Auction Unlimited 146 Kabbalah and Chassidut, Amulets, Segulah Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Chabad, Rare books, Jewish Art, Silver Items & Banknotes
By Winner'S
Nov 13, 2024
3 Shatner Center 1st Floor Givat Shaul Jerusalem, Israel
The auction has ended

LOT 248:

"My Dove is One" - Manuscript by the Sacred Rasha"sh - Matters of Marriage and Majesty!

Start price:
$ 1,000
Estimated price :
$1,200 - $1,500
Buyer's Premium: 24%
VAT: 18% On commission only
Auction took place on Nov 13, 2024 at Winner'S

"My Dove is One" - Manuscript by the Sacred Rasha"sh - Matters of Marriage and Majesty!

Two pages dealing with deep Kabbalistic matters handwritten by the G-dly Kabbalist Rabbi Shalom Shabazi, leading songwriter of Yemen. Tradition famously relates that the Rasha"sh would experience kefitzat haderech from Yemen to the Land of Israel on every erev Shabbat. This manuscript is from the first edition of his sefer,  Chemdat Yamim, which has never been printed. Yemen, c. 1640.

Autograph of the Rasha"sh's renowned sefer on the Torah, Chemdat Yamim. Despite the manuscript being perfectly arranged typographically and prepared for print, including the Tosafot Ta'am elucidation on the sides of the pages, it still contains many differences from the printed sefer. This is therefore likely a leaf from the mahadura kamma of his sefer Chemdat Yamim. The sefer was completed in 1646, but it was not printed; it was only known about through tradition! (The text that was eventually printed is from the mahadura batra of the manuscript, written by the Rasha”sh years later. Refer to Kovetz Ma’amarim published upon the Rasha”sh’s 350th birthday by the Va’ad HaKlali L’Kehillat HaTeimanim, Jerusalem, 1972, p. 10.)

The pages here are from Parashat Mishpatim on the topic of the designation of an amah ivriyah - the mitzvah for the master to marry his Jewish maidservant and make her the lady of the house - or to marry her off to his son. The Rasha"sh explains the entire progression of the verses according to Kabbalah. The father symbolizes Hashem, the girl symbolizes the Jewish people, etc. As this parashah discusses marriage, the Rasha"sh gathers pesukim, sayings by Chaza"l and midrashim that deal with marriage in this manuscript, for example:

  • Page 1 of the manuscript: "It says in the Yerushalmi in Yevamot, "Come and hear, R' Levi said that it is better to be married than to be a widow"
  • Page 1: "Abayye said: 'Even one whose husband is as small as an ant is satisfied and proud that she has any husband at all.'"
  • Page 1: "The midrash says - I had a daughter and I crowned her for you"
  • Page 1: "The rabbis taught in Ketubot a response to what it says in the Torah: Those who stroll every day, etc. Torah scholars from one eve of Shabbat to the next eve of Shabbat"
  • Page 2: "My dove is one"
  • Page 2: "You are hereby consecrated to me - or to my son"
  • Page 2: "He will give her a girl's due"
  • Page 2: "The ketubah of a maiden is 200 - marry her."

Manuscripts by gedolei Yisrael from all circles are known to have been used throughout the generations across the Diaspora as tried-and-true amulets for protection and success, even when they do not explicitly discuss blessings or Kabbalistic matters.

How much more so this Kabbalistic manuscript which deals with marriage and is full of verses of blessings and Chaza"l's sayings about marriage - a tremendous segulah for marriage - alongside livelihood and wealth, such as: "According to Kabbalah: Money is a hint for a tzaddik , as it says, he took the bundle of money in his hand." Also: "Take with you your master's servants, place my son Shlomo upon the mule I ride" - the mule implies royalty."

Powerful amulet for marriage, livelihood, and majesty - by virtue of the blessings and the verses written in the sacred penmanship of one of the two giants who sprouted from the Yemenite exile since their exile from the Holy Land (incidentally, they were both known by the exact same initials: Rasha"sh).

Refer to the Hebrew catalog text for a brief biography of the G-dly Kabbalist Rabbeinu Shalom Shabazi - the Rasha"sh.

[2] pp, approximately 21x15 cm. Thick, high-quality paper.

Fine condition. Aging stains. Isolated worming perforations.