LOT 1: 14th Century. Maggid Mishneh on the Rambam. Manuscript on parchment, 14th century. Fragment of the Maggid Mishneh removed from a binding. Manuscript on parchment, 14th century, written soon after the sefer was written. The text includes passages from the Maggid Mishneh commentary on ...
LOT 2: 16th Century. Rare. Mirkevet Hamishnah, Abarbanel. First edition. Sabbioneta, 1551. The first Hebrew work printed in Sabbioneta. Sefer Mirkevet Hamishnah – commentary on Devarim (Mishnah Torah), by Don Yitzchak Abarbanel. First edition, Sabbioneta, [1551]. The commentary on the other ...
LOT 3: 16th Century. Shailot V'Teshuvot HaRan. Cremona, 1557. Sefer Shailot V'Teshuvot HaGaon Rabbeinu Nissim of Gerondi (the Ran) This edition includes the supplements of Reb Yitzchak Latis, references to the pages of gemara in the text of the teshuvot and corrected index and sources. The title ...
LOT 4: 16th Century. Goren Nachon - Riva di Trento, 1562 Sefer Goren Nachon, book that includes three mussar and philosophical works: • Tikkun Middos HaNefesh by Rabbi Shlomo ibn Gabriol, authored in Arabic, translated by Rabbi Yehuda ibn Tibbon, first edition. • Mussarei HaPhilosophim ...
LOT 5: 16th Century. Extremely rare! Pocket-sized Shulchan Aruch. Venice, 1577 Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh Deah, by Rav Yosef Karo with Tosefes Biur HaMilos. Small format. The title page notes, "For old and young, in a small volume, so that it can be easily carried and learned everywhere at all times… ...
LOT 6: 16th Century. Tzemach Dovid - Venice 1586 Tzemach Dovid, Hebrew-Aramaic dictionary with Latin and Italian elucidations of every root and word in the Sefer Ha'aruch, HaShorashim, HaMeturgaman, HaTishbi and others, by Rabbi Dovid Rofei min HaTapuchim. Introductions in Latin, Italian and ...
LOT 7: 17th Century. Dikduk. Arugat HaBosem. Venice, 1602. First edition. Sefer Arugat HaBosem, dikduk by Rav Shmuel Archivolti. Date on the title page: Elul 1602 שס"ב; the colophon notes that printing finished in Kislev שס"ג. Notes on the endpaper. ** Venice [1602]. Giovanni di Gara press. ...
LOT 8: 17th Century. Extremely rare! Single copies in the world! Sefer Evronot - Lublin 1615 Sefer Evronot - Classic work for designating the Jewish calendar and calculating the tekufos, moldos and evronos [=astronomy], rearranged by Rabbi Eliezer Bellin Ashkenazi. Many illustrations, charts and ...
LOT 9: 17th Century. Rosh Mor Dror. Venice 1615. Incomplete copy. Handwritten glosses. Rosh Mor Dror - sermons in the order of the parshios and elucidations of medrashim by Rabbi Mordechai HaKohen b”r Yitzchak HaKohen Ashkenazi. Only edition. Never reprinted. Marginal glosses in a Yemenite hand. ...
LOT 10: 17th Century. Shu”t Mahar”i ben Lev. Furth [1692] Responsa of Rabbi Yosef ben Lev - section 4, with novellae on the Talmud. Rabbi Yosef ben Lev, the Maharv”al (c. 1505 - 1580) was a Salonica sage and prominent leader after the expulsion from Spain. He held halachic give and take with ...
LOT 11: 17th Century. Rishon Mekor Hachaim. First edition. Furth, 1697 Rishon Mekor HaChaim, drushim on the five megillos and neviim by Rav Chaim Krochmal, darshan in Prague in the 17th century. Rav Chaim Krochmal (1626 -c.1656) was the son-in-law of Rav Avraham Chaimish of Krakow. He learned by ...
LOT 12: 17th Century. Extremely Rare. The first Sulzbach machzor. Machzor K'Minhag Ashkenazim: Sulzbach, [1699]. Machzor K'Minhag Ashkenazim, section two. With the Hadras Kodesh elucidation. Thick machzor in a nice, impressive print. The first edition of the machzor printed in Sulzbach. These ...
LOT 14: Mishnah and Talmud. Talmud. Beis Dovid on Mishnayos. First edition. Amsterdam, [1738-1739]. Sefer Beis Dovid - commentary on Mishnayos and its commentaries by Rabbi Dovid Chaim Corinaldi. Explanations and sketches to explain Mishnayos in Maseches Kilayim, Eiruvin, Rosh Hashanah and Sukkah. ...
LOT 15: Mishnah and Talmud. Shoshanim L'Dovid by Rabbi Dovid Pardo, two sections - Venice 1752. First edition. Shoshanim L'Dovid, commentary on the Mishnayos by Rabbi Dovid Pardo, two sections. Popular editions of the Mishnayos include a compilation of this commentary. The author was rav of ...
LOT 18: Mishnah and Talmud. Talmud. Avos Ha'Olam by the Rabach- Venice, 1719. First edition printed during the author's lifetime. Sefer Avos Olam, commentary on Tractate Avos, with text of the Mishnayos. Authored by Mekubal Rav Binyamin HaKohen, the Rabach, av"d Reggio. The author, Mekubal Rabbi ...
LOT 20: Mishnah and Talmud. Lechem Shamayim. Rav Zvi Hirsch Levin. Berlin, 1734. With rare portrait. Pirkei Avos, with the Lechem Shamayim commentary of the Yaavetz and chiddushei hagahot of Rav Zvi Hirsch [Levin, Berlin] with a portrait. Rav Zvi Hirsch Berlin wrote hagahos on the Lechem Shamayim ...
LOT 30: Eldad HaDani. Calcutta, 1856 Sefer Eldad HaDani - story of the ten tribes who were exiled beyond the Sambatyon River and hilchos shechitah. (Hilchos Shechitah by Eldad HaDani from the times of the Gaonim is quoted in the works of Rishonim.) Calcutta, 1856. 9 leaves. 15.5 cm. Worn ...
LOT 31: Shechitos U'Bedikos of Mahar"i Weil - Very rare and unknown editions. Three very rare editions of sefer Shechitos V'Bedikos of Mahar"i Weil:• Dinei Shechitos U'Bedikos of Mahar"i Weil with the Ohel Yisroel commentary by Rav Yisroel av"d Copenhagen. Zolkiew, [1751], at the press of ...
LOT 32: Leket HaKemach. Wandsbeck 1726. First edition. Sefer Leket HaKemach. Commentary on the Mishnah by Rabbi Moshe Chagiz. Seder Kadshim features illustrations of the Menorah and a sketch of the Heichal Beit Hamikdash. At the conclusion of the work: Zichron Livnei Yisroel, words of mussar ...
LOT 40: L’Yitzchak Rei’ach. First edition. Leghorn, 1902. Shu”t L’Yitzchak Rei’ach. Responsa and collected dinim, two sections by Rabbi Yitzchak Ibn Danan, prominent Moroccan sage in his time. Cropped stamp of Rabbi Shlomo HaKohen, Rav and Moreh Tzedek in Mazagan. Solitary handwritten glosses. ...
LOT 43: Shem Mishmuel. First edition. Full of handwritten glosses and chiddushim Elucidations on the parshah and novellae on Gemara, Rashi, Tosfos by Rabbi Shmuel Salir, rav”d Lemberg. The author was greatly admired in his time and his work on the Torah was widely appreciated by other rabbis. The ...
LOT 44: Halachah and Shu"t. Polemic. Historic, sharp letter attacking those who are lenient in regard to agunos, by Rav Chaim Ozer Grodzinski, av"d Vilna. This letter was written on the backdrop of the rabbinical battle, and particularly of Rav Chaim Ozer, against the idea of solving the aguna ...
LOT 45: Glosses in the hand of Rabbi Michel Yehudah Lefkowitz on Divrei Yeruchem. Chiddushim on the four sections of the Shulchan Aruch by Rabbi Yeruchem Asher Warhaftig. The author inscribed and signed the title page to Rabbi Michel Yehudah Lefkowitz, dated 1940. The margins of the book ...
LOT 46: Torah, Neviim and Kesuvim. Kiel, 1709. With introduction, preface and comments in Latin. The editor and proofreader, Heinech Opitz (1642-1712) worked on this edition for many years. He utilized a number of early editions of Tanach, manuscripts and Rav Menachem de Lonzano's Ohr Torah . ...
LOT 47: Chumash and Haftarot – Very nice set. Original binding. Paris, 1809. Keter Torah. Chamishei Chumshei Torah as given to Moshe by the Creator, Tikfun Sofrim, with the Ohr Torah comments. Paris 1809 at the press of יצחק דואלאבריגוה. Complete, nice set in original bindings, slightly ...
LOT 49: Chassidus. Yitav Lev. Complete copy - first edition. Sighet, 1875. Sefer Yitav Lev - Chassidic Maamarim, drush and mussar on the Chamisha Chumshei Torah, from Admor Yekusiel Yehudah Teitelbaum of Sighet. Five sections bound together. The sefer was printed during the author's lifetime. As ...
LOT 50: Chassidus. Seforim HaKedoshim. Extremely uncommon. Segulah for protection from the Ohev Yisrael of Apt. Seder Ketores L'Tzarah Shelo Tavo. [Warsaw, 1860?] "Seder Ketores L'Tzarah Shelo Tavo, " established and arranged by …Ish Eloki….Avraham Yehoshua Heschel… of Mezibuzh…to print the Seder ...
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