LOT 101: Kabbalah. Taalumos Chochma and Novlos Chochma. Hanau, 1629-1631Complete copy with all folded pages. A collection of various works from great kabbalists including Rabbi Yosef Shlomo Delmedigo, renowned as the ‘Yashar of Kandia’; the Arizal; Rabbi Yisrael Saruk; Rema of Pano and others. ...
LOT 102: Handwritten Manuscript by the Holy Kabbalist Rabbi Nosson Shapira, Author of Matzas ShimurimWhat are the prerequisites to studying kabbalah? This handwritten leaf by the righteous Kabbalist Rabbi Nosson Shapira describes the attributes needed for learning kabbalah and conditions for its ...
LOT 103: Rare Kabbalistic Manuscript, copy of Olas Tamid by Rabbi Chaim Vital. Jerusalem, 1758 The manuscript of Olas Tamid by Rabbi Chaim Vital was handwritten by the Rashash’s scribe, the kabbalist Rabbi Yehosef David Edrei. In 1642 the famed kabbalist Rabbi Yaakov Tzemach discovered Rabbi Chaim ...
LOT 104: One of the earliest commentaries on the Zohar!Imrei Binah. Prague, 1611 Elucidation of difficult words of the Zohar Hakadosh by the great kabbalist Rabbi Yissachar Ber of Kremnitz; includes index of stories and tales mentioned in the Zohar. Imrei Binah was one of the very first ...
LOT 105: Introductions & Rules for Study of KabbalahSefer Pischei K-a. First Edition. Prague, 1609 Ten chapters of principles for the beginner kabbalah student by the saintly kabbalist Rabbi Yissachar Ber ben Rabbi Pesaycha of Kremnitz. The ten chapters, called gates, follow the Ten Sefiros. ...
LOT 106: Rare Kabbalistic Miniature. Seder Tikkunei Shabbos of the Arizal. Amsterdam, 1705 Songs, teachings of the Zohar, and designated passages from the Torah to be studied on Shabbos, along with special customs for Shabbos instituted by the holy Arizal. Introduction by the famed printer Shlomo ...
LOT 107: The Holy Tree – Segulah for Protection and SuccessTree of Sefiros on Parchment Scroll with Kabbalistic Illustrations. Europe, 18th Century Tree of Sefiros portraying the order of the creation of the universe, sefiros with numerous kabbalistic illustrations and flowcharts. The Holy Tree ...
LOT 108: Siddur HaKabbalah Used by the Disciples of the Baal Shem TovSiddur Rav Asher. Lvov, 1788 Nusach Sfard siddur with the intentions of the Arizal, edited by the saintly kabbalist Rabbi Asher Margalios, one of the greatest kabbalists of the kloiz in Brod. This siddur was printed in Lvov in ...
LOT 109: Siddur of Rabbi Shabsi of Rashkov with the Rare Kuntress Minchas Yitzchak. Lemberg, 1866 The siddur includes prayers for the entire year according to nusach Sefard with the Kavanos of the Arizal and the customs of the Bal Shem Tov, by his disciple the holy Mekubal Rabbi Shabsi of Rashkov. ...
LOT 110: Passover Haggadah and Order of Sefiras HaOmer with Kavanos of the Arizal and Baal Shem Tov, excerpted from Siddur Rabbi Shabsi of RashkovPrinted under the instruction of the Admor Harav Meir of Premishlan. Haggadah and Order of Sefiras HaOmer with the sacred intentions of the Arizal and ...
LOT 111: Sefer Clallos, Tikkun V’Aliyos Ha’olamos by Rabbi Shabsi of Rashkov. First Edition. Lvov, 1788 This very rare pamphlet is an abridged version of the Arizal’s (kavanos) intentions for the weekday, Shabbos and holiday prayers. It was compiled and written by the saintly Admor Harav Shabsi of ...
LOT 112: Autographed Kabbalistic Manuscript, written by the saintly RabbiShabsi of Rashkov, prime disciple of theBaal Shem Tov and author of SiddurRabbi Shabsi.Rashkov 1742. From the earliest Chassidic manuscript known to exist. In the colophon, Rabbi Shabsi autographs his name ...
LOT 113: Handwritten & Autographed Letter by the Admor Rabbi Yosef son of Rabbi Shabsi of Rashkov Handwritten and autographed letter by the pious Admor Rabbi Moshe Yosef Av Beis of Rashkov. Rabbi Moshe Yosef was the son and successor of his father Rabbi Shabsi of Rashkov, author of Siddur Rabbi ...
LOT 114: Early, rare manuscript! Collection of Torah Discourses by Rabbi Pinchas of Koritz. Ukraine, circa 1830 The present manuscript encompasses hundreds of Torah thoughts by Rabbi Pinchas of Koritz. Some of them apparently have never been published. Koritz writings Harav Pinchas of Koritz ...
LOT 115: Handwritten Leaf from the Levushei Srad – Rabbi Dovid Shlomo Eibeschutz Author of Arvei Nachal Handwritten Leaf contains commentary and rulings on Hilchos Treifos by Rabbi Dovid Shlomo Eibeschutz. One large double-sided leaf handwritten in the author’s beautiful, clear penmanship. The words ...
LOT 116: Chassidus – Ohr Pnei Moshe. First Edition. Mezritch, 1810 Complete copy with rare letters of approbation! Chassidic essays and commentary on the Torah and Megillos by the Admor Harav Moshe Sofer Stam of Pshevorsk. The present rare and complete copy features 2 additional leaves with letters ...
LOT 117: One of the first sefarim to mention the Baal Shem Tov in his lifetime!Rav Pninim by Rabbi Meir Teomim. First Edition. Frankfurt, 1782 Pearls of wisdom on the weekly Torah portions by Harav Meir Teomim, author of Maggid Meisharim and father of the Pri Megadim. This sefer mentions the Baal ...
LOT 118: Toras Moshe with Teachings by Chassidic Masters. First Edition. Nowy Dwór, 1786 Inspirational explanations on Midrashim and teachings of Chazal by Rabbi Moshe Kerner of Zlatvei, author of Zera Kodesh and Birkas Moshe. This sefer includes remarkable teachings and divrei Torah by the ...
LOT 119: The Baal Hatanya’s Legacy Ohr Haganuz La’tzaddikim. First Edition. Zolkova, 1800 An anthology of lessons collected from disciples of the Baal Shem Tov, specifically the Baal Hatanya the Admor Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, highlighting proper conduct and Mussar in order of the weekly ...
LOT 120: Breslev: Ma’aglei Tzeddek – Shapira Press; First Edition. Yozfuf, 1846 Customs and advice in matters of G-dly service taught by Rabbi Nachman of Breslev to his disciples. This edition was published and supervised by Rabbi Chananya Lipa Shapira, grandson of the Rabbi of Slavita, in Yozfuf ...
LOT 121: Likutei Halachos by Rabbi Nosson of Breslev. First Edition. Zolkova, 1849 Collection of Halachos from Orach Chaim Vol 2: Laws of Birkas Kohanim through the Laws of Krias Shema al Hamittah (Ch. 128-239). Explanations and customs based on all the revealed and hidden Torah; Jewish ethics ...
LOT 122: Shaar Hatefillah with Pamphlet on Importance of Reciting ‘L’shem Yichud’. First Edition. Sedlikov, 1825 Esoteric explanations about the power of prayer according to kabbalah by Harav Chaim of Czernowitz, author of Be’er Mayim Chaim and Sidduro Shel Shabbos. The sefer begins with a long ...
LOT 123: Nofes Tzufim Compiled by Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua of Zhitomir, Author of Geulas Yisrael. Lemberg, circa 1830 Explanations on mysterious Medrashim (Medrash Peliah) compiled from Amudeha Shiva by Rabbi Betzalel of Kobrin, edited by Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua of Zhitomir, author of Geulas Yisrael and ...
LOT 124: Likutei Maharin; Toldos Yitzchak ben Levi. Berditchev, 1811 Likutei Maharin; Toldos Yitzchak ben Levi authored by Harav Yisrael of Pikov, son of Harav Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev. This is a work of commentary, allusions and gematriyos based on kabbalah and chassidus. In the introduction ...
LOT 125: Omer Hashich’cha. Livorno, 1748.Personal copy of the Admorim of Sadigura! Sefer Mishlei with commentary by Rabbi Avraham Gavishon of the exiled from Spain, along with poems and songs by the author, his family and illustrious Rishonim. Rabbi Avraham Gavishon was among the first exiled ...
LOT 126: Autographed Invitation by the Admor Rabbi Dovid Moshe of Chortkov, Son of the Admor Rabbi Yisrael of Ruzhin. 1889 Invitation to the Wedding of the Chortkover Rebbe’s Grandchildren Autographed invitation to the wedding of the grandchildren of the first Chortkover Rebbe in the Holy Court of ...
LOT 127: Father of the Amshinov DynastyHandwritten & Autographed Letter by the Admor Rabbi Yaakov Dovid of Amshinov Handwritten letter of endorsement signed by the holy Admor Rabbi Yaakov Dovid of Amshinov son of the Admor Rabbi Yitzchak of Vorky, on behalf of a man “Who has become ...
LOT 128: Sacred, Handwritten Letter "Rescuing Jews from Prison" by the Admor Rabbi Yitzchak of Vorka. 1830 Handwritten letter by the Admor Rabbi Yitzchak Kalish of Vorka to his friend Rabbi Alexander Zusha HaKohen of Platzk, who was one of the premier students of Rabbi Bunim of Peshischa and author ...
LOT 129: Autographed Letter by the Miracle-Worker Rabbi Yosef of Radvil & His Son-in-Law. Radvil, 1862 Autographed letter by the Admor Rabbi Yosef of Radvil to his son-in-law the Admor Harav Yitzchak of Bender, with handwritten note by his son-in-law the Admor Rabbi Mordechai of Shomsk, grandson ...
LOT 130: Ropschitz DynastyLetter by Harav Naftali Horowitz, Av Beis Din of Rozvadov. 1939Harav Naftali Horowitz (circa 1890-1942), Av Beis Din of Rozvadov, was a direct descendant and namesake of his ancestor the Admor Harav Naftali of Ropschitz. His father was the pious Harav Efraim of ...
LOT 131: Ropschitz Dynasty.Handwritten & Autographed Letter by Harav Asher Yeshaya Rubin, Av Beis Din Radichov. Radichov, 1933 Handwritten and autographed letter by Harav Asher Yeshaya Rubin, Av Beis Din Radichov, scion of the Ropschitz dynasty. Harav Asher Yeshaya Rubin Hy”d (circa ...
LOT 132: Handwritten Hagaos by Rabbi Moshe Eichenstein of Ziditchov in Sefer Mizrachi on Rashi Sefer Mizrachi on Rashi by the Re’em, Rabbi Eliyahu Mizrachi, with dozens of annotations in the handwriting of the Admor Harav Moshe Eichenstein, Av Beis Din of Ziditchov, with the autograph of his ...
LOT 133: Chabad:“Vayikrah Buch” by the Tzemach Tzedek. Complete Manuscript! Notes and lectures by the holy Tzemach Tzedek of Lubavitch, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson on Sefer Vayikrah. Manuscript copied by scribe. Complete, beautifully inscribed copy, including title pages and indexes. The ...
LOT 134: ChabadPeirush Hamilos on Siddur Baal Hatanya with Gilded Title Page. First Edition. Warsaw, 1867. Wide margin copy. Commentary of the words of the Baal Hatanya’s Siddur by his son, the Mitteler Rebbe Harav Dov Ber Schneerson. Peirush Hamilos Kuntress – Mahadura Basra. Warsaw, 1867. ...
LOT 135: Chabad vs. Zionism and Mizrachi. Riveting 7-page Autographed Letter by the Admor Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn. Brooklyn, 1942 Lengthy 7-page typewritten letter signed by the Admor HaRayatz with several handwritten amendments. The Rayatz describes his opinion at length pointing out how ...
LOT 136: Collection of letters by the Lubavitcher Rebbe8 letters from the years 1945-19671. Letter dated 7 Elul, 5714 (1954) This letter discusses advice regarding traveling to the United States for fundraising purposes, and regarding delivery of Siddurim and Machzorim for a shul. “I hope ...
LOT 137: Important Autographed Letter by the Lubavitcher Rebbe Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson. 1955 Autographed letter by the Lubavitcher Rebbe Harav Menachem Mendel Schneerson to Rabbi Chanina Yom Tov Lipa Teitelbaum, Av Beis Din of Helmets. Letter of blessings with riveting divrei Torah ...
LOT 138: Handwritten & Autographed Letter by Harav Itzik’l of Pshevorsk. Antwerp. Letter of recommendation for a grandson of the Admor of Nadvorna who visited Antwerp as a shaliach mitzvah. This letter, handwritten and autographed by Harav Itzik’l of Pshevorsk, was penned on Motza’ei Shabbos ...
LOT 139: Handwritten & Autographed Letter of Blessing by Rabbi Yidele of Dzikov Handwritten and autographed letter of blessing by the tzaddik Rabbi Yehuda Horowitz of Dzikov.“May…all who donate be blessed with their hearts’ desires, and may they always merit giving from their own to others ...
LOT 140: “I devoted nearly all my strengths with mesirus nefesh for this sacred building…”Handwritten & Autographed Postcard by the Admor Rabbi Yekusiel Yehuda Halbershtam of Klausenburg. Amsterdam, 1956 Handwritten, autographed postcard by the Sanzer Rebbe Harav Yekusiel Yehuda Halbershtam ...
LOT 141: The Nesivos Shalom’s Stirring Handwritten Portrayal of the Lighting of the First Chanukah Candle in Slonim. Baranowicz, 1933 In the month of Iyar, 5693 (1933), the venerable Beis Avraham of Slonim passed away suddenly when he was only 49 years old. Orphaned of their spiritual leader, the ...
LOT 142: Commentary of the Vilna Gaon on Aggadah and Sefer Yonah. First Edition. Vilna, 1800Special edition with extra wide margins published by the Vilna Gaon’s sons Commentary on several Aggados in Shas by the Vilna Gaon; Sefer Yonah with Rashi and commentary of the Vilna Gaon. Very special ...
LOT 143: Passover Haggadah with Vilna Gaon’s Commentary. First Edition. Horodna, 1805Rare copy! Haggadah shel Pesach with commentary, laws and elucidation by the Vilna Gaon, edited by his disciple Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Shklov. The commentary and explanation published by Rabbi Menachem Mendel ...
LOT 144: Fundamental SeferSafra D’Tzniusa with Commentary by Vilna Gaon. First Edition. Vilna-Horodna, 1820 Safra D'Tzniusa, described as the “Foundation to all the teachings of the holy Zohar, ” with in-depth explanation of every line by the Vilna Gaon. This work was edited and prepared for ...
LOT 145: Classics: First Edition Nefesh Hachaim by Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin. Vilna, Horodna, 1824 Nefesh Hachaim by Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin, prime disciple of the Vilna Gaon and renowned Rosh Yeshivah of the Volozhin Yeshivah, contain fundamentals of the Torah and avodas Hashem. The present first ...
LOT 146: Handwritten Kabbalistic Novellae on Zohar and Glosses on Mikdash Melech by Rabbi Moshe Shlomo of Tulchin, Prime Disciple of the Vilna Gaon Sefer Mikdash Melech by Rabbi Shalom Buzaglo on Zohar Vayikrah (Amsterdam, 1750), with handwritten novellae and glosses by the legendary kabbalist and ...
LOT 147: 8 Handwritten Sides of Handwritten Responsum by Rabbi Itzele Ponoviczer Lengthy, 8-page handwritten halachic teshuvah regarding the Laws of marriages by the famous Hagaon Harav Itzele Ponoviczer, Harav Yaakov Yitzchak Rabinowitz (1854-1919), who gained repute as Rav Itzele Ponoviczer ...
LOT 148: Handwritten & Autographed Letter by Rabbi Yitzchak Elchanan Spektor, Av Beis Din of Kovno. 1890 The present letter, handwritten and autographed by the great Lithuanian sage Harav Yitzchak Elchanan Spektor, Av Beis Din of Kovno, was addressed to his grandchildren Harav Eliyahu Zev and Zalta ...
LOT 149: “May Hashem grant him life and peace and success in all his endeavors.”Letter from the Chafetz ChaimRadin, 1912 In the year 1912, the Chafetz Chaim saw that the Yeshivah building in Radin was quickly becoming too small to house the growing Yeshivah, forcing the Yeshivah’s talmidim to ...
LOT 150: “ Hashem will guide you with the right Solution” Long Important Letter written and signed entirely by the Chafetz Chaim. Radin, 1908. Complete letter in the handwriting of Harav Yisrael Meir HaKohen of Radin, author of Chafetz Chaim and the Mishnah Brurah. The Chafetz Chaim signed the ...
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