Fine Judaica: Printed Books, Manuscripts, Autograph Letters & Graphic Art
By Kestenbaum & Company
Jun 22, 2017
Brooklyn, NY, United States
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LOT 73:

Minchah Chadashah Nevi’im Rishonim. With ...

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Estimated price :
$ 1,000 - $1,500
Buyer's Premium: 25%
sales tax: 8.875% On commission only
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Auction took place on Jun 22, 2017 at Kestenbaum & Company

Minchah Chadashah Nevi’im Rishonim. With Judeo-German translation plus commentaries of Rashi and Ralbag.
Fold out prospectus in Judeo-German with information for subscribers. Samples of first chapter of Joshua on white and light green paper.
* With addendum of four manuscript pages listing the signatures of c. 35 subscribers from Amsterdam. ff. 12, pp. 4. Contemporary boards. 8vo. Vinograd, Carlsruhe 50.

Seligman and Joseph Ettlinger, Carlsruhe : 1805.

With approbations from R. Yedidiah Thiah Weil, the Rabbi of Carlsruhe and R. Moshe Tuviah Zuntheim, Rabbi of Hanau.
     Interesting for the history of printing and distribution of books in the early 19th century. Subscribers specified the type of paper they wished to order: “schreib paper” or “post paper.” In addition, those ordering ten copies receive an additional copy complimentary. This prospectus is not noted by Vinograd who records the published Bible, yet does not list the names of the printers as noted in the prospectus.
     This particular prospectus is likely the publisher’s personal copy is it contains a manuscript record of the subscribers.

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