Auction 55 Part I - Rare and Important Items
By Kedem
May 9, 2017
8 Ramban St, Jerusalem., Israel
The auction has ended

LOT 11:

Two Manuscripts Bound Together, Grammatical Compositions / Commentary of Ba'alei HaTosfot on the Torah - Italy ...

Start price:
$ 5,000
Buyer's Premium: 23%
VAT: 17% On commission only
Auction took place on May 9, 2017 at Kedem

Two Manuscripts Bound Together, Grammatical Compositions / Commentary of Ba'alei HaTosfot on the Torah - Italy, 15th Century
Two manuscripts, grammatical compositions and Torah commentaries. [Italy, 15th century].
A manuscript in ancient Ashkenazi-Italian script, bound with another manuscript in ancient Ashkenazi script. Apparently, both manuscripts were bound together at the time they were written.
Content of the first manuscript:
1. Leaves [1]-[11r]: Mevo HaDikduk, by R. Benjamin b. Jehuda of Rome. The composition opens with the poem: B'Ezratcha Elyon, followed by the author's note that he wrote the book "For me and for my brethren who study with me…". In another place in the composition, he mentions his brother Aharon. Several places have illustrations of hands with pointing fingers. On leaf [7v] is a mnemonic diagram for teaching conjugation of Hebrew verbs, flanked on four sides by the inscriptions "east", "west", "north" and "south".
2. Leaf [11r], and leaves [12v]-[16r]: Composition on the Rashi commentary on the Torah - including novellae by the Ba'alei HaTosfot on the Torah, primarily on the parshiot of Bereshit and on Parshat Va'Era of Shemot. The author calls his commentary "Explanation of the foreign words in the Rashi commentary". His commentary on some parshiot culminate with a rhyming verse. A partial examination has revealed version variations between this manuscript and printed editions of the Tosfot on the Torah.
In the middle - leaves [11v]-[12r] are calculations of the Jewish calendar (leap years, New Moons).
3. Leaves [16r]-[18v]: Commentary on the book Petach Devarei by R. Meir ben R. Shlomo ben R. David the grammarian.
4. Leaves [18v]-[20v] contain compilations from the book Machberet HaAruch by R. Shlomo Ibn Parchon (Chelek HaShorashim). Titled: "I have found… in the city of Legnago [or Legnano, Northern Italy]". On leaf [21r]: "This book is from Eliezer son of Yitzchak…".
The name of the scribe of the manuscript is Shmuel - the letters of the name are marked in the beginning of the lines on leaf [5r] and on leaf [15v], as was formerly customary by scribes.
Content of second manuscript:
Leaves [21]-[48]: Sefer Zikaron by R. Yosef Kimchi (first printed in Berlin in 1888, by Binyamin Ze'ev Bacher. This manuscript was the basis of that edition).
Marginalia by another writer from that time (Italian Hebrew script). At the end of the manuscript are four additional pages in a different handwriting (Italian script). At the top of one leaf is the title "Verbs and Details of Grammar". Written on another leaf: "I have copied from the Cheshev HaEfod". Quill trials on the next to last leaf and on the last leaf: list of the verb conjugations with Italian Hebrew explanations.
Signed by censors (on leaf [44v] and on the last page): Domenico Carretto 1618; Domenico Jerosolimitano; Alessandro Scipione 1597.
The first manuscript was probably copied in Northern Italy since a composition found in the city of Legnago (or Legnano) is mentioned. Many German (Ashkenazi) Jews immigrated to this region during the second half of the 14th century and continued settling there throughout the 15th century.
[49] leaves. 20 cm. Good condition. Stains, minor wear. Leaf [21] is composed of the last leaf and the first leaf of both manuscripts. The first of these two leaves was torn in an attempt to separate them, affecting the text. Tears and damages to text of last leaf. Non-contemporary binding.
1. Shmuel Schoenblum (note on front flyleaf documenting purchase from him).
2. Shlomo Zalman Chaim Halberstam.
3. Montefiore collection - London.
4. Sotheby's New York November 2004.
5. Toaff family collection.