Антикварный салон "АНТАРЕС"620014, г. Екатеринбург ул. Малышева, 15, Платежные реквизиты : Сбербанк России: Карта СБ № 2202 2056 3792 8836 Мнир Каюмович Тугушев Просьба указать адрес ПВЗ СДЭК
ANTARES antique house was founded in 2014. Over the past period, ANTARES has reached the federal and international levels. Among Antares' clients are representatives of 67 constituent entities of the Russian Federation and 12 countries of the world, including the USA, Germany, Israel, China, Mongolia and others.
Over 10,000 antiques and collectibles
More than 6,000 porcelain figurines of the USSR and Europe
Delivery to 67 regions of Russia and 12 countries of the world
Assessment and examination services
Professionalism, honesty, reliability
As our clients note, Antares has the most extensive collection of porcelain in the region from the Volga to the Pacific Ocean. Coins, bonds, paintings by Western European artists of the 18th and 19th centuries, and cast iron and bronze art castings are also very popular. Delivery of lots is carried out by Russian Post and courier company SDEK.
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