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拍卖品 82:

Yirat Hashem Hi Otzro [Fear of G-d is His Treasure]. A Eulogy for the Deceased Rabbi Dr. Schonfeld. Vienna, 1930

售出价为: $100
$ 100
估计的价格 :
$150 - $200
拍卖行佣金: 20%
增值税: 17% 仅对佣金收取
3.5.17于 Winner'S

Yirat Hashem Hi Otzro [Fear of G-d is His Treasure]. A Eulogy for the Deceased Rabbi Dr. Schonfeld. Vienna, 1930
A compilation of eulogies for Dr. A. Schonfeld. Published at the end of the shloshim of his death. Published by Chevra Ben Zakkai. 
Dozens of different eulogists, the majority appear in English and a few in Yiddish and Hebrew. 
A rare work which does not appear in the National Library. 
64 pages. 22 cm. 
Fine condition.