Auction 019 Online Auction 19 – Jewish and Israeli History, Art and Culture
Jun 4, 2019 (Your local time)
 8 Ramban St, Jerusalem.
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LOT 56:

Two Newspapers – The Declaration of the UN on November 29 – Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem, November 30, 1947

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Sold for: $200
Start price:
$ 200
Auction house commission: 25%
VAT: On commission only

Two issues of newspapers that were printed a day after the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine was approved. Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem, 30.11.1947. Hebrew and English.
1. HaAretz, issue no. 8586 from 30.11.1947. Its Hebrew headline: "The Establishment of a Jewish State was Decided Upon".
4pp, 57 cm. Good-fair condition. Fold lines. Stains, mainly on the margins and fold lines. Several tears to the margins.
2. The Palestine Post, issue no. 6571, from 30.11.1947. Its headline: "Partition Approved by More Than 2/3…"
4pp, 59 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains. Fold lines. Tears to the margins and fold lines, some of them slightly affecting the text.

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