Leilão 5 Parte 2 Kodesh books, manuscripts, rabbinical letters, Judaica
25.2.16 (na sua hora local)
 Harav Maimon 2, Jerusalem
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Alter Rebbe Siddur – First Edition – Kapust 1816

Vendido por: $3 000
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$ 3 000
Comissão da leiloeira: 19%
IVA: 17% Sobre a comissão apenas

Alter Rebbe Siddur – First Edition – Kapust 1816
Siddur HaRav. Order of prayer for the whole year according to the rite of the Ari. Nussach Chabad with laws and Hassidic sayings by the author of the "Tanya", the Admor HaZaken, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, edited by his son, the Admor Ha'Emtzai Rabbi Dov Ber. The first section for weekdays. Kapust [1816]. First edition.
Includes: Sh'ar HaTzitzit, Sh'ar HaTefillin, Sha'ar HaTefilla, Peirush HaMilot al Pesukei D'Zimra, Sha'ar HaKriyat Shema (the kavana of Kriyat Shema according to the Kabbalah), Sha'ar HaTalmud Torah, Seder Netilat Yadayim l'Seuda (the laws of ritual hand washing, which are like a "second edition" to the laws in Shulchan Aruch HaRav), Sha'ar Birkat HaMazon, Seder Birchot HaNehenin, homilies for weddings, Seder HaMila, Seder Kriyat Shema Al HaMita, and Seder Tikkun Chatzot.
In the introduction of his son Rebbe Dov Ber "the son of the Gaon the rabbi the author", who edited it and brought it to print he writes: "and I gathered from several booklets from copies which I have which many people copied from manuscripts, and also lots of booklets which I myself wrote…which my father the Admor edited…and found them to be very good". The halachic rulings in this siddur are considered to be a second edition to his halachic opinion, and the customs of Chabad are based on them until the last generation, see the introduction to the book "Piskei HaSiddur" by Rabbi Avraham Chaim Na'eh.
104, 54 pages.
Handwritten inscriptions: "belongs to the tremendously rich man…Yosef Levin". His signature is at the back of the book. On page 82 is an inscription in similar handwriting but a different name is mentioned in it.
The stamp of "Adat Yisrael Al Yedei HaTzedaka Gedola al shem HaGaon Rabbi Matityahu Shtrashun" in Vilna.
Size: 20.5cm.
Condition: Good. The title page is missing and was replaced with a professional photocopy on ancient paper. Half of page 2 was restored. A few moth holes. Stains. On very few pages there is wear damage and tears in the text. Some of the pages underwent professional restoration. New, semi-leather impressive cover.