Auction 2- TAJ ART Rare Books and Manuscripts, Silver Objects and Paintings.
By Taj Art
Aug 19, 2021
16 Betzalel st. Jerusalem 94591, Israel

Auction No. 2

Rare Books and Manuscripts, Silver Objects and Art

The auction has ended

LOT 16:

Or Pnei Moshe – By Rabbi Moshe Sofer of Pshevorsk – Mezeritch, 1810. First Edition. Complete Copy.

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Sold for: $12,000 (₪39,000)
Start price:
$ 3,600
Estimated price :
$6,000 - $8,000
Buyer's Premium: 23% More details
VAT: 17% On commission only
Auction took place on Aug 19, 2021 at Taj Art

Or Pnei Moshe – By Rabbi Moshe Sofer of Pshevorsk – Mezeritch, 1810. First Edition. Complete Copy.

Mezeritch, 1810.

240 pages. Size 21.5 cm. Blue- green tinged paper. Outstandingly beautiful condition. Most impressive copy with modern binding including gold embossing. Includes two additonal leaves of approbations in small print. These were added to some copies following the book’s printing.

The book of Or Pnei Moshe is comprised of homily, ethics and Chassidic teachings on the Torah and Five Megillot, authored by Rabbi Moshe Sofer Stam of Pshevorsk and Mezeritch. First edition.

Rabbi Moshe of Pshevorsk was a great Chassidic master in the generation of Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk and his brother Rabbi Zusha of Anipoli, who held him in high esteem. The book includes many highly praiseworthy approbations extolling the author’s holiness. Approbations were accorded by foremost Chassidic leaders including Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev, the Maggid of Kozhnitz, the Chozeh of Lublin, Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Rimanov, the Ohev Yisrael of Apta and the Be'er Mayim Chaim.

Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Rimanov wrote in his approbation: “I know him for a lengthy time and all the secrets of both hidden and revealed Torah are known to him.”
The sons of Rabbi Zusha of Anipoli quote a testimony from their saintly father, who described to them how the author composed this book. Rabbi Zushe who observed the author while studying declared: "… his appearance resembled that of a heavenly angel, and while immersed in writing his holy book, a tongue of fire would ascend from his holy written words".

R. Moshe of Pshevorsk (1720?-1806) was famed amongst the great Chassidic masters as an outstandingly holy and pure Torah scribe. Tefillin and mezuzot he wrote were deemed exceptionally holy, and some were preserved from generation to generation with immense care. Reputedly, Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk attested he saw King David standing beside Rabbi Moshe, and they thereafter became acquainted (Encyclopedia L'Chassidut, III, p. 303). In a letter from Rabbi Moshe to Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Rimanov, he writes to him that the price of his tefillin is one red-gulden, yet he is unable to keep up with demand. Many legends and traditions were transmitted throughout the generations regarding this matter.

Magnificent, outstanding copy

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