LOT 497:
FRIESZ OTHON: (1879-1949) French artist associated with the Fauvist movement. A.L.S., Othon Friesz, two pages ...
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FRIESZ OTHON: (1879-1949) French artist associated with the Fauvist movement. A.L.S., Othon Friesz, two pages, oblong 4to, Aups (Provence, Var), 22nd November 1926, to a friend, in French. Friesz informs his correspondent that he is still at the Chateau de Taurenne and continues 'Je m'empresse de t'envoyer mes affectueux remerciements pour cette nouvelle preuve de ta veille et sincere amitie que tu viens de me donner en ecrivant le bon et spirituel article sure moi dans l'Europe nouvelle - agremente de quelques jolies phrases de douce poesie - j'en suis tres touche et j'espere te dire bientot de vive-voix mon sentiment: en effet je compte venir a Paris des la premiere huitaine de Decembre et t'y rencontrer et nous ferons ensemble un de ces vieux 'pique-nique' qui s'eloignent trop' (Translation: 'I hasten to send you my affectionate thanks for this new proof of your watchful and sincere friendship that you have just given me by writing the good and witty article on me in L'Europe nouvelle - embellished with some pretty sentences of sweet poetry - I am very touched by it and I hope to tell you very soon my feelings: indeed I intend to come to Paris from the first week of December and meet you there and we will have one of those old 'picnics' together that stray too far'), further remarking 'Ma femme te remercie aussi car ta sais combien cela touche les femmes quand un critique valable se donne la peine de faire si amicalement le tour d'une artiste qu'elles aiment' (Translation: 'My wife also thanks you because you know how much it touches women when a worthy critic takes the trouble to be so friendly around an artist they love'). Some minimal age wear and a few very minor, small tears to the edges, not affecting the text or signature, VG