Russian Icon

Москва, Гоголевский бульвар, 29

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The auction house "Russian Icon" has been working since 2017. We use the services of the most experienced experts in the field of Russian icon painting and cooperate with scientists and experts of leading Russian museums

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Ended auctions

Russian Icon

Jun 19, 2024

Russian Icon

Apr 24, 2023

Russian Icon

Oct 21, 2020

Russian Icon

Jun 17, 2020

Russian Icon

Dec 18, 2019

Russian Icon

Oct 23, 2019

Russian Icon

Jun 26, 2019

Russian Icon

Apr 24, 2019

Russian Icon

Dec 24, 2018

Russian Icon

Oct 10, 2018

Russian Icon - Auction 3

Apr 18, 2018

Russian Icon - Auction 2

Dec 25, 2017
Christmas and New Year's auction

Russian Icon - Auction 1

Nov 17, 2017