LOT 103: Large Collection of Passages in Manuscript from North Africa, Yemen, etc. Cent. 17-19th. Many dozens of handwritten passages. North Africa and Yemen. Commentary on the Torah, midrashim , hymns, passages from the Torah, haftarot and Midrash HaGadol, pessukim , prayers, derashot and more. ...
LOT 104: Responsum from Leading Constantinople Sages, Rabbi Shlomo Chalilio and Rabbi Moshe Benveniste. Constantinople, 1660. Approbation for a responsum about an agunah handwritten and signed by the gaon Rabbi Moshe Benveniste, author of Shu"t Pnei Moshe . Constantinople, 1660.Lengthy halachic ...
LOT 105: Letter by the Rishon LeTziyon Rabbi Chaim Nissim Moshe Mizrachi, Author of Admat Kodesh - One of the Leading Sages among Sephardic Acharonim. "In my dream, I saw Rabbi Moshe Mizrachi zllh"h. I woke up and was happy. When I see said rabbi, it's a salvation for me" (the Chid"a, regarding the ...
LOT 106: Letter with a Resposum from Rabbi Yehoshua Ben Tziyon Segri, Av Beit Din of Casali, C. 18th Century. Beautiful and complete letter of responsum spanning three pages, in beautiful Italian script, handwritten and signed by the gaon Rabbi Yehoshua Ben Tziyon Segri, av beit din of Casali. This ...
LOT 107: Historic Document. The Yis"a Brachah and the Tzaddik of Greditz. Document signed by Rabbi Ya'akov Shaul Elyashar, author of Yis"a Berachah , confirming receipt of funds to establish a hospital in Jerusalem, through Rabbi Eliyahu Guttmacher of Gröditz. Jerusalem, 1874. This document ...
LOT 108: Controversial Content: Letter from Rabbi Ovadia Yosef about Rabbi Goren and the Affair of "the Brother and Sister". "When I was in trouble with members of the chief rabbinate who followed my colleague, Rabbi Shlomo Goren, with closed eyes" Letter discussing the affair of "the brother and ...
LOT 109: Group of Eulogies for Gedolei Lita by the Gaon Rabbi Chaim Tzvi Broide, Av Beit Din of Zhager, Author of She'erit Chayim. Collection of eulogies for Lithuanian Torah leaders including gedolei u'manhigei hador : The author of Beit HaLevi , Rabbi Yitzchak Elchanan Spektor, Rabbi Yisrael Salanter ...
LOT 111: Three Volumes by Rabbi Yehudah Aryeh Klein of Berlin, Grandson of the Mahara"m Schick. Berlin, 1918. Three beautiful and orderly handwritten volumes including transcriptions of various sefarim , some with elucidations by the transcriber, Rabbi Yehudah Aryeh Klein of Berlin, grandson of the ...
LOT 112: Extraordinarily Important Manuscript - Novellae from Furth Gedolim, 1780s. Chiddushei Torah on parashiyot , on Talmud and Chaza"l's aggadot from leading geonim of Ashkenaz. The gaon, the author of Shev Ya'akov ; the gaon Rabbi Yehonatan Eibeschütz; the gaon, the author of Sha'agat Aryeh , and ...
LOT 113: Novellae and Elucidations on Seder Taharot with Correspondence about the Words of the Gr"a. ''The words that came out of his mouth were clear, refined and clean." Extremely important autograph manuscript from the mid 1800s. Broad and deep novellae and elucidations on mishnayot from Seder ...
LOT 114: Torah Novellae Handwritten by the Gaon of his Generation, Rabbi David Oppenheim. Autograph of the work Ir David - important and unique sefer by the renowned gaon Rabbi David Oppenheim (the Rad"a) av beit din of Nikolsberg and Prague, and chief rabbi of Moravia. Due to the precious value of ...
LOT 115: Novellae on Tractate Bava Metzia by the Gaon Rabbi Aharon David Deutch, Author of Goren David In his Disciple's Script. Yarmut 1853. "The rabbi said what he heard from his own rabbi, Rabbi Moshe Sofer ztz"l" Novellae on Perek Eizehu Neshech in Tractate Bava Metzia and some of Tractate Ketubot ...
LOT 116: Manuscript of Anaf Etz Avot by the Gaon Rabbi Dov Ber Menkis, Av Beit Din of Zhitomir. Manuscript of Anaf Etz Avot (Zhitomir, 1900 - refer to the photocopy) by the gaon Rabbi Dovber Menkis, av beit din of Zhitomir. 148 pages written and signed [multiple times] by the author, with a very ...
LOT 117: Manuscript of Sidra D'Kra by the Gaon Rabbi Yosef Jaffe, Av Beit Din of Salant and Manchester. Unprinted. Signed autograph, Sefer Sidra D'Kra - derashot on Chumash Bereishit according to the parashiyot of the Torah, handwritten by the author, the gaon Rabbi Yosef Jaffe, av beit din of Pokroi ...
LOT 118: Mohel's Ledger with Hundreds of Names of the Circumcised. Europe, 1860-1871. Sefer Sod Hashem - ritual circumcision service with dinim and commentaries [Vienna, 1814; lacking the title page.] This sefer was the property of a prominent mohel who was active in Europe in the 19th century and kept a ...
LOT 119: Ledger of Grants for the Chafetz Chaim Yeshivah. Jerusalem, 1953. The Etz Chaim yeshivah was a glorious institution. It was the yeshivah of the old city of Jerusalem - and of the new city; its sweet products were a byword. In 1925, the gaon Rabbi Isser Zalman Meltzer, rabbi and lecturer in ...
LOT 120: I Shall Speak to him in a Dream. Autograph of Chiddushim by the Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Rozovsky. Rare notebook with Torah insights handwritten by the leading rosh yeshivah of the previous generation, the renowned gaon Rabbi Shmuel Rozovsky, rosh yeshivah of Ponovezh. The novellae are in autograph ...
LOT 121: Notebook of Chiddushei Torah by the Posek HaDor, the Gaon Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach. Complete lined notebook with Torah novellae by the gadol hador Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach. Autograph script. [Jerusalem, c. 1940s]. These novellae are on Tractate Shabbat, for which the gaon Rabbi Shlomo ...
LOT 122: Author's Autograph: Beautiful Compilation on the Halachahs of Etrog during Shemittah, Handwritten by the Tzitz Eliezer. Jerusalem, 1959. Especially beautiful handwritten kuntress spanning twelve large leaves in clear and orderly script, handwritten by the av beit din of Jerusalem, the renowned ...
LOT 123: Handwritten Letter from Rabbi Yosef Rosen - the Rogochover - Controversy around the Selection of a Rabbi in Poland. Letter regarding the controversy surrounding the selection of Rabbi Eliezer Yehoshua Epstein as rabbi of Chmelník. The responsum is written on the back of a flyer on the topic. ...
LOT 124: Important Rescue Letter from the Gaon Rabbi Chaim Ozer Grodzinsky. Vilna, 1934; Mention of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. "May Hashem grant [you] success in all [your] activities to extract [your] honorable father, the gaon, shlit"a, and his entire family from the land soaked in blood" Important ...
LOT 125: Letter from Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch. 1886. Letter confirming a man named Gershon Posen is a member of the community. The confirmation was written entirely by Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch with his German-language signature. Refer to the Hebrew catalog text for a brief biography of Rabbi ...
LOT 126: Important Collection: 'Kitvei Semichah' Handwritten by Leading Jerusalem Rabbis, 1906 Onward. Important collection of [4] important and beautiful letters of rabbinic ordination and [1] letter of approbation, handwritten and signed by leading rabbis of Lithuania and Jerusalem in the previous ...
LOT 127: Rare Historic Poster for a "Prayer Day" During the Holocaust Signed by Leaders of the Edah HaChareidit. Extraordinarily rare historic poster from the Edah HaChareidit with the headline: "Prayer in distress." The poster calls for a day of prayer and supplication in the midst of the Holocaust. ...
LOT 128: Letter from the Mahari"tz Dushinsky, Ga'ava"d of Jerusalem; Important Blessings for a Disciple and More. Galanta, 1909. "May Hashem raise you ever more upward ... Your faithful teacher, Yosef Tzvi Dushinsky" Beautiful content-filled letter entirely [over 120 words] handwritten and signed by ...
LOT 129: "B'Tzar Lecha" - Original Historic Poster Signed by Edah Chareidit Rabbis. Jerusalem, 1951. Original manuscript of a historic Edah Chareidit poster entitled: "B'Tzar Lecha." The poster calls for a day of fasting and prayer on the 20th of Sivan on behalf of Hungarian Jewry who is at risk of ...
LOT 130: Special Collection: [12] Wedding Certificates Signed by Giants of the Previous Three Generations. Important and unique collection of [12] early wedding certificates from the Va'ad Ha'Ir L'Kehillat HaAshkenazim [the Edah HaChareidit] in Jerusalem. The certificates are signed by the officiating ...
LOT 131: Group of [7] Important Letters Handwritten by Leading Rabbis in Jerusalem. . Beautiful letter, entirely handwritten, signed and stamped by the gaon hageonim , Rabbi Isser Zalman Meltzer, author of Even HaAzel . Letter with blessings and rabbinic ordination in honor of the appointment of the ...
LOT 132: Collection of [17] Wedding Certificates Signed by Edah Chareidit Rabbis. [17] wedding certificates signed by rabbis from the Edah HaChareidit over the generations. Refer to the Hebrew catalog text for a list of the signatories Overall fine condition.
LOT 133: Historic Handwritten Letter from Rabbi Aharon Kotler to Rabbi Zalman Sorotzkin. "Know that I am putting in more effort than my strength allows, and I am neglecting most urgent issues and stealing much time from my study and from my yeshivah ..." Lengthy letter between two "captains" of ...
LOT 134: Manuscript from the Chazon Ish to his Beloved Disciple, Rabbi Gedaliah Nadel. Letter with Torah thoughts on the laws of eruvin , entirely [about fifty-three words] handwritten by the gadol hador Rabbi Avraham Yeshayahu Karelitz, author of Chazon Ish . Written on long, narrow paper. The right ...
LOT 135: Beautiful and Important Letter Handwritten and Signed by the Steipler. 1967. "[Your] reward is with [you] at present and in the future, as it says, 'It is a tree of life for all who hold onto it and its supporters are praiseworthy ... Ya'akov Yisrael Kanievsky" Beautiful and important ...
LOT 136: Blessing for Wealth! Handwritten by the Gedolei HaDor Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, the Gaon Rabbi Nissim Karelitz and the Gaon Rabbi Dov Landau. "May you merit wealth and happiness, spiritually and materially. May Hashem fulfill all [your] heart's desires for the good, Chaim Kanievsky, Nissim ...
LOT 137: Important Lot: Pair of Letters Handwritten by the Sar HaTorah, the Gaon Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, to Two Gedolei HaDor. Two rare and important and relatively lengthy letters written from beginning to end and signed by the gadol hador Rabbi Shmaryahu Chaim Kanievsky. The letters are addressed to two ...
LOT 138: Pair of Handwritten Letters from the Gaon Rabbi Yechiel Weinberg, Author of Sridei Esh. "I am very upset with Professor Heschel. He forgot what I did with him and for him before the War"! Two letters with Torah-rabbinic-historic content handwritten and signed by the gaon Rabbi Yechiel ...
LOT 139: Beautiful Letter of Semichah from Rabbi Avraham Tzvi Hirsch Kammai, Rosh Yeshivah of Mir. 1936. Letter of rabbinic ordination for a student at the yeshivah, Samson Raphael Weiss. In his humility, the rabbi of Mir writes that a great man has already attested about this student - referring to ...
LOT 140: Letter of Semichah from Rabbi Moshe Chaim Greenfeld, Rabbi of Senpeter. Semichah letter handwritten and signed by the gaon Rabbi Moshe Chaim Greenfeld, rabbi of Senpeter (Sajószentpéter, Hungary). 1939. Yoreh Yoreh Yadin Yadin semichah for Rabbi Zalman Sofer of Vienna, son of the gaon Rabbi ...
LOT 141: Interesting Letter from Rabbi Chaim Kreiswirth, Rabbi of Antwerp. "I heard from the Admo"r, the Chazon I"sh z"l, that for every operation, even the simplest, one must seek out the most expert doctor ..." Lengthy and interesting letter from Rabbi Chaim Kreiswirth, the renowned rabbi of ...
LOT 142: Handwritten Semichah by the Gaon Rabbi Ephraim Zalman Margaliot for his Disciple, Rabbi Meir Tzvi Wintemir, Av Beit Din of Sambor, Author of Shu"t Rama"tz. 'He is fit to determine law, having been granted the ordination of sages.' Letter of rabbinic ordination handwritten (draft) by the gaon ...
LOT 143: Important Mussar Letter from the Gaon and Tzaddik Rabbi Avigdor Miller. Especially Rare. Lengthy letter [approximately 40 lines] handwritten and signed (in Hebrew!) by the renowned gaon Rabbi Avigdor Miller, one of the supporting pillars of Chareidi Jewry in the United States, whose derashot ...
LOT 144: Letter from the Gaon Rabbi Yechezkel Livschitz, Av Beit Din and Chairman of the Rabbinical Association in Poland. Letter from the gaon Rabbi Yechezkel Livschitz, av beit din of Kalish, known for his sefer , HaMidrash V'HaMa'aseh . This letter was sent to the leaders of the Va'ad Agudat ...
LOT 145: Rare: Contract from the Lomza Community Signed by the Gaon Rabbi Eliezer Simchah Rabinowitz. Rare bilingual document regarding an inheritance, with the addition of two lines handwritten, signed and with the personal stamp of Rabbi Eliezer Simchah Rabinowitz, av beit din of Lomza and author of ...
LOT 146: Important Halachic Responsum about Civil Marriage Handwritten by Rabbi David Tzvi Hoffmann. Beautiful rabbinic letter with important and current content - an unknown responsum about the halachic validity of civil marriage. Entirely [approximately 350 words] handwritten and signed by the rabbinic ...
LOT 147: Beautiful Letter of Approbation [Only One in the World?] Handwritten by the Gaon Rabbi Nachum Partzovitz, Rosh Yeshivah of Mir. Exceptionally rare ktav semichah , entirely [17 lines] handwritten and signed by the geon hageonim , Rabbi Nachum Partzovitz, rosh yeshivah of Mir. Jerusalem, 1974. ...
LOT 148: Interesting Letter from Rabbi Michel Yehudah Lefkowitz to his Future Father- and Mother-in-Law. Letter from Rabbi Michel Yehudah Lefkowitz to Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Gershonowitz and his wife, while he was engaged to their daughter. Jerusalem, Elul 1939. The letter opens with warm blessings ...
LOT 149: Corfu Etrog Controversy: Letter from Rabbi Ya'akov Lifschitz, Secretary of Rabbi Yitzchak Elchanan Spektor, to Rabbi Yosef Zechariah Stern. Important and interesting historic-rabbinic polemic letter from the affair of one of the most well-known controversies, with a behind-the-scenes glimpse of ...
LOT 150: "The Shechitah Decree in Poland" Letter from the Gaon Rabbi Elimelech Gutterman, Av Beit Din of Koruv. "Due to the terrible shechitah decree we are left without food or sustenance" Letter with important historical content, entirely [2 pp] handwritten and stamped by the gaon Rabbi Elimelech ...
LOT 151: Important Letter of Approbation Handwritten by the Iggerot Moshe to One of the Gedolei HaDor. Important, beautiful and lengthy letter of approbation [approximately 150 words] entirely handwritten and signed by the leader of American Jewry and posek hador , the gaon Rabbi Moshe Feinstein. New ...
LOT 152: Unique Content: Lamentation Letter Handwritten by the 'Chazon Yechezkel' upon the Murder of his Young Grandson. Unprinted. "Lament, sigh and moan" Historic letter with rare and important content, entirely handwritten and signed by the geon hageonim Rabbi Yechezkel Abramsky, author of Chazon ...
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