Auction 47 Part 2
By The Arc
Jun 7, 2020
3 Taras Shevchenko embankment, Russia
Поэтические книги, автографы, миниатюры, мировая классика на русском языке. 
The auction has ended

LOT 633:

Autograph. Frankel And. I'll find you. Poems and songs.

Start price:
1,800 р
Buyer's Premium: 10% More details
Auction took place on Jun 7, 2020 at The Arc

Autograph. Frankel And. I'll find you. Poems and songs.

M. Hudlit. 1966, p. 228 Hardcover, dust jacket. The format is slightly reduced. Autograph of the poet-songwriter Ilya Frenkel from 19.05.1966 Pana Makarova with mention of Mikhoels.

Ilya Lvovich Frenkel (October 9, 1903, Kurgan, Tobolsk province — March 2, 1994, Moscow) was a Soviet poet, translator, and author of the Russian text of the Comintern anthem and other Soviet songs. Participant of the Soviet-Finnish and great Patriotic wars, major.

Ilya Frenkel was born on October 9, 1903 in Kurgan, Kurgan County, Tobolsk province (now the administrative center of the Kurgan region).

Soon his father, Lev Yakovlevich Frenkel, was sent to penal servitude further in Siberia. His mother, Sofya Ilinichna, followed him with her two children. After 4 years, my father was transferred from penal servitude to Yekaterinburg under supervision. My father made kefir in the laboratory for sale. By 1917, a chemist-bacteriologist, a former exiled Lev Yakovlevich Frenkel and his family lived in Moscow, after the great October socialist revolution, he became the Director of the rubber plant "Kauchuk", and died in 1943.

In the spring of 1918, Ilya left school and joined the MREK as a courier. He joined the Union of working youth "III international" of the Khamovniki district of Moscow.

Since 1919, a member of the RCP (b), since 1925 the party was renamed the CPSU(b), since 1952 the party was renamed the CPSU.

He served in the Chon of Moscow, was a machine gunner, then a political worker at the Bryansk railway station in Moscow.

He studied at the art faculty of VKhUTEMAS. He worked as a correspondent in Newspapers, as an editor in the publishing house "Young guard". He made his print debut in the 1920s.

In 1922, the Secretary of the party cell, then a proofreader in the 13th printing house in Moscow.

Since 1923, he worked at the Central Institute of labor of the vtssps.

Since 1926, he has been a correspondent in the editorial offices of the Newspapers "Rabochaya Moskva "and"Rabochaya Pravda".

Since 1929, he has been an editor at the Young guard publishing house. In 1930, he wrote the song "We will cut off your claws, Poincare", composer Alexander Davidenko). He created a Russian version of the "Comintern Hymn", in which only the first stanza was a translation of the German original (composer Hans Eisler). In 1931, he wrote the song "Youth" ("Gather under the banner, under the banner of Ilyich!..", composer Marian Koval).

In 1933, he graduated from the Institute of red professorship and worked as the head of the political Department of the Yalutorovskaya MTS (D. Tomilova of the Yalutorovsky district of the Ural region, now the Tyumen region). Edited the MTS newspaper "Steel horse".

Since 1934, head of the political Department of MTS Mikhnevsky district of the Moscow region.

The first collection of poems by Ilya Frenkel "Song and verse", which received the blessing of E. G. Bagritsky, was published in 1935 and was noted by the best poets of that time. It was noticed by N. N. Aseev, A. A. Prokofiev, and B. L. Pasternak. Since 1935, a member of the Union of writers of the USSR, he joined the Board of the Union of writers of the USSR.

Since 1938, head of the poetry Department of the New world magazine.

Participant of the Soviet-Finnish war (1939-1940). During the great Patriotic war, from June 1941, the senior battalion Commissar (after the abolition of military Commissars — major) Frankel was a special correspondent for the front-line newspaper of the southern front "For the glory of the Motherland", then the newspaper of the Voronezh front"For the honor of the Motherland". He wrote many poems about the war, one of the most famous — "Let's smoke" (composer modest Tabachnikov). I reached Berlin.

In the Preface to one of his many collections of poems, he said that "in verse one must live the same life that forms the poet as a citizen. And what can you do to help poets who are looking for themselves?" Konstantin Simonov spoke about his poems: "It happens that the poems seem to be quiet, but the power in them is genuine, real, not susceptible to wear."

After the great Patriotic war, Ilya Frenkel was engaged in literary activities and continued to write poetry. Among them are the songs "in defense of peace" ("once again the rich ignite a fire, the world is preparing a fatal blow... "(1948, composer Viktor Bely)) and "Odessa port" (1956, composer modest Tabachnikov). Also engaged in poetic translations (in particular, from the Polish language, as well as from Moldavian - poems of Emilian Bukov, from Tatar-poems of Musa Jalil and from Buryat-poems of Dashirabdan Batozhabay and Khotsa Namsaraev). He is also known as the author of poems on surzhika (not published).

He lived in Peredelkino, now the Novomoskovsky administrative district of Moscow.

Ilya Lvovich Frenkel died on March 2, 1994. He was buried in Moscow, on the 1st plot of the Vagankovsky cemetery.