Auction 48 Part 2 Tiferet - 48
By Tiferet Auctions
Aug 6, 2023
Beit HaDfus 12, B, 4th floor, Jerusalem, Israel

Tiferet - Auction 48 of the Tiferet Auction House

Rare and exciting collection of precious items, the best of collectibles and Segulah items:

Letters by Chassidic shepherds, pedigreed copies of Tzaddikim, manuscripts by leading rabbis, books printed at the pedigreed printeries of Slavuta and Zhytomyr, artifacts that had belonged to Tzaddikim and first editions.

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LOT 192:

Siddur Rabbi Yaakov Emden - Altona, 1745-1748 - all three volumes of the first edition of the Siddur which ...

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Sold for: $11,000 (₪40,150)
Start price:
$ 8,000
Estimated price :
$20,000 - $25,000
Buyer's Premium: 25%
VAT: 17% On commission only
Auction took place on Aug 6, 2023 at Tiferet Auctions

Siddur Rabbi Yaakov Emden - Altona, 1745-1748 - all three volumes of the first edition of the Siddur which were printed by the printery at the author's house - fine copies with fine leather bindings - the third volume has an original leather binding

Volume I - Beit El ... Amideu Shamayim. Altona, 1745-1748. Prayers, Halachot, customs, Drushim and elucidations for the days of the week and Sabbath. [1], 418 leaves. 17 cm. Good condition, Dampness stains on some leaves. Moth signs to several leaves. Some wear. The title page is mounted on paper for preservation. 

Volume II - Ir Ha'Elohim ... Sha'arei Shamayim. 1747. Prayers and Halachos for the months and holidays of the year. 159 leaves. 17 cm. Damoness stains. The last leaf was professionally restored. Most of it is original. 

Volume III - Migdal Oz ... Berachit Mishamayim. 1748. Halachot and Hanhagot from birth to old age. 314 leaves. (Few copies have 395 leaves; yet, most of the copies are like this one, with 314 leaves). 16 cm. Original leather binding, restored. Stains. 

The new leather bindings of the first two volumes are similar to the original binding of the third volume.

Leading rabbis praised the quality and sanctity of these Siddurim. The Chasam Sofer wrote about them: "דברי הגאון ז"ל המה קילורין לעינים ומרפא לנפש, ולשונו צח ונקי, ירווה צמאונו כל ההוגה בו בעתות הפנאי" (Likutei Shut Chatam Sofer, London 1965, Siman 3) and תמצא שם כי דבר גדול מאד דיבר הנביא ז"ל בענין זה הלא ישתוממו רואיו" (Shut Chatam Sofer section VI, 59). 

The Baal Shem Tov said of the the Yavetz: "הגם שאינו חסיד, אך הוא דבוק כל הזמן בשלש ראשונות" and told Rabbi Ephraim, the Yavetz' brother: "אחיך היעב"ץ כל היום דבוק בעולמות העליונים" 

The Admor the author of the Yeshu'ot Moshe of Vizhnitz wrote in his approbation of the Eshkol edition of the Siddur:  "סדור תפלה זה לא ירד משולחנם של רבוה"ק ואבוה"ק זי"ע אשר השתמשו בו בכל עת מצוא, ובמיוחד בעת עריכת הסדר הק' בליל פסח".


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