Auction 48 Part 2 Tiferet - 48
By Tiferet Auctions
Aug 6, 2023
Beit HaDfus 12, B, 4th floor, Jerusalem, Israel

Tiferet - Auction 48 of the Tiferet Auction House

Rare and exciting collection of precious items, the best of collectibles and Segulah items:

Letters by Chassidic shepherds, pedigreed copies of Tzaddikim, manuscripts by leading rabbis, books printed at the pedigreed printeries of Slavuta and Zhytomyr, artifacts that had belonged to Tzaddikim and first editions.

The auction has ended

LOT 98:

Rare Letter of Blessings by the Holy Rav Rabbi David of Kock to His In-Law, the Tzaddik and Wonder-Worker Rabbi ...

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Start price:
$ 5,000
Estimated price :
$10,000 - $12,000
Buyer's Premium: 25%
Auction took place on Aug 6, 2023 at Tiferet Auctions

Rare Letter of Blessings by the Holy Rav Rabbi David of Kock to His In-Law, the Tzaddik and Wonder-Worker Rabbi Yaakov Aryeh of Radzimin

סביביו נשערה מאוד! Rare letter of blessings by the holy Rav Rabbi David of Kock, the son of the holy Saraf, to his in-law, the Tzaddik and wonder-worker Rabbi Yaakov Aryeh of Radzimin. Kock 1968.

Approx. 15 lines, handwritten and signed by him. Rabbi David of Kock did not write much and this letter is therefore one of the few relics of his writings. 

The letter begins with superlatives to his in-law 'כבוד מחו' הרב הגדול הקדוש המפורסם בכל קצוי ארץ כבוד קדושת שמו מה' יענקל ארי' נ"י לאויש"ט. 

The letter was written after the marriage between the holy Rav Rabbi Zvi Hirsch of Lomazh, the son of the holy Rav Rabbi David of Kock, and the daughter of the holy Rav Rabbi Shlomo David Yehoshua of Radzimin. 

It is interesting to note that the Rav refers to his in-law by the names Shlomo Yehoshua only. 

'בישראל כתוב בהם ותרועת מלך בו בו, שהשם יתברך חפץ בישראל מאוד ובימי ר"ה שהוא יום הדין כתוב יום תרועה יהי' לכם, שנעשה הכל רצון טוב

The holy Rav Rabbi David of Kock asks his pious in-law, the wonder-worker Rabbi Yaakov Aryeh of Radzimin, who was known for the power of his prayers, to pray for him:

ונא שיזכור אותי בימים נוראים לטובה אותנו וכל הנלווים אלינו שנוכל להתאמץ [?] ברצון טוב ובלב שלם, והנני לברכה בברכת שנה טובה ומתורה ויכתב [בספרן?] צדיקים לחיים ויאריך ימיו ושנותיו ויחדש כנשר נעוריו

אלו דברי מחותנו הדורש שלומו טובו וחפץ זכרונו עלינו לטובה

דוד בהרב הקדוש זללה"ה מקאצק.

He then sends his regards and blessings to Rabbi Yaakov Aryeh's sons and especially his son-in-law:

ואומר שלום לבניו שי' ולכל הנלווים אליו ולבפרט לבנו הוא מחו' האברך המופלג והחסיד מו' שלמה יהושע נ"י ואברך בכתיבה וחתימה טובה כל בניי יחי' דו"ש ובפרט בני האברך המופלג מו' צבי הירשלי' יחי'. 

On verso of the leaf, the holy Rav of Kock wrote the holy Rav of Radzimin's name and the word 'לידי' - indicating the letter should be given directly to him. 

Please refer to Hebrew catalog text for a brief biography of the holy Rav Rabbi David of Kock and the holy Rav Rabbi Yaakov Aryeh of Radzimin. 

In our generation, the descendants of these Tzaddikim and of the holy Rav Rabbi Shlomo David Yehoshua who is referred to in the letter, include the holy Admor of Ger Shlita and the holy Admor of Amshinov Shlita, who are named after the holy Rav of Radzimin. 

[1] leaf. Considerable fold lines. Traces of a wax stamp. Wear and some tears. The script on the margins has faded. Almost all of the letter is readable. Good condition. 

Measurement:  17 x 21 cm

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