Leilão 5 Parte 2 Kodesh books, manuscripts, rabbinical letters, Judaica
25.2.16 (na sua hora local)
 Harav Maimon 2, Jerusalem
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LOTE 501:

Otiyot De'Rabbi Akiva – With Glosses and Corrections Handwritten by the Publisher – Including the Revised Edition

Vendido por: $80
Preço inicial:
$ 80
Comissão da leiloeira: 19%
IVA: 17% Sobre a comissão apenas

Otiyot De'Rabbi Akiva – With Glosses and Corrections Handwritten by the Publisher – Including the Revised Edition
A. Otiyot De'Rabbi Akiva, Warsaw 1871. The book contains many glosses handwritten by Rabbi Zvi Moshkovitch, the fertile publisher who also published an important edition of the composition (as follows). Most of the glosses are lingual; a few are theoretical. At the beginning of the book, Rabbi Moshkovitch describes the importance of the book and its editions and what led him to publish the new edition. This text was printed in the edition he published in 1947, which included the corrections that were written at the margins of the pages of the edition before us.
A most rare edition. A single copy appears in the National Library.
B. Otiyot De'Rabbi Akiva, Warsaw 1947. Published by Rabbi Zvi Moshkovitch. The edition was corrected according to the above copy. On the title page the publisher glued a sticker with the details of his business. In Jerusalem.
Condition: Good. A page is missing in the 1871 edition.