LOTE 1: Sefer Kol Bo. With The Stamp of the Sephardi Beit Midrash of Harlem. Venice, 1567. Sefer Kol Bo, authored by one of the leading Rishonim, is an early Halachic book, printed anonymously. The book includes approx. 150 sections dealing with blessings, prayers, customs of Shabbat and Holidays ...
LOTE 2: Tzeidah LaDerech. Signature of Rabbi David Piazza, One of Firenze’s Sages. 1523. . Single Edition. Rare!Tzeidah LaDerech comprises of elucidations on Rashi and the Re’em’s commentaries on the Torah, as well as Rashi’s other commentaries. Authored by Rabbi Yissachar Ber Eilenburg, author of ...
LOTE 3: Sefer HaYashar by Chacham Rabbeinu Tam. Venice, 1544. . This is a most rare and unique copy, remarkable beautiful and complete.Only one earlier edition (Constantinople 1515) is known. Sefer HaYashar authored by Rabbi Zerachiah the Greet, and attributed in error to Rabbeinu Tam. Includes ...
LOTE 4: Sefer HaMitzvot LeHaRambam. Amsterdam, 1660. Signatures. Sefer HaMitzvot LeHaRambam along with the Ramban’s comprehension. With the ‘Megillat Esther’ composition which presents the Ramban’s understanding of the Rambam’s work. Authored by Rabbi Yitzchak di Lyon. The author of the commentary on ...
LOTE 5: Toldot Yitzchak. Riva de Trento, 1558. Beautiful Copy. The first or second book printed in Riva de Trento, by the uncle and teacher of Maran the Beit Yosef. The book, Toldot Yitzchak is comprised of homilies and elucidations on Chamishah Chumshei Torah by Rabbi Yitzchak Caro, uncle and ...
LOTE 6: Shulchan Arba. Prague, 1595. . Exceedingly rare edition. Laws and Practices of Meals, with an explanation of the righteous men’s meal in the Days to Come. Authored by Rabbeinu Bachaye son of Asher Ibn Halawa. Early edition of this prominent book authored by Rabbeinu Bachaye. The fourth ...
LOTE 7: Rabbeinu Asher on HaHalichot (Halachot) Ketanot. Some Glosses. Venice, 1522. Bomberg Print. . One of the Press First Products of a Rare Sefer Yesod. First Edition. Post Incunabule: Rabbeinu Asher al HaHalichot Ketanot [Laws of Sefer Torah, Mezuzah, Tefillin, Tzitzit, Tumat Kohanim, Challah ...
LOTE 8: Shu”t HaRosh. Handwritten Ownership Listings. Venice, 1552. . Nice Copy. Responsa of the Rosh by Rabbi Asher son of Yechiel of Lunel, one of the Ba’alei Tosafot. A second edition of the Responsa of the Rosh that was printed in Constantinople, 1517 included Mareh Mekomot by Rabbi Meir son of ...
LOTE 9: Shu”t MaHaram MiLublin (Me’ir Einei Chachamim). Venice, 1617. . Extremely Rare: Sefer Yesod. First Print. Book of responsa by a leading and brilliant Torah scholar, Rabbi Meir of Lublin. First edition of one of the most prominent Halachic works of a leading Torah sage. It is exceedingly ...
LOTE 10: Otzar Chaim. Pedigree Copy Belonging to Rabbi Moshe Rephael son of Rabbi Shmuel Ottolenghi. Venice, 1683. . Single edition of The First Medical Treatise Composed in the Hebrew Language. Rare. Fundamental, comprehensive medical composition pertaining to an array of maladies and their cures ...
LOTE 11: Kad HaKemach. Venice, 1546. Second Edition. Rare and exceptionally beautiful copy of the famous book of homiletics and ethics. The book Kad Hakemach, homiletics and teachings of ethics according to the aleph-bet. Authored by Rabbeinu Bachayei. In this second edition, references to verses ...
LOTE 12: Gemul Atalia. Amsterdam, 1770. . Beautiful and complete copy of a poetic play and songs. Significant and rare book by a learned scholar descended from the Marrannos. The book Gemul Atalia, a poetic play that includes the chronicles of King Yo'ash in poetry, by David Franco Mendez, a ...
LOTE 13: She'arit Yehuda. Salonika, 1600. Very Rare. First Printing of one of the significant Halachah books, from the Taitachek family. Novellae and glosses on Beit Yosef Yoreh De'ah, Halachic rulings and responsa from Rabbi Shmuel Taitchek (Piskei Mar Shmuel) and from his brother, the Gaon Rabbi ...
LOTE 14: Krovetz Machzor. Amsterdam, 1670. . Very Rare. Not Seen In Public Auctions. This is a Machzor with Krovot (Krovetz), Yotzrot and Prayers for the Days of Awe (Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur. With translation into the Ashkenaz language in Tzena Ure’ena (Hebrew) letters. Krovah / Krovetz. ...
LOTE 15: Mizmor LeToda (Tehillim). Venice, 1576. First Edition. Outstandingly beautiful copy of a rare book which was authored out of thanks to G-d for recovery from illness. The book, Mizmor LeTodah, is an elucidation on Tehillim, with the verses of Tehillim. Authored by Rabbi Shmuel Aripol who ...
LOTE 16: Beit Yisrael on the Tur Yoreh De’ah (Drishah Uprisha). Lublin, 1635. . first edition copy of a Halachic Sefer Yesod. A first edition copy of Beit Yisrael on the Tur, Yoreh De’ah with the Drisha and Prisha explanations authored by Rabbi Yehoshua Hakohen Falk, a disciple of the Rema and the ...
LOTE 17: Torat HaChatat. Cracow, 1577. Second Edition with Author’s Addendums. Rare!. Most rare and complete copy of a fundamental Halachic book. The book, Torat HaChatat is comprised of laws of permitted and forbidden matters, as per the customs of Poland and Ashkenaz. Authored, by the Rema, Rabbi ...
LOTE 18: Gevurot Hashem. [Passover Haggadah by the MaHaral of Prague]. Copy Belonging to Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Lehren With his notes. Cracow, 1582. First Print. Printed During the Author’s Lifetime. Sefer Yesod!. Commentary on the Passover Haggadah, authored by the MaHaral MiPrague, Rabbi Yehuda Loew. ...
LOTE 19: Sefer Ot Emet. Salonika, 1565. . Most Impressive Copy- One of Salonika’s earliest and most rare printings- It is highly unusual to find books printed in Salonika in such good condition as this copy! The book, Ot Emet was authored by Rabbi Meir Benveniste. It is comprised of glosses and ...
LOTE 20: Sefer HaZichronot, Ten Chapters of Reminders to Fulfil Mitzvot Whose Practice Has Waned in Communities. Prague, circa. 1650. . First Edition. Rare. Sefer HaZichronot, with matters that are relevant to young and old, in honor of G-d and His creations (by Rabbi Shmuel Abuhav). Prague, circa ...
LOTE 21: Mashmia Yeshuah by Rabbi Don Yitzchak Abarbanel. Amsterdam, 1644. Second Edition. Title Page not Bibliographically Known. The book, Mashmia Yeshuah is an elucidation on quotes from Shas and the Midrash regarding the days of Redemption. Authored by Rabbi Don Yitzchak Abarbanel. The ...
LOTE 22: Ateret Zekeinim by Rabbi Don Yitzchak Abarbanel. Amsterdam, 1739. Ateret Zekeinim by Rabbi Don Yitzchak Abarbanel. The sefer includes an elucidation on the verse “Behold I am sending an angel before you” (Parshat Ki-Sisa). Along with this composition, Rabbi Abarbanel authored the book, Tzurat ...
LOTE 23: Ir Giborim. Copy Owned by Rabbi Gavriel Grombach With Most Intriguing Notation! Basel, 1580. First Edition. Kli Yakar’s first homiletic compostiiong. Rare! Complete copy of the book, Ir Girborim, authored by the Kli Yakar, Rabbi Ephraim Lunschitz. This is Rabbi Lunschitz’s first published ...
LOTE 24: Ittur Bikurim. Commentary on the Ba’al HaTurim. Furth, 1751. With Author’s Handwritten Dedication. The book, Itur Bikurim is a commentary on the Ba’al HaTurim on the Torah. Authored by the Furth community’s cantor, Rabbi Baruch ben Elkana. The Ba’al HaTurim commentary by Rabbi Yaakov, is one ...
LOTE 25: Shtei Yadot. Venice, 1618. . First Edition of Rabbi Menachem de Lonzano (The Ramdal) book. The book, Shtei Yadot, is comprised of Midrashic explanations of Chazal, prayers, liturgical poems and more. Authored by Rabbi Menachem de Lonzano. The book includes ten compositions, amalgamated into ...
LOTE 26: Mateh Dan (HaKuzari HaSheni). Owners’ Signatures. Unique Copy. London, 1714. . First Edition. One of the First Hebrew Books Printed in England. The book, Mateh Dan – HaKuzari HaSheni. Proof of the authenticity of the Oral Torah. Authored by Rabbi David Nito, Rabbi of the Sephardi community ...
LOTE 27: Ayil Meshulash LeHaGra. Book On Trigonometry and Geometry. Vilna and Grodna, 1834. . Unusually beautiful copy of the Gra’s mathematics and geometry book. First Print. Explanation on the wisdom of geometry and trigonometry as well as engineering theories and algebra. Authored by the great and ...
LOTE 28: Sefer Agor. Rimini, 1525. . A Beautiful Copy of Halachic composition and early customs on Orach Chaim and Yoreh De’ah topics. With Handwritten Signature, Gloss and Correction. The composition is a synthesis of Halachah and Kabbalah, and quotes the holy Zohar. Many Halachic works refer to this ...
LOTE 29: Shu”t Ohel Yaakov (Sasportas). Amsterdam, 1737. . Complete and rare copy- The single edition of the book of responsa from the great opponent of Sabbateanism, which was censored. The book Ohel Yaakov, responsa on the four sections of Shulchan Aruch from the Gaon Rabbi Yaakov Sasportas, one of ...
LOTE 30: Arba’ah Turim. Impressive Set with Handwritten Glosses. Venice 1522-1523. . This is likely the most beautiful of all early editions of the Arba’ah Turim. It features quality, bold print in beautiful lettering, and the layout is superb. Daniel Bomberg Post Incunabula. Arba’ah Turim, Orach ...
LOTE 31: Toldot Aharon. Freiburg, 1583. . First Edition by Rabbi Aharon of Pissarro: One of the first and most fundamental reference books, via which one can find where any verse from Tanach is mentioned in the Talmud, and which homiletical interpretations are given by the sages on it. From the year ...
LOTE 32: Set Mishna Torah LeRambam. Printed by Yisrael Beck of Berdichev. Pedigree Copies. Prominent Stamps. Berdichev, (1809, 1818-1819). Set Mishna Torah LeRambam, 4 volumes. One volume is an 1809 edition; 3 volumes are 1812-1821 editions. With approbations of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev. ...
LOTE 33: Zohar. Sulzbach, 1684. Large and Striking Volume. Prominent Signatures. The First Zohar Printed in Ashkenaz! The book of the Zohar was authored by the saintly sage, Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai zy”a. This edition was printed by Cremona and Lublin presses. With additions and commentaries of ...
LOTE 34: Sefer Goralot. Geisa (Giessen), 1714. Rare!. One of only eight Hebrew books printed in Geisa (Giessen). The book, Goralot, attributed to Rabbi Sa’adya Gaon. Geisa, (Giessen), Germany, 1714. The title page bears an ownership listing. 30 pages. 14.5 cm. Good condition. On leaf 7 and 8 a tear ...
LOTE 35: Shefa Tal. With a Kabbalah Manuscript. Hanau, 1612. With Numerous Kabbalistic Illustrations. Fundamental Kabbalah Book. First Edition. The book, Shefa Tal, is comprised of the fundamental wisdom of truth, and introductions for those commencing Kabbalah study. Authored by the saintly ...
LOTE 36: Avkat Rochel. Venice, 1567. Polemic Denouncing Christianity. A rare edition of a rare polemic against Christianity. The book, Avkat Rochel, includes, ‘Many novel concepts and great mysteries.’ Compilation on an array of enigmatic topics including the end of days, battles during the era of ...
LOTE 37: Sodot Gedolim MeChachmei HaEmet. Constantinople, 1515. . Ancient Kabbalah book- One of the first books printed in Constantinople, from the writings of Rabbi Moshe de Leon- revealer of the Zohar. Post-Incunabula. The Second Kabbalah Book Printed in Constantinople. First Print of Writings ...
LOTE 38: Derech Emunah. Constantinople, 1522. . Exceedingly Rare. First edition. Lunzer Collection. The book, Derech Emunah, is comprised of philosophical studies on matters of faith. Authored by Rabbi Avraham son of Rabbi Shem Tov Ben Bivgi. Numerous handwritten corrections, penned in ancient ...
LOTE 39: Neve Shalom. Constatinople, 1538-1539. First Edition. Fundamental Book. Particularly beautiful and complete copy From the exclusive and famed Valmadonna Library. Neve Shalom is a philosophical composition dealing with topics of faith, Kabbalah, nature, greatness of the Torah, prophecy, and ...
LOTE 40: Sefer HaShorashim. Constantinople, 1513. . Post-Incunabula From the Valmadona collection. Sefer HaShorashim, Volume Two. Famed composition of Rabbi David son of Yosef son of Kimchi (Known as The Radak). The book is part of the composition, “HaMichlol”. The endpaper features various ancient ...
LOTE 41: Amudei Golah [Sefer Mitzvot Katan]. Pedigree Copy Belonging to Rabbi Yitzchak Ardit.Constantinople, 1510. . One of the earliest books printed in Constantinople. First Edition. Exceedingly Rare. The book, Amudei Golah, is referred to as Sefer Mitzvot Katan, authored by Rabbeinu Yitzchak of ...
LOTE 42: Tapuchei Zahav (Yesod Shirim). Tiengen, 1559/1560. First Edition. Rare. It is most rare to discover a complete copy of this book. Not found in Public Auctions. The title page have the words “Tapuchei Zahav” in bold, so its easy to erroneously assume this is the name of the book. However, as ...
LOTE 43: She'arei Teshuva – From the Renowned Library of Arie Leib Friedlander. Constantinople, 1511. The famous book of Rabbenu Yonah Gerondi, and one of the most important works in the field of mussar literature. The book has been printed in close to a hundred editions over the years. Post ...
LOTE 44: Shu”t HaRashba (Attributed to the Ramban). Venice, 1519. Daniel Bomberg Press. First Edition Of Shut HaRashba. Rare. Questions and answers by Rabbi Moshe son of Nachman. Compilations of Questions and Answers by Rabbi Shlomo son of Aderet (Rashba) and erroneously attributed to the Ramban. ...
LOTE 45: Mishnayot With Commentaries of The Rambam and Rabbi Ovadia Bartenura. Riva de Trinto, 1559. . An early edition of the Rambam and Bartenura commentaries on the Mishna. Six Books of the Mishna bound together in one volume, with the commentaries of the Rambam and Rabbi Ovadia Bartenura. Within ...
LOTE 46: Shu”t Radach. Copy Owned by Rabbi Akiva Breslau Ra’avad Altona and Rabbi Eizik Berlin. Constantinople, 1537. First Print With Handwritten Glosses. The Responsa of the Radach are some of his responsa that were printed by his son, Rabbi Chaim Hakohen in 1537, Constantinople. The responsa are ...
LOTE 47: Gedulat Mordechai and Agudat Eizov. Hanau 1615. First Print. Pedigree Copy of the Author of Nachalat Shivah. With Some of his Handwritten Glosses. Incudes glosses and novellae on The Mordechai by the name 'Gedulat Mordechai', and the book, 'Agudat Eizov' on Choshen Mishpat by Rabbi Baruch ...
LOTE 48: Chukot HaZevach, Handwritten by the Author, the Gaon Rabbi Yaakov Levin of the Holy Community of Sadigura. Unpublished Halachic Manucript. Sadigura 1896. A comprehensive composition in the handwriting of the author on Shulchan Aruch, the laws of ritual slaughter [from chapter 1 until the ...
LOTE 49: Minchat Cohen. This Copy Belonged to Rabbi David Piazza. Some Glosses. Amsterdam 1668. First Edition. Magnificent and complete copy of a Halachic Sefer Yesod !The book, Minchat Cohen is authored by Rabbi Avraham Pimentel, one of Amsterdam and Hamburg’s leading Rabbis. The Sefer Belonged ...
LOTE 50: Personal Zohar of The Gaon Rabbi Gedaliah Lipshitz, Father of The "Tiferet Yisrael" and 'Regel Yesharah'. . With his own Glosses in the Margins. Sefer HaZohar by Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai. This copy belonged to the Great among the Giants, Rabbi Gedaliah Lipshitz, father of the esteemed gaon ...
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