Auction 13 Hebrew Books, Manuscripts & Letters
By Taj Art
Apr 7, 2024
Jerusalem, Israel
The auction has ended

LOT 34:

Sefer Yesod: Ma’avar Yabok. Mantua 1626. First Edition. Printed in the Author’s Lifetime

Start price:
$ 1,000
Estimated price :
$1,500 - $2,500
Buyer's Premium: 25% More details
VAT: 17% On commission only
Auction took place on Apr 7, 2024 at Taj Art
tags: Books

Sefer Yesod: Ma’avar Yabok. Mantua 1626. First Edition. Printed in the Author’s Lifetime

The Personal Copy of the Holy Gaon R' Eliezer Nachman Foa, Av Bet Din of Modena, one of the Greatest Italian Kabbalists, and Outstanding Student of the Rema of Fano.

Ma’avar Yabok, customs for the day of dying, confessions and prayers, words of ethics and Kabbalah matters. Authored by the Kabbalist, Rabbi Aharon Berachya of Modena, who was also the owner of a cemetery [see in the Sefer Me'Ever Yavak and the sefer Chayyei Yehuda by Rabbi Yehuda Aryeh of Modena].

A magnum opus comprising 112 chapters, equivalent to the numerical value of ‘Yabok’. Over time, an abridged version, ‘Kitzur Ma’avor Yabok’ was printed from this work.

The book is divided into four essays: Siftei Tzedek, Siftei Emet, Siftei Renanot and Anan HaKetoret. The fourth essay includes 3 sections: Seder Pitum HaKetoret, Korban Ta’anit and Minchat Aharon.

Includes verses from Torah, Nevi’im and Ketuvim to be recited daily in Shacharit and Mincha, listed accorded to the days of the week. These verses are printed with punctuation.

On the verso of the title page: “Chida al HaMitah”

Rabbi Aharon Berachya of Modena was one of Italy’s leading Kabbalists and Halachic authorities. He was a disciple of Rabbi Menachem Azarya of Fano and was in contact with Rabbi Yehudah Aryeh of Modena and Rabbi Yisrael Sarug, a disciple of The Arizal.
Rabbi Aryeh Berachya was ordained for the Rabbinate, by Rabbi Yom Tov Tzahalon, author of Shu”t MaHarit. He authored a number of other works.

On the title page are signatures of “Yechiel Nachman Foa”, “Chizkiya Foa”, and "Eliezer Nachman Foa":

On the title page is the signature in the sacred hand of Rabbi Eliezer Nachman Foah, who signs - as is his holy custom - with the initials: "ARN"N". According to what the Hida wrote in the name of the gedolim (edited by Rabbi Eliezer Nachman Foa), that is how he used to sign and these are the initial and final letters of his first and last name: EliezeR NachmaN.  (He also called one of his essays by a similar name: "Garan Arnan").

In addition, there are glosses in his hand in 2 places in the book.

Additional signature of Rabbi Yechiel Nachman Foa - studen to of the Ramaz. And an additional signature of Rabbi Chizkiya Foa, sons of Rabbi Yitzchak Foa and brothers-in-law of The Rema of Fano.

On the final page are handwritten inscriptions in a foreign (non-Hebrew) language.

Mantua, 1626. First edition printed during the author’s lifetime. Sefer Yesod.
40 leaves. 41-55 pages, 57-84 leaves, 1-146, 149-162, 155-172 leaves – leaf 16 in the first pagination chalak.
19.5 cm. Very good condition. Stains. Quality paper. Magnificent, impressive, half-leather binding.
Vinograd, Mantua 220.
Stefansky Sifrei Yesod 448.

Impressive Copy of Sefer Yesod.