Incunabula: Nevi'im Achronim with Commentary by the Radak – with handwritten notes. Soncino, 1486. First Edition.
The Letter Prophets [Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and the Twelve Minor Prophets], with the commentary of Rabbi David Kimchi - the Radak.
Printed in two columns, the text in square letters without vowels and cantillation marks, and the commentary in "Rashi script."
The opening words of each book were not printed, leaving space for completion in handwritten script and embellishments. In the copy before us, some words were not completed in certain places.
This edition is the first to print the books of the Latter Prophets and the first to print Radak's commentary with the text. Most editions of the Bible that followed were not printed by Jews, highlighting the unique significance of this rare edition.
On the first page, there is a faded hand-written owner's inscription. Throughout the book, there are handwritten notes and corrections.
Soncino Press: The Soncino family were prominent Jewish printers in the 15th and 16th centuries, especially during the early years of printing. They established their first printing house in the city of Soncino in Italy around the year 1483, and since then, they moved with their printing equipment throughout Italy, settling in various cities continuing their printing work. In the first decade of their activity, the Soncino family were the first to print tractates from the Talmud and the first to bring the holy scriptures in their entirety to print.
Soncino, 1486. First edition. Printer: Yehoshua Shlomo ben Yisrael Nathan Soncino. Incunabula.
33 kuntrasim. 28 cm. In fair condition (professionally restored pages!), stains, numerous mended tears, slight text damage. Bound in an ancient and impressive leather cover.
Steinschneider No. 4.
Freimann – Archive, Catalog 39 A.
Offenbach No. 29.
P. Ta-Shbi Hebrew Incunabulas: Soncino.
Kiryat Sefer, Vol. 63, 1987, pp. 608–615.
Vinograd Soncino 13.