Asta 9 Major Sale - Rabbinical Autographs, Rare Manuscripts, Printed Books and Judaica.
Da Taj Art
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She'arit Yehuda. Salonika, 1600. Very Rare.

Venduto per: $2 000 (₪7 260)
₪7 260
Prezzo iniziale:
$ 1 800
Prezzo stimato :
$3 500 - $5 000
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 25% Altri dettagli
IVA: 17% Solo su commissione
25.6.23 in Taj Art
tag: Libri

She'arit Yehuda. Salonika, 1600. Very Rare.

First Printing of one of the significant Halachah books, from the Taitachek family.

Novellae and glosses on Beit Yosef Yoreh De'ah, Halachic rulings and responsa from Rabbi Shmuel Taitchek (Piskei Mar Shmuel) and from his brother, the Gaon Rabbi Yosef Taitchek (Piskei Maharit). Published by Rabbi Yehuda ben Rabbi Shmuel Taitachek.

The book She'arit Yehuda was greatly accepted by the Acharonim. The author of Knesset HaGedolah quotes it more than one hundred times! It is also quoted in the books of the greatest Halachic Authorities: Shach, Pri Chadash, Pri Megadim, Birchei Yosef and more.

With ‘Tofes HaHaskamah’ of the Salonika sages regarding the Marranos who came from Spain. The Rabbis ruled that a Marrano woman’s marriage to a Jew is not binding even if there are Halachic witnesses, and she is not considered married by Jewish law. The publishers, the Taitchek family, refer in the foreword to the manuscript source.
The final leaf features the impressive Printer’s mark of Mattityahu Migeza Batsheva, depicting angels, an eagle and lion. (Ya’ari notes in Diglei HaMadpis Haivriim p148 that this version of the printer’s mark is only printed in this book. Other Batsheva Press books feature a smaller version without the printer’s name.)

Rabbi Yosef Taitchek of Salonika was one of the greatest sages during the Spanish Expulsion era. He was the teacher of great luminaries including the Alshich, Rabbi Shlomo Akavetz, and MaHashadam and others.

Salonika, 1600. First printing.
84 leaves. Very good condition. Renewed half-leather binding.

Beautiful, complete and rare copy of one of the significant Halachah books, from the Taitachek family.