skelivka-New York, from “Wednesday of Parshat Ekev, 1937, here in New ...
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LOT 107:
“In England Judaism is steadily declining and no one cares for its fate”. Letter handwritten and signed by the Admor Rabbi Yerucham Leiner of Radzin. 1943 during WWII. Letter on official letterhead, handwritten and signed by the Admor. Written during the height of the Shoah, during Aseret Yemei ...
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LOT 108:
“La’alot Le’Ma’alah b’Torah v’Avodah”—handwritten letter signed by the Admor Rabbi Eliezer Twersky of Skvira-Poltischan. Brooklyn 1968. “To my friend…vayavo Yaakov Shalom like Mohar Yaakov shlita, may he merit blessings to grow his sons and students…may they rise in Torah and avodah like his ...
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LOT 109:
Lines of recommendation handwritten by the Admor Rabbi Yoel of Satmar, for the “Beit Neeman” institute. 1968. Letter of recommendation for the “Beit Neeman” institute in Bnei Brak for Charedi girls from African countries. Fax paper sent to the US, in which he adds handwritten lines: “it is a ...
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LOT 110:
Emotional letter signed by the Admor Shefah Chaim of Kloisenberg, to the Deputy Minister of Education Rabbi Kalman Kahane. Kiryat Sanz, 1963. Typewritten letter on official letterhead of the Admor Rabbi Yekutiel Yehuda Halberstam, Kiryat Sanz (Netanya). From 17th of Kislev 1963, addressed to the ...
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LOT 111:
Handwritten signature of the Admor Rabbi Eliezer Zusya of Skolin, on a membership certificate of the Chesed L’Avraham institutions. Official membership card to a donor to Chesed L’Avraham, which supported orphans and other needy persons and established educational institutions and ulpans across ...
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LOT 112:
Letter with handwritten signature of the Admor Rabbi Mordechai Shlomo of Boyan, with a request for assistance for his well-known chassid Rabbi Ben Zion Rachman. New York 1965. Letter on official letterhead signed by the Admor Rabbi Mordechai Shlomo Friedman of Boyan. From Wednesday of the week ...
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LOT 113:
Letter signed (with an additional handwritten bit) by the Admor of Babov, Rabbi Shlomo Halberstam. Nissan 1973. Letter from the Admor Rabbi Shlmo Halberstam of Babov, sent to Rabbi Yoel Hirschprung regarding the publication of the book “Shem Olam.” Signed in the unique manner by the Admor, with ...
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LOT 114:
Huge, wonderful original oil painting on canvas: the Admor Maggid of Kozhnitz (the Avodas Yisrael) on Sukkot, painted by the artist Natan Cooper. Signed. Wonderful artistic painting depicting the Admor Rabbi Yisrael Hopstein (the Avodas Yisrael, also called the Maggid of Kozhnitz, a student of ...
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