Auction 15 Special Sale on 2th of Sivan - Rare Books from Slavita and Zitamir Prints
By Tiferet Auctions
May 24, 2020
HaShenhav Building, 12 Beit Hadfus st , Jerusalem, Israel

Unique, high quality sale! "The Wolf Collection" - includes only books from the Slavita and Zitamir prints, which are extremely rare. All in good and excellent condition.

This auction also includes these particularly important items:

1. First Exposure of Radvil Sidur, Nosach Sfarad. One of two copies known to exist in the entire world.

2. A special collection of some fifty rare books printed in zitamir in small and miniature sizes.

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LOT 13:

Sefer 'Nishmas Adam'. Unique copy from the Holy Rabbi David Tzvi Shlomo of Leluv. Shapiro Brothers Press. Zhytomyr 1863.

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Start price:
$ 500
Buyer's Premium: 23%
VAT: 18% On commission only
Auction took place on May 24, 2020 at Tiferet Auctions

Sefer 'Nishmas Adam'. Unique copy from the Holy Rabbi David Tzvi Shlomo of Leluv. Shapiro Brothers Press. Zhytomyr 1863.
Sefer 'Nishmas Adam', authored by Rabbi Aharon Shamuel son of Rabbi Moshe Shalom of Kremnitz. Shapiro Brothers Press. Zhytomyr 1863.
Personal copy of the holy Rabbi David Tzvi Shlomo Biderman of Leluv. 

At the begining of the sefer is approbation from Rabbi Meshulam Zusia of Zinkov attesting that this sefer was cherished by his father Rabbi Yitzchak Meir of Zinkov (son of the Holy 'Ohev Yisrael' the Rabbi of Apt), he wrote as follows: "והיה הספר הלז יקר בעיניו מאוד והיה אצלו שעשועים יום יום וכמה פעמים שמעתי מפיו הקדוש בזה"ל אם יעזור לי ה' להדפיס כתבי אבי זצלה"ה אזי אי"ה אדפוס גם ספר הזה... לאחר שעלתה בידי להדפיס את ספר זקיני "אוהב ישראל" הנה מדפיס עתה את הספר החשוב הזה". 
40 pages. [Last 2 pages missing].
The Holy Rabbi David Tzvi Shlomo Biderman of Leluv, called with admiration Rabbi David'l [1843-1918], the fourth Admo'r of Leluv, son of Rabbi Elazer Mendel Biderman and Mrs Matel Faiga daughter of Hrhk Rabbi Tzvi son of the Chozeh of Lublin. Under the influence of Chasidei Karlin in Jerusalem he traveled to the Holy "Beit Aharon" of Karlin and became one of his outstanding disciples.
Admired by all inhabitants of Jerusalem, and all of the Holy Land of Israel, his name was remembered with love and longing by all of Jerusalem shel Maalah, his positive influence is recognized until our days. Also the Arabs and the Turkish Governors of the city, admired and honored him with reverence. He was responsible for the Kolel Warsaw of Jerusalem, and was very actively involved to support and expand the settlement and build neighborhoods for the Polish immigrants. For a while he served as Rosh Yeshiva of 'Chayei Olam' of Jerusalem.

His children are Hrh" k Rabbi Shimon Nathan Nata Biderman. Rabbi Yaakov Yosef Biderman, and Rabbi Pinches Uri Biderman. His sons-in-laws are Rabbi Avraham Shlomo Adler, Rabbi Mordechei David Weinstock, Rabbi Avraham Horovitz, and Rabbi Aharon Yehoshua Eliach. His grandson is the famous mekubal Rabbi Moshe Yair Weinstock.

New beautiful leather cover. Some pages professionally rehabilitated. General condition good - very good.

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