Special Chabad Sale.
By Appel Auction
Jul 9, 2024
., United States
Seforim, Manuscripts. Letters & part of the Rebbe's Shtender.
The auction has ended

LOT 45:

Interesting letter by the Rebbe with additions in his Holy hand. 1963.

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Sold for: $1,100
Start price:
$ 500
Buyer's Premium: 25%
sales tax: 8.375% On the full lot's price and commission
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Auction took place on Jul 9, 2024 at Appel Auction

Interesting letter by the Rebbe with additions in his Holy hand. 1963.

Interesting letter by the Rebbe to the Agudas Hashoctim of Tel Aviv-Jafo.

Brooklyn 1963. With additions in the Rebbe's Holy hand in several places.

"May it be the will [of God] that each and every one of us continually bring satisfaction to our Father in Heaven, through the two kinds of pleasure before Him, as explained in the holy sefer Tanya (Chapter 27).

Since this visit is connected with the Yahrzeit of the Alter Rebbe on the 150th anniversary of his passing, and with the Yahrzeit of my father-in-law, the Rebbe, may it be the will [of God] that these days of remembrance inspire each and every one within the entire Jewish community to concrete actions, in the style of the Alter Rebbe in his well-known letter, that "we should walk the straight path that he has taught us from his ways and follow in his footsteps" (Iggeret HaKodesh, 27). And this is indeed connected with and brings closer the anticipated promise (Sukkah 52a) that the Holy One, blessed be He, will bring the Evil Inclination and slaughter it (bringing two pleasures), and may it be His will that this be fulfilled speedily in our days with the coming of our righteous Messiah."

27.2 Cm.

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