Auction 12 Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
By Kedem
Oct 21, 2010
8 Ramban St, Jerusalem., Israel
The auction has ended

LOT 251:

Books of Parables, Poems and Songs Printed in Baghdad

Sold for: $260
Start price:
$ 250
Buyer's Premium: 23%
VAT: 17% On commission only
Auction took place on Oct 21, 2010 at Kedem

Books of Parables, Poems and Songs Printed in Baghdad
1-2. Ketzat Chaiker, the story… of a officer of King Sancheriv, and what happened to him with his nephew Nadan… and his travels to Pharoah Sultan of Egypt. Baghdad, [c. 1890]. Bound with: Amtal El Daudia [Parables of David]. First booklet, Baghdad, 1927. Arabic, in Hebrew letters.
3. Shirot V'Tishbachot, contains pleasant piyutim and poems, some by Rabbi Yisrael Nagara, [Baghdad, c. 1895].
4. Sefer HaShirim, contains songs and praises. Baghdad, [1906]. 415 songs and poems.
5. Pizmonim, Siman Avraham. [Baghdad, c. 1920]. The piyutim are in Hebrew and Arabic in Hebrew letters. Printed without title page.
6. Kol Shirim, poems with vowels for Shabbat and festivals. Baghdad, 1932. 118 poems, some in Jewish-Arabic.
Varied size and condition. Owners' signatures.
From Dr. Israel Mehlman's private collection.
Rare, some were not listed in the bibliographic lists of Ya'ari