Аукцион 5 Часть 1 Herzel, Zionism, antisemitism and holocaust, autographs, Hagadot, books, stamps, art
23.2.16 (локальном времени Вашего часового пояса)
 Harav Maimon 2, Jerusalem
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ЛОТ 293:

16 Certificates and Letters of Jewish Life, Breslau, Prussia, the 19th Century – Among the Certificates, "Tena'im ...

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16 Certificates and Letters of Jewish Life, Breslau, Prussia, the 19th Century – Among the Certificates, "Tena'im Rishonim" and "Tena'im Acharonim", Certificate of the Chevra Kadisha, Certificate of the "Sova Semachot" Company and More – Hebrew, Yiddish and German
Following is a description of some of the certificates:
A. Impressive certificate from 1816, Germany, of Abraham Loebel Lascker of Breslau, confirming his being accepted as a member of a commercial company. Nice, readable wax stamp. 41x26 cm.
B. Certificate of Abraham Loebel Lascker of Breslau from 1826 confirming his being accepted as a member of the Chevra Kadisha of Breslau. Signed by the president P. Zilberstein. Nice wax stamp on which it is written in Hebrew: "Chevra Kadisha … Tahart Metim … Breslau". 20x25 cm.
The stamp "Sechs Ggroschen" (six pennies), 44x33 cm.
C. 4 documents of "Tenaim", the Lascker family.
Tenaim Rishonim, Tenaim Acharonim. Hebrew and Yiddish. 42x34 cm.
Tenaim from the first day of Chol Ha'Moed Pesach 1808. Yiddish. 44x34 cm.
The same Tenaim in a German document, 1808, 48x34 cm.
D. A German contract between Abraham Loebel Lascker of and Christian Gotob, Breslau 1810, two stamps. 33x40 cm.
E. Lascker, 2 German documents, 1825, 5 pages with a large paper stamp. Each page 34x21 cm.
F. List of about 50 members of a Jewish organization, Austria? Entry date, Hebrew and foreign date of birth. Names like Hirsch, Kahn, Ela Schreiber, Ya'akov Moritz and more. 1824-1861, Yiddish, 40x24 cm.
G. Certificate from 1919, with a small wax stamp, German, 20x16 cm. Henning.
H. Table of expenses and income of the "Sova Semachot" Company, 1823-1825. Germany 37x23 cm.
I. 5 letters discussing the family tree, 1938. Handwritten illustration of the family tree since the 17th century. The Neumann family. The father of the family, Wolf Neumann 1749-1827, his son Shimon, most likely of Frankfurt. His children Shlomo, Reuben, Shmuel, Sasha Neumann.
Condition: Good. Some of the documents have time stains with no damage to text. Some of them are torn.
Important, interesting documents.