Auction 44 Part 1 General auction include items from the estate of the poet and editior Israel Har
Aug 21, 2019 (Your local time)
 Ella st' 33 Truman village

our address: Hala 33 (farm no. 33), Kfar Truman.

In this auction and subsequent auctions will include items from the estate of the poet and editor Israel Har.

Among other items include books with dedications, Typewriters, special uncommon books and more.

Buyer's premium is 20% + VAT on the commission only.

Payments must be complete whitin a week after auction, a fee of 5% will be added to late payments.

Shippments can be choosen in one of 2 ways:

Register shippping (Israel post) prices:

Up to 2 kilo at a cost of 20 NIS

2-5 Kilo for 25 NIS.

5-10 kilo cost 32 NIS

10-20 kilo cost 40 NIS

Courier delivery of the Israeli post in the costs of 60 NIS regardless of weight up to 20 kg (only in Israel).

In cases of complecated items and fragile items, the auction house may take an additional cost to ensure the proper packaging of the items.

With certain items, large or particularly complex items, the buyer will have to coordinate collection from the Auction House.

About the vat, buyers from abroad can request to remove the vat with scan of their passport only!  

The auction has ended

LOT 38:

Znak Miesiecznik. Rok XXXV Luty-Marzec (2-3) 1983, 339-340. Katolicysm-Judaizm Zydni w Polsce I W Swiecie.

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Start price:
$ 10
Auction house commission: 20% More details
VAT: On commission only

Znak Miesiecznik. Rok XXXV Luty-Marzec (2-3) 1983, 339-340. Katolicysm-Judaizm Zydni w Polsce I W Swiecie.
Krakow, Octavo, paper covers, 165-604 pp., b/w photos In Polish., fair condition. Articles are "Antysemitysm, Patriotyzm, Chrzescijanstwo," Stefan Wilkinowicz, "Deklaracja o Stunsunku Kociola de Religii Niechrzescijanskich (Nostra Aetate)," Komisja do Spraw Stosunkow Religijnych z Judaizem Wskamzowki Sugestie w Sprawie Wprowadzenie w Zycie Deklaracji Soborowej 'Nostra Aetate,'" "Przemowienie do Miedzynarodowego Katoloico-Zydowskiego Komiteu Lacznosci," Pawet, Papiez VI, "Przemowienie do Miedzynarodowego Katoloico-Zydowskiego Komiteu Lacznosci," Pawet, Papiez Jan II, "Gelbia i Bogactwo Wspolnego Dziedzictwa Przemowienie w Moguncji do Przemowienie w Moguncji do Przedstawicieli Gminy Zydowskiej, Pawet, Jan Pawiet II, "Postawa Chrzescijan Wobec Judaizmu Wskazania Duszpasterskie Komiteteu Biskupow Francuskich do Spraw Stosunkow z Judaizmem," Skoro tak Trzeba.," Lustiger, Abp Jean-Marie, "Kosciol a Judaizm w Dialogu," Lichten, Jozef, "Dialog Chrzescijansko-Zydowski - Czas na Ustalenie Porzadku Dziennego," Petuchowskki, Jakob J., "Pslam CXXVI Paraphrasis," Szarzynski, Mikolaj Sep, "Judaizm i Swieta Zydowskie," Naimska, Matgorzata, "Szofar Czyli ,Trabki,'" Michal Stremski, "Modlitwy z Synagogi Wielkiej w Tykocinie," "Talmud: Etyka, Stosunki Miedzyludzkie, Datner, Szymon and Kamienska, Anna, "Talmud po Krakowsku," Michal Strzemski, "Kabbala Zywa," Kos, Bogdan and Krych, Malgorzata, "Nawrocenia na Judaizm," Stanislaw Krajewski, "Odnalezienie Mesjasza," Price, Rose, "5.VIII.1942," Ficowski, Jerzy, "Sam na Sam z Bogiem Modlitwy Tych, Ktorzy sie nie Modla," Janusz Korczak, "Krzyk
Rare antique old jewelry

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