Auction 8 A Curated Selection of Rare Hebrew Books & Manuscripts
By Royal Auction House
Sep 4, 2023
Toms River, NJ, United States
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LOT 33:

The Cherished Segulah Book: Sefer Reziel HaMalach, Amsterdam 1701. First Edition

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Sold for: $14,000
Start price:
$ 5,000
Estimated price :
$10,000 - $15,000
Buyer's Premium: 25%
Auction took place on Sep 4, 2023 at Royal Auction House

The Cherished Segulah Book: Sefer Reziel HaMalach, Amsterdam 1701. First Edition

A complete copy of Sefer Reziel HaMalach - First Edition, Amsterdam 1701.  

Reziel HaMalach contains deep secrets of Kabbalah given to Adam HaRishon upon being exiled from Gan Eden. This Sefer is known to be a wondrous Segulah for success, children and most famously protects from fires.  

Interestingly, in addition to the above mentioned Segulos, the following is mentioned on the title page: “Whoever holds a copy of this Holy Sefer... he will have a salvation at times of distress. All Bnei Torah can relate [about salvations brought about through this Sefer] and attest to this”.  

First edition. Printed in 1701 from manuscript form. 

Who Authored Reziel HaMalach?

In the publisher’s introduction, he relates that when preparing the manuscript for print, he borrowed another two manuscripts to verify the authenticity of his manuscript. His manuscript however, was written by “Eliezer ben R. Yehudah”, who attested that these concepts were related to him by R. Yehuda HaChassid.  

Although no mention is made by the publisher, it is clear that “Eliezer ben R. Yehudah” is none other than the Rokeach — R. Eliezer of Worms.  

Indeed, there are many similarities between the concepts discussed in Sefer HaRokeach and those in Reziel HaMalach. See, for example pp. 9-10 of Reziel HaMalach five main “Shorashim” necessary to attain in order to properly understand these Kabbalistic secrets. These very same principles are also found in the introduction to Sefer Rokeach, at times even using identical wording and style. Please refer to the Hebrew description for an exact quote of his words found in both works. 

It is therefore clear without doubt that Reziel HaMalach — as a Sefer — was authored by the Rokeach, one of the “Chassidei Ashkenaz”. Why the publisher of this edition and bibliographers failed to realize this remains a mystery.  

It is worthwhile noting that in his Sefer Rav Pe’alim, R. Avraham ben HaGra brings the opinion of his father, The Vilna Gaon, (entry of Ma’asei Bereishis), who maintains that Sefer Reziel must have been written by the Rokeach, since there are certain Midrashim found only in both the Rokeach’s works and Reziel HaMalach and no place else. However, no reference to the introduction’s repetition of various fundamentals found in Reziel is mentioned. To the best of our knowledge, we have merited in making a revelation which has not been discovered thus far.  

In good condition. Small repairs seen an some pages, not affecting text. With some light stains. Page 43 was bound accidentally after page 44. Bound in an ornate, new leather binding with gold accents. 

45 pp.  

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