Auction 11 Rare Hebrew Books & Manuscripts, Rabbinic Letters and Judaica
By Taj Art
Dec 24, 2023
Jerusalem, Israel
The auction has ended

LOT 185:

Volume of 8 Books Regularly Studied by the Gaon Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky zt”l. Includes: Reb Chaim’s Personal Copy of ...

Sold for: $4,000 (₪14,400)
Start price:
$ 1,000
Estimated price :
$2,000 - $3,000
Buyer's Premium: 25% More details
VAT: 18% On commission only
Auction took place on Dec 24, 2023 at Taj Art

Volume of 8 Books Regularly Studied by the Gaon Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky zt”l. Includes: Reb Chaim’s Personal Copy of Sha’arei Teshuva, a Segulah Book and Polemic.
1. Otzar Midrashim Kitvei Yad, Vol. 2 by Rabbi Shlomo Ahron Wertheimer. Jerusalem, 1914.
[10], 56 leaves. Good condition.

2. Shu”t Min HaShamayim – Segulah Book. Jerusalem circa 1914.
This book was printed in Jerusalem with the endorsements of the members of Badatz Eida Chareidit, Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Charlap and the Admor Rabbi David Zvi Shlomo Biderman of Lelov.
16 leaves. Good condition.

3. Shemot SheBemishnayot. Radzyn, 1911.
Index of all names that are mentioned in Mishnayot arranged alphabetically. By Rabbi Yerucham Meir Leiner, an Izbitzer Chassid who was a Biblical researcher and author.
[1], 13 leaves. Good condition.

4. Aspaklariyah HaMe’irah. Warsaw, 1906.
History of Torah Sages, the Tana’im and Amora’’im. By Rabbi Chaim Shalom Slivkin.
[2], 140 pages. Good condition.

5. Sha’arei Teshuvah, With Ohr Chadash by Rabbi Moshe Karelitz, brother of the Chazon Ish. Vilna 1923. First edition.
At the top of the title pages is penned a handwritten signature: “MiSifrei Chaim Kanievsky”, along with his stamp: “Chaim Kanievsky Bnei-Brak”.

This copy was apparently very cherished by Reb Chaim zt”l. This is likely due to the commentary Ohr Chadash of his uncle, that was printed in this edition. It is widely known that Reb Chaim greatly lauded studying this book.

41 leaves. Good condition.

6. Ta’amei HaMinhagim.
Without title page. Worn from use. Fair condition. Tears in the margins and scorch marks on the first leaves.

7. Ginat Elimelech. Jerusalem, 1932. Single edition.
Novellae and in-depth explanations on Sugyot of the Talmud. By Rabbi Elimelech HaKohen Rubinstein, The Rachover Rav.
[4], 72 pages. Good condition. Brittle leaves.

8. Darkah Shel Torah – Polemic. Jerusalem, 1920.
Regarding children’s education of great Rabbi and Chassidic leaders in the Land of Israel and the Diaspora. The book first appeared in Vilna, 1902. The ensuing debate let to its reprinting along with numerous Rabbinical additions. On the verso of the title page appears the approbation of Rabbi Yitzchak Yerucham Diskin and Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld zt”l.
56 pages.