Auction 3
By Tiferet Auctions
Mar 13, 2019
12 Beit Hadfus Street, Jerusalem, Israel

פריטים נדירים ומיוחדים מעיזבון רבי ישראל חיים האס המכונה סופרם של גדולי ישראל ובראשם אדמורי"ם הקדושים לבית וויז'ניץ לדורתיהם.

כן גם פרטים מעיזבון רבי משה טוביה גרינצוויג משב"ק של הרה"ק רבי אהרן מבעלזא זיע"א ושל כ"ק אדמו"ר ממכנובקה זצ"ל..

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LOT 5:

Letter from HaAdmo"r of Otynia, Rabbi Yisrael Shalom Yosef Hager. 6th day of Cheshvon 1936.

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Sold for: $220
Start price:
$ 200
Estimated price :
$800 - $1,200
Buyer's Premium: 20%
VAT: 17% On commission only
Auction took place on Mar 13, 2019 at Tiferet Auctions

Letter from HaAdmo"r of Otynia, Rabbi Yisrael Shalom Yosef Hager. 6th day of Cheshvon 1936.
Letter from Rabbi Yisroel Yosef Hager from Otynia to his friend Rabbi Yosef of Tzfat, about the subject of delivery and support from Tchernovitz which has not been carried out due to restrictions imposed in Romania. He noted his great pain about this. "כי ידעתי עד כמה מה מיחלים על התמיכה [...] הזאת".
The Great Rabbi continues his efforts to organize the shipment "וכ"ז עולה בדמים מרובים. וצריכים עזר ד' שיבא לידם".
He specifies the effort to obtain travel permits to Tchernovits and to find with G-Ds help a secure way to send the shipment. At the end of the letter the Rabbi wishes "ד' ירחם על פליטת עמו ישראל כי כשל כח הסבל. ידידו המצפה לתשועת ד' במהרה" .
1 page 22cm, hand written and signed by the Holy Rabbi.
Folding marks, stains with no damage to the text. Good – very good condition.

The Great Rabbi Yisroel Shalom Yosef of Otynia [1884-1955] was the son and predecessor of The Holy Rabbi Chaim of Otynia who perished in the Holocaust on the 19th day of Iyer 1944 with his wife Devorah Leah,daughter of Rabbi Yechiel Horowitz of Pakshivnitz along with their three children. The remnants of his Torah are found in the pamphlet "Nefesh Yishei". Only some of the Divrei Torah documents, letters and writings from him remain and are almost not to be found. During the Holocaust this beautiful Chassidus has become destroyed.

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