LOT 1: 16th Century. Derashos HaTorah by Rav Shem Tov Ibn Shem Tov. Padua, 1567 Derashos HaTorah. Derashos on the order of the parshios, concludes with the Drashos L'Teshuvah of Rav Shem Tov b"r Yosef Shem Tov. Rav Shem Tov Ibn Shem Tov was the son of Rav Yosef, author of Kevod Elokim , and ...
LOT 2: 16th century. Tzror HaMor on the Torah, by Rav Avraham Saba. Venice [1567]. This work was buried by its author during the expulsion from Spain and then was rewritten from memory! Tzror HaMor, expansive commentary on the Chamisha Chumshei Torah by Rav Avraham Saba, Spanish Gaon from the era ...
LOT 3: 16th Century. Rare! Menoras HaMaor. Venice 1595 Menoras HaMaor, classic mussar work by Rav Yitzchak Abuhav. Rare edition! Signatures and notations ****** Venice, Giovanni di Gara press. The title page lists [1595], though the colophon states: Completed on Friday…[1601]. 116 ...
LOT 4: 17th Century. Rare! Sadeh Yehoshua on the Yerushalmi, Constantinople, 1662. First edition. Sadeh Yehoshua, section 1 on Zeraim, elucidation of the halachic sections in the Yerushalmi, with the text, by Rav Yehoshua Benveniste. Includes only the commentary and text of the Yerushalmi on the ...
LOT 5: 17th Century. Kabbalah. Very rare! Ner L'Maor on "Maamar Olam Katan" Wilhermsdorf, 1675. First edition. Commentary on Maamar Olam Katan, one of the Asarah Ma'amaros by the Rama of Fano, with the Ner L'Maor commentary by Rav Meir Eisenstadt, av"d שטעמפי. Text of the Maamar at center with the ...
LOT 6: 17th Century. Michlol Yofi on Tanach - Amsterdam, 1684-1685 Sefer Michlol Yofi - Commentary on the Tanach and the grammar of the words in the Torah, Neviim and Kesuvim by Rav Shlomo ibn Melech, with the Leket Shichechah of Rav Yaakov Abendana and his title page and introduction in Latin. ...
LOT 7: Meyuchas. Notation and signature of mekubal Rav Yisrael Yaakov Algazi - Olilot Efraim. Amsterdam, 1810 Olilot Efraim - Drashos for the Yomim Tovim and simchos, by Rav Shlomo Efraim Luntschitz. Owner notation on title page, written and signed by Rav Yisrael Yaakov Algazi Rav Yisrael ...
LOT 8: Meyuchas. Pedigreed. Signature and glosses of the Maharsham of Berezhany on the Shu"t Mahri"a Itinga Shu"t Mahari"a, two sections, 364 teshuvos on all sections of the Shulchan Aruch, by Rav Yitzchak Aharon Halevi Itinga, av"d Lemberg, brother-in-law of the Sho'el U'Meishiv, Rav Yosef Shaul ...
LOT 9: Meyuchas. Machzor for Rosh Hashanah of Rav Yitzchak Yechiel Paneth of Dej Machzor for Rosh Hashanah with Yiddish-teitsch commentary and other compilations. Vilna, 1907. Copy of Rav Yitzchak Yechiel Michel Paneth of Dej, with his stamp on the title page. Title page in blue ink. Rav ...
LOT 10: Meyuchas. Pedigreed. Sefer Tehillim with the Chazeh Tzion commentary by the Mishnas Chassidim. Leghorn, [1742]. Copy of Rav Nachum Dovber Friedman of Sadigura, with his signature. The Chazeh Tzion commentary on Tehilim, Pardes, by great Kabbalist, Rav Immanuel Chai Ricchi, author of the ...
LOT 11: Meyuchas. Machzor for Yom Kippur - Copy of Rav Moshe Aryeh Freund Yakar MiPeninim machzor for Yom Kippur with the Mateh Levi commentary, nusach sefard. Fine condition. Stamp of the Gaavad of Yerushalayim, Rav Moshe Aryeh Freund, on the title page. HaGaon HaTzaddik Rav Moshe Aryeh ...
LOT 12: Meyuchas. Mishnayos of Rav Eliyahu Lopian, author of the Lev Eliyahu Mishnayos Seder Nashim, with the commentaries of Rav Ovadyah Bartenura, the Tosfos Yom Tov and Tiferes Yisroel. Vilna, 1892. Owner stamp at the beginning of the sefer of Rav Eliyahu Lopian. A few sentences in his ...
LOT 13: Meyuchas. Tehillim from the home of Rav Michel Yehudah Lefkowitz, with notation in his hand "Midardchei Dovid" Tehillim, from the home of Rav Michel Yehudah Lefkowitz. The flyleaf bears his handwritten note: משפחת ליפקוביץ וילקומירר 4. Fine condition
LOT 14: Rishonim. Chiddushei HaRashba on Maseches Bava Metzia. First edition. Yerushalayim, 1931. Additional English title page at the end of the work. [3] 150 pages [2]. Stains. Overall fine condition. (Stefansky, Sifrei Yesod, 52).
LOT 15: Rishonim. V'Zos Toras HaBayis L'Rashba - Salonica, 1796 Sefer Toras HaBayis, halachic sefer on issur v'heter and more by Rav Shlomo ben Aderes, the Rashba. The work is divided into seven sections on different subjects and each section is further divided into subsections. *** Salonica ...
LOT 16: Rishonim. Classic Work. Maharam Chalavah on Maseches Pesachim. Yerushalayim 1873 - first edition. Chiddushei Maharam Chalavah on Maseches Pesachim. Published from an ancient manuscript by Rav Yehudah Zerachya Azulai, a grandson of the Chida. Approbations from Yerushalayim Gaonim at the end ...
LOT 17: Rishonim. Sifrei Yesod. Chamisha Shitos. Sulzbach. 1762. First edition. Sefer Chamesh Shitos, including: Chiddushei HaRamban on Maseches Gittin and Nidah Chiddushei HaRitva on Maseches Makkos Chidushei HaRan on Masechtos Sanhedrin and Chulin Signatures of Rav Yehoshua Ehrenreich, son of ...
LOT 20: Talmud. Birkas Hashem - Semichas Chachamim by Rav Naftali Katz. First edition. Frankfurt A.M. 1704-1706. Sefer Birkas Hashem, two sections. By Mekubal Rav Naftali Katz, av"d Frankfurt A.M. Section 1 - Introduction with the title Semichas Chachamim. Introduction and elucidation of the ...
LOT 21: Talmud. Malei Ratzon. Frankfurt, 1710 — With two very rare leaves!! Sefer Malei Ratzon. Resolution of seemingly contradictory texts in the Talmud by Rav Efraim Naftali Zvi Hirsch Spitz, av"d Worms. Concludes with a few leaves from his Yerushas Naftali. With the approbation of Rav Naftali ...
LOT 22: Seder Olam and Megillas Taanis with Biurei HaYaavetz, first edition. Handwritten glosses. Hamburg, [1757] Seder Olam Raba and Zuta and Megillas Taanis, explained and elucidated by Rabbi Yaakov Emden (the Yaavetz). Concludes with the Seder Birkas HaChamah with halachos by the Yaavetz. ...
LOT 23: Talmud. Lechem Starim. Strausberg, 1777. First edition. Sefer Lechem Starim, commentaries and references on Maseches Avodah Zarah by Rav Shlomo Algazi. Stamps (in German) of Rabbi Dr. Leib Breslauer of Furth. Wood boards covered in parchment with clasps. Strausberg 1777. First edition. ...
LOT 24: Talmud. Zichron Moshe, Amsterdam 1765 Zichron Moshe - Homilies and novellae on the Talmud by Rav Moshe b"r Michael Dessau. Nice, illustrated title page. Approbation from Rav Shaul of Amsterdam. Leaf 15, eulogy for R' Aryeh Leib ben R' Shaul of Amsterdam, son-in-law of the Yaavetz. Rav ...
LOT 26: Gra. Teharat Hakodesh al Tosefta Teharot – first edition. Zolkiew, [1804] Tosefta Seder Teharot surrounded by “Zer Zahav, ” the Gra’s commentary on Tosefta Teharot, arranged by Rabbi Meir Mashad, his disciple. He writes in his introduction: “….and I haven’t moved from the tent of Torah from ...
LOT 27: Talmud. Beis Nosson - Vienna, 1854 Sefer Beis Nosson - Variant version of text in Maseches Berachos of the Bavli, according to an early manuscript from Egypt. Concludes with the Piskei Rabbeinu Yeshayahu di Trani (the elder), published for the first time from manuscript. By Rav Nachman ...
LOT 28: Kabbalah. Shushan Sodos. Korzec, 1784. First edition. Sushan Sodos, deep secrets of kabbalah by Rav Moshe b"r Yaakov exiled from Kiev. The work originally contained שוש"ן secrets, of which 463 were printed in this volume. The rest were printed five years earlier in the elucidation on Sefer ...
LOT 29: Kabbalah. Etz Chaim. Sklow, 1800. Signature of Rav Moshe b"r Chaim of Satinov Sefer Etz Chaim - Kabbalah of the Arizal by Rav Chaim Vital. Approbations of Rav Uri Shraga Feivish, son-in-law of the GRA, av"d Dubrovno and rabbis of Sklow. • At the end of the volume, an owner note from Rav ...
LOT 30: Kabbalah. Pri Etz Chaim of Rav Chaim Vital. Dubrovno, 1804. Pri Etz Chaim of Rav Chaim Vital, as he heard from his teacher the Arizal. One of the few sefarim printed in Dubrovno. Dobrovno, 1804 (the chronogram on the title page indicates 1803, however it was apparently printed in 1804). ...
LOT 31: Kabbalah. Shefa Tal. Bilozirka 1807, one of the few volumes printed in Bilozirka Shefa Tal, introduction and eight shearim of Kabbalah, according to the Ramak, by mekubel Rav Shabtai Sheftel Segal Horowitz of Prague. Many kabbalistic illustrations One of the few Hebrew works printed in ...
LOT 32: Kabbalah. Tomer Devorah/Ap"r Yitzchak/ Toldos Aharon Moshe 1. Tomer Devorah by Rav Moshe Cordovero **** 2. Ap"r Yitzchak - index to Divrei Shalom, Toras Chacham, Nahar Shalom and more 3. Toldos Aharon Moshe - Shu"t regarding the Kavanot of the Arizal and the Rashash by Mekubal ...
LOT 33: Kabbalah. Mishnas Chassidim by Rav Emanuel Chai Riki. Lemberg, 1878 Mishnas Chassidim - Seder and kavanot of tefillos and more, according to the Kabbalah of the Arizal, by Rav Emanual Chai Riki. With the Maggid Mishnah commentary of Rav Moshe of Zalishitz. Stamp of Rav Avraham Moshe Stein ...
LOT 34: Siddur HaRashash, Yerushalayim 1911 - First pattern Siddur of HaRav HaKadosh Shalom Sharabi, kabalistic kavanot according to the manuscripts of the Arizal and Rav Chaim Vital, arranged by the Rashash. The first two sections, including the weekday tefillos. Mekubalim davened from ...
LOT 35: Chassidus. Geulas Yisroel. Divrei Torah from the Besht and his talmidim. First edition. Ostrog, [1821]. Geulas Yisroel, compilations, maamarim and hanhagos from the Baal Shem Tov, his talmidim, and the talmidim of his talmidim, by Rabbi Yehoshua Avraham of Zhitomir. Includes Torah from the ...
LOT 36: Satmar. Even Pinah of the rebbe of the Yismach Moshe, Rav Aryeh Leib av"d Strizov. Lemberg, 1804. First edition. Novellae and elucidations on the Shulchan Aruch Even HaEzer by Rav Aryeh Leib av"d Strizov, the Rebbe of the Yismach Moshe. • Lengthy poem by the Yismach Moshe in honor of his ...
LOT 37: Chassidus. Meloh HaRo'im- Zolkowa 1838 - First Print Sefer Meloh HaRo'im, two volumes. 'Klaley HaShas' according to the Hebrew alphabet by Rav Yaakov Tzvi Yalish (Yules) of Dynow. Volume one- The opinions of the Tana'im and Amora'im on all the machlokos. Volume two- The rules of the 'middos ...
LOT 38: Chassidus. Mishnayos with the commentary of the Mahari"a of Komarno. First edition. Lemberg [1862] Mishnayos Seder Nashim and Nezikin with the Atzei Eden commentary of Rav Yitzchak Yehudah Eizik of Komarno. One volume, including Seder Nashim and Nezikin Title page of Nezikin partially ...
LOT 41: Rare. Pirkei Avos with Yiddish Translation. Iasi, 1843 Maseches Avos with commentary and translation into Yiddish. Printed for those who customarily recite Pirkei Avos after Minchah of Shabbos in the summer, “in order to merit the Day that is entirely Shabbos.” The printing press in Iasi ...
LOT 43: Tefilot. Ashkenazic Machzor: Sulzbach, [1770]. Magnificent title page and engraved zodiacal signs. Machzor K'Minhag Ashkenazim, section two. With elucidations and the Hadras Kodesh. Nice, impressive print. The Sulzbach Machzorim that reflected the western Ashkenaz nusach were reprinted many ...
LOT 44: Tefilot. Machzor, Leghorn 1858 Impressive copy. Machzor for Rosh Hashanah, per the minhag of Sephardic community in Constantine and other countries. Impressive copy with gilt embossing on leather binding and gold cut edges, with a matching cardboard slipcase. Gilt owner embossing on ...
LOT 47: Halachah and Shu"t. Shulchan Aruch HaRav - section four, Yoreh Deah. Zhitomir, 1869. Shulchan Aruch HaRav, section four, Yoreh Deah and Choshen Mishpat with shu"t at the conclusion, by the Baal HaTanya. Stamp of Rav Zvi Hirsch Schusterman of Chicago, principal of Yeshivas Achei Temimim ...
LOT 48: Halachah. Sifrei HaLevushim, Berditchov, 1818-1821. Complete set. Signatures from the family of Rav Chaim Meshulem Zalman Naymark. Sifrei HaLevushim on the four Turim by Rav Mordechai Yoffe. Complete set, five sections in three volumes. Separate title page for each section. Prominent ...
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