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This is the I.U.S. A Booklet of Photographs from the International Student Day, Prague 1949

$ 80
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$120 - $200
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This is the I.U.S. A Booklet of Photographs from the International Student Day, Prague 1949
A booklet with an extensive review and photographs from the International Student Day, published by the International Union of Students. The booklet has a detailed description and photographs from across the world describing the gatherings for Student Day in 1948 and the previous years.
The Student Day is an international date marked by students across the world on November 17. The day is intended to emphasize the multi cultural aspect of the international student community. It was originally established in memory of the Nazi regime's occupation of the Charles University in Prague, Czechoslovakia in 1939. The date was first marked in 1941, in memory of the murder of Jan Opletal by the Nazis, and the deportation of 1200 students and lecturers to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp. On this day, which is held annually, the students express the multi-cultural connection which characterizes students regardless of race or origin. It sometimes takes on a different character in accordance with the events of the time.
Does not appear in the National Library.
62 pages. 21 cm.