Auction 49 Part II - Bibles and Prayer Books, Manuscripts, Graphics and Ceremonial Art
Jan 20, 2016 (Your local time)
 8 Ramban St, Jerusalem.
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LOT 487:

Siddur and Tehillim – Amsterdam, 1811-1814 – Distinctive Dedication from 1836

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Sold for: $600
Start price:
$ 300
Auction house commission: 23%
VAT: On commission only

Year-round prayers, Ashkenazi and Polish tradition, with Yiddish explanations. Amsterdam, [1811]. Bound with: Tehillim, arranged for the days of the week, with Yiddish commentary and techinot (pleas). Amsterdam, 1814. The siddur and tehillim were originally bound together, at the beginning of the volume is a leaf with a handwritten dedication [in square script], decoratively framed with verses, by “Avraham Mordechai son of R’ Wolf Binger” in honor of the birth of his son David: “…I am delighted on this day…Shabbat eve…Adar Rishon 1836…G-d gave me wonderful joy with the wife of my youth…Ms. Edil daughter of R’ David Beniamins…and gave me a son…G-d should bestow upon me the merit of circumcising him on the eighth day by the expert mohel…R’ Eliyahu son of R’ Zalman Nordan…on the knees of the Sandak, my father-in-law…R’ Naftali Hertz Manheim…”. Siddur: 269, 92 leaves (92 leaves with Hosha’anot, Yotzrot and Selichot bound from another edition. Amsterdam 1760?). Tehillim: 144 leaves (separate title page for the techinot). 20 cm. Good condition, stains. Several leaves in fair condition, tears and damage to text. Gilt edges. Contemporary leather binding, restored spine.

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