Auction 4 Part 2 Rabbinic manuscripts, letters by rabbis, autographs, Kodesh books, inscriptions and signatures
Nov 26, 2015 (Your local time)
 Harav Maimon 2, Jerusalem
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LOT 422:

Interesting Letter of Rabbi Pinchas Epstein, Rosh Av Beit Din Jerusalem to Rabbi Yisrael Porat

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Sold for: $100
Start price:
$ 100
Auction house commission: 19%
VAT: On commission only

Letter of Rabbi Pinchas Epsteim (died in 1970) a genius and important Posek. Headed the Beit Din of Ha'Eda Ha'Haredit in Jerusalem from 1948 until his death. In his youth, he wrote the books 'Mincha Chareva' and 'Oryan Talitai', which were accepted with wonder by the greatest rabbis. He founded and based the kashrut system of Badatz Ha'Eda Ha'Haredit.
The letter is addressed to his friend Rabbi Yisrael Porat. Rabbi Yisrael Porat (1886-1974) was a Torah scholar in Jerusalem, the student of Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Ha'Cohen Kook. For fifty years, he served as a central rabbi in Cleveland, Ohio.
He describes Rabbi Yisrael using grand adjectives: Pe'er Yisreal (the glory of Israel) and more. He expresses his surprise that Rabbi Yisrael had not sent him greetings on the occasion of the marriage of his son, Rabbi Yesha'aya. The letter indicates their strong, exceptional friendship, despite their difference of opinion.
Another interesting detail is the way Rabbi Pinchas indicates the date of 1954 as "the sixth year to the destruction of the Holy City" meaning, the surrender of the Jewish Quarter and its destruction during the War of Independence.
30X17 cm. Airmail letter.
Condition: Very Good.

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