First editions of Hassidic Sefarim, Slavita-Zhitomir, letters by Tzaddikim and the greatest Hassidic Rabbis, the Geonim of Ashkenaz and Hungary, the greatest Rabbis of Lithuania, the greatest Poskim of previous generations, pedigreed copies, artifacts of renowned Tzaddikim, Satmar, Chabad and more.
LOTE 1: Sacred and Awesome: Piece of Cloth from a Holy Garment of the Light of the World, Maran the Ba’al Shem Tov OBM, Incorporated Into a Tallis. The hallowed garment of the Ba’al Shem Tov was passed down the generations of the Goldenbaum family, descendants of a grandson of the holy Maggid of ...
LOTE 2: Special Collection! Rare and Important Editions of “Tzava’as Hariva”sh” by Rabbeinu the Baal Shem Tov. Special collection of editions of “Tzava’as Hariva”sh” (the Ba’al Shem Tov’s will), by the light of the seven seas, the holy Ba’al Shem Tov, which was printed together with “Hanhagot Yesharot” ...
LOTE 3: Rare Edition! “Ge’ulas Yisrael” by the Holy Ba’al Shem Tov and the Maggid of Mezrich. Lemberg, 1864. Uncommon and rare edition: “Ge’ulas Yisrael” by the holy Ba’al Shem Tov and the Maggid of Mezrich, and other giants of Chassidus. Lemberg, 1864. On the title page is a list of all the ...
LOTE 4: Sefer Derech Chassidim, a collection of fundamental concepts from the Seforim of disciples of the Ba’al Shem Tov and the Maggid of Mezhrich. By Rabbi Nachman of Tcherin, one of the leaders of Breslav – Lemberg, 1876 – first edition. The Sefer contains an alphabetical list of entries. Among ...
LOTE 5: Shulchan Aruch Harav, Yoreh De’ah Section ~Kopust, 1813 – First Edition – Rabbi Yisrael Yoffe Press. In this volume are the halachot of Niddah, Shechita, and Treifot, as well as 18 responsa. [1], 48; 54, 16 pp. 20cm. Tear on title page. Moth holes in the pages. All the pages have undergone ...
LOTE 6: Sefer “Be’urei HaZohar”, the elucidations of the Ba’al HaTanya on the Zohar, which were written, edited, and published by his son, the Mitteler Rebbe – Kopust, 1816 – first edition. Elucidations on the Zohar, which the Ba’al HaTanya used to say on Friday nights to his sons and a select few of ...
LOTE 7: Sefer “Be’urei HaZohar”, the Ba’al HaTanya’s elucidations on the Zoher, written, edited, and published by his son, the Mitteler Rebbe – Lemberg, 1861 – second edition. At the end of the volume, for the first time, is an addendum “Additions to the Sefer Be’urei HaZohar”. [2], 83; 34, 20 pp. ...
LOTE 8: Order of the prayers, based on the Arizal’s Nussach, as was clarified and published by the Alter Rebbe, Rabbeinu Ba’al HaTanya, with Halachos, Kavanot, and Torah sayings. 2 volumes, Warsaw, 1867. Part 1 includes: Shachris for weekdays, the order of the meal and its blessings, order of the ...
LOTE 9: Shulchan Aruch Harav – Sudylkiv, 1826 – first edition of §175-176 – the only edition in which appears the enthusiastic approbation of the holy Rabbi Mordechai of Chernobyl: “I, too, have long ago been ignited with the flame of the heart’s fire, and have said ‘when will there come before me ...
LOTE 10: Set of Likutei Torah by Admor HaZaken, the Ba’al Hatanya. Zhitomir, 1848-1851. Set of all parts of Likutei Torah, by the holy Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Lyadi, the Admor HaZaken, Ba’al HaTanya and the Shulchan Aruch – bound together in one volume. Zhitomir, 1848-1851. Set of all parts of Likutei ...
LOTE 11: Shulchan Aruch Harav – Zhitomir, 1856 – first edition of Simanim 155-156 – with approbation by Rabbi Hillel of Poritch. Printed at the press of Rabbi Chanina Lipa and his brother Rabbi Yehoshua Heshil Shapiro, grandsons of the Rav of Slavuta. Six parts in five volumes. In this Slavuta ...
LOTE 12: Five-volume set of Shulchan Aruch Harav – Józefów, 1875 – original bindings. Important and elegant set of “Shulchan Aruch Harav” by the Alter Rebbe OBM, printed in the press of the brothers Shlomo and Baruch Zetzer, and their partner, Yechezkel Renner. Józefów, 1875. Complete set in five ...
LOTE 13: Shulchan Aruch Harav – Warsaw, 1895 – personal set of the Gaon Rabbi Bentzion Wesel, Av Beis Din of Torda. Entire set in five volumes. At the end of the last volume is a Kuntres “completion of the Shulchan Aruch of Rabbeinu Z”L” which has additional sections that are not included in the ...
LOTE 14: Impressive Set, Five Volumes of Shulchan Aruch Harav by the Alter Rebbe, Vilna, 1925. Impressive set of “Shulchan Aruch HaRav”, by C”K the Alter Rebbe. Printed in the press of Tzvi Hirsch Metz in Vilna, 1925. Beautiful, 5-volume set. Two title pages in each volume. L: 23cm. W: 15cm. Overall ...
LOTE 15: Tanya, Important and Uncommon Printing! First Title Page Says “Warsaw” While the Second Title Page Says “Vilna”. 1937. Sefer “Likutei Amarim – Tanya” by the Alter Rebbe, Rabbeinu Shneur Zalman of Lyady – Vilna, 1937. “Ram” press – “Published by ‘Shneur’ booksellers, Zalmen Shmotkin, Warsaw”. ...
LOTE 16: “Ba’al HaTanya”, his life and the foundations of his teachings, by D. Ze’ira, “Published by the National Management of Bnei Akiva in Eretz Yisrael” – Tel Aviv, 18th of Elul, 5705 (Aug. 27, 1945) – first edition – printed in honor of the Ba’al HaTanya’s 200th birthday. The booklet was written ...
LOTE 17: Sefer Avodas Halevi – Lemberg-Warsaw, 1842-1866 – first edition – four parts in four volumes – complete set. Sefer Avodas Halevi, Ma’amarim of Chassidus on the Torah and holidays, the Haftorahs, and the Megillos, letters, collections on various top[ics in Kaballah and Chassidus, and Halachic ...
LOTE 18: Mamar Hashiflut Vehasimcha, by Rabbi Isaac Eizik of Homieĺ, from the Greatest Disciples of the Ba’al Hatanya. First Edition. 1868. Sefer Ma'amar Hashiflut Vehasimcha, on Chochmat HaEmet and a Chabadic elucidation on Tefilah, by Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Epstein Av Beis Din of Homieĺ, one of the ...
LOTE 19: Responsa ‘Divrei Nechemia’, Vilna, 1869. Exemplar of the ‘Sdei Chemed’ With a Self-Dedication in His Holy Handwriting!. Responsa “Divrei Nechemia”, elucidations on the “Shulchan Aruch HaRav” and responsa, by the holy Gaon Rabbi Nechemia Halevi Ginsburg of Dubrovna, a disciple of C”K the Alter ...
LOTE 20: Sefer Chanah Ariel, deep Chabad Derushim on the weekly portions of Torah, Shir HaShirim, and the holidays, by the Kabbalistic Gaon and Chassid, Rabbi Yitzchak Eizik Halevi Epstein, Av Beis Din of Homieĺ, from the greatest disciples of the Ba’al HaTanya – six parts in two volumes – Berdichev ...
LOTE 21: Sefer “Ner Mitzvah VeTorah Ore” (Sha’ar HaEmunah and Sha’ar HaYichud), by the Mitteler Rebbe – Kopust, 1820 – first edition – Press of Rabbi Yisrael Yoffe. “Sha’ar HaYichud” – the key to the teachings of Chabad. Foundations of the teachings of Chabad Chassidus, by the holy Gaon Rabbi Dov ...
LOTE 22: Sefer Imrei Binah by the Mitteler Rebbe of Lubavitch – Kopust, 1821 – first edition – Rabbi Yisrael Yoffe press. The deepest and most scholarly of the Mitteler Rebbe’s Seforim. Elucidations on Upper and Lower Yichuddim, Krias Shema, Tzitzis, and Tefillin, per the foundations of the ...
LOTE 23: Sefer Sha’ar Hateshuva Ve’Hatefilah, part 1, by Admor the Mitteler Rebbe of Lubavitch – Shklow, 1830 – second edition. The Sefer deals with “topics which break a person’s heart in true repentance”, and “regarding praying with love and awe”. By the holy Gaon Rabbi Dov Ber Shneuri – the ...
LOTE 24: Sefer “Ma’amarim Yekarim” by Admor the Mitteler Rebbe of Lubavitch – Königsberg, 1864 – single edition. The Sefer contains long ma’amarim of Chassidus on a variety of topics: blessings, bentching, Kiddush, marriage, Emunah, and more. [2], 63, [1] pp. Two title pages. The Sefer is bound in ...
LOTE 25: Sefer Sha’arei Teshuva (Sha’ar HaTeshuva Ve’HaTefilah) – two parts in one volume – Zhitomir, 1864 – third edition. Printed in the printing house of the brothers Rabbi Chanina Lipa and Rabbi Yehoshua Heshil Shapiro, grandsons of the Rav of Slavuta. [1], 74; 69 pp. Title page is pasted with ...
LOTE 26: Sefer Toras Chaim, on Chumash Bereshis, by the Mitteler Rebbe of Lubavitch – Warsaw, 1866 – first edition of part 2 – exemplar of Rabbi Mordechai Duber Slonim, head of Collel Chabad in Chevron (son of the Rebbetzin Menucha Rachel, the author’s daughter), with his signature, and with the ...
LOTE 27: First Edition of Kuntres Peirush Hamilot by the Mitteler Admor. Warsaw, 1867. Kuntres Peirush Hamilot, by the Mitteler Admor. Warsaw, 1867. First edition. Kuntres Peirush Hamilot also called Mahadura Batra, elucidation by the Mitteler Admor of the words of the Siddur by his father the Admor ...
LOTE 28: “Crown of Gabbai” of Collel Chabad, Signed by the Grandson of the Mitteler Rebbe, Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Slonim and by Rabbi Shimon Menashe Chaikin. Letter of greetings, written on beautiful blue paper, sent to R’ Avraham Moshe de Lima upon his joining the management of “Clerks and Merchants” in ...
LOTE 29: Holy of Holies! A volume of Gemara from the home of C”K Admor the Tzemach Tzedek OBM of Lubavitch, with an inscription: “C”K Admor Shlita”.Tractate Chullin (Talmud Bavli) from the renowned Zhitomir press, 1863, by the grandchildren of the Rav of Slavuta. As is known, the Gedolim of the ...
LOTE 30: From the Treasures of C”K Admor the Holy Rabbi Chaim Shneur Zalman of Lyadi (Son of the Tzemach Tzedek of Lubavitch). Tractates Bechoros Erchin, Temurah, Krisus, and Me’ilah, with Mishnayos tractates Kinim, Tamid, and Middos, and Hilchot Bechorot by the Ramban – Zhitomir, 1861 – exemplar which ...
LOTE 31: Both Editions of the “Tzemach Tzedek – Piskei Dinim”, Vilna, 1884 – the Original, Chassidic Copy Vs. The Forged Copy of the Misnagdim. The original, Chassidic version vs. the tampered version of the Misnagdim. Sefer “Tzemach Tzedek – Piskei Dinim”, Vilna, 1884 – first edition – 2 exemplars ...
LOTE 32: Discovery! Two unknown Ma’amarim of Chassidus from the Admorim of Lubavitch! A Lubbavitcher manuscript. Six handwritten pages, which include heretofore unknown two Chassidic Ma’amarim of Chabad teachings – never printed before! Early 1900’s. The six pages contain a ‘Torah’, before which ...
LOTE 33: Manuscripts. Copies of Ma’amarim of the rebbes of Chabad. These copies were apparently made during the 1930’s. 1. Ma’amar by the Mitteler Rebbe, starting with “Yafah Sha’ah Achat”. [3] sh. (6 handwritten pp.). 2. Ma’amar by the Rebbe the Tzemach Tzedek, opening with “Shema Yisrael”, in ...
LOTE 34: Manuscript, Chassidic “Booklet” of a Ma’amar Chassidus by C”K Admor the Tzemach Tzedek of Lubavitch. 1867. Manuscript, a Chassidic “booklet”, a transcription of “Shoresh Mitzvat Hatefilah” by C”K Admor the Tzemach Tzedek of Lubavitch – transcription from 1867. Inscription on the title page: ...
LOTE 35: Rare and Wonderous! An Addition of Several Lines, Handwritten by the Rebbe, the Nasi of the Generation, to a Ma’amar of C”K Admor the Tzemach Tzedek of Lubavitch. Part of a page with the content of a Ma’amar of Admor the Tzemach Tzedek, which has a handwritten addition, written in pencil by the ...
LOTE 36: Or Hachama – Jerusalem, 1876. Sefer Or Hachamah, an elucidation on the Zohar. Part 1 on Sefer Bereshis, by Rabbi Avraham Azulai (the first), author of “Chessed LeAvraham” and the Chida’s great-great-grandfather. Jerusalem, 1876. The Sefer was published by Rabbi Shneur Zalman Shneerson, author ...
LOTE 37: Complete Set! All Volumes of “Magen Avot” – Kopust. First Edition, Berdichev, 1902. Sefer Magen Avot, writings on the entire Torah, holidays, Shir HaShirim, miscellaneous, and more. By the holy Rabbi Shlomo Zalman of Kopust. First edition, Berdichev, 1902 All parts in three elegant and ...
LOTE 38: Rare List of Members of the Special Chabad Collel (Separate from The Collel of Kopust) in Yerushalayim – 1910’s. List of members in the “Special Chabad Kolel” – which had split from Collel Chabad in 1912 and was under the leadership of the Rebbe of Kopust. The Collelim were reunited again in ...
LOTE 39: Responsa Sha’arei Rachamim, by Rabbi Chaim Rachamim Yosef Franco – Jerusalem, 1881 – first edition – exemplar of Rabbi Yehuda Leib Shneerson, Av Beis Din of Homil and Vitebsk (son of Admor Maharid of Lyadi). Owner’s signature on the title page: “Yehuda Leib Shneerson, Rabbi in Homil”. ...
LOTE 40: Ma’amar of Chassidus by Admor the Rebbe Rashab of Lubavitch from Shabbos Chanukah 1920 – unknown “Hanacha” handwritten by the renowned Mashpia Rabbi Avraham Baruch Pebsner of Minsk. The content of this Ma’amar, opening with the words “Mai Mebarech”, was written by the Rebbe Rashab, and was ...
LOTE 41: One of a Kind! Cloth Yarmulka (Chabad) Incorporating Holy Cloth Fromthree Rebbes: Admor Rashab, Admor the Rayatz, and Admor, the Nasi of the Generation. Black cloth Yarmulka in which are incorporated three pieces of cloth from the holy clothes of the last three Admorim of Lubavitch. The cloth ...
LOTE 42: Dozens of pamphlets, Ma’amarim and Sichot by C”K Admor the Rayatz of Lubavitch, printed in 1938-1941, bound in two volumes – excellent condition.
LOTE 43: 2 Pamphlets With Aa Kuntres of Ma’amarim and Sichos by C”K the Rebbe Rayatz, Said in Riga, 1931. [2] booklets, Kuntres Mamarim Veshichot by the Admor [the Rayatz] of Lubavitch: [Kuntres VII] - Mamarei Chassidut by Admor Shlita of Lubavitch said in Riga. And Kuntres XIV - Mamarim to study in ...
LOTE 44: “Likutei Diburim”, collected pamphlets of Sichos of C”K Admor, the Rebbe Rayatz, during the years 1933-1934 – Riga, 1933 – Warsaw, 1934 – first edition. [11]; [1], 36, [1]; [2], 33, [1]; [1]], 31; [1], 15; 17; 8 pp. 16cm. Original, damaged cover, embossed with “Collected sayings from the ...
LOTE 45: Volumes of ‘Likutei Diburim’ by the Rebbe Rayatz. First Edition, Warsaw, 1934-1936. Collected leaflets of ‘Likutei Diburim’ from C”K Admor Rayatz of Lubavitch – Wrsaw, 1934-36 – first edition. Two volumes of ‘Likutei Diburim’ in Yiddish. Vol. I has Sichos from Shmini Atzeres and Simchat Torah ...
LOTE 46: “Letter of C”K Admor Rayatz OB”M – 1935” – Stencil print. Typed pamphlet – copy of a long pamphlet by the Rayatz of Lubavitch, with the history of the beginning of Chassidus at the time of the reveling of the Ba’al Shem Tov. Written in the form of a long letter to his daughter, the Rebbetzin ...
LOTE 47: Early and Rare Pamphlets from the Teachings of the Rebbe Rayatz – Special!. Four rare and uncommon pamphlets from C”K Admor the Rayatz OBM of Lubavitch. ✵ Kovetz Likutei Dinim. Rabbi Menachem Zev Halevi Gringlasz – 1951, with approbation by the Rebbe Rayatz. 64 pp. Title cover. Glossy ...
LOTE 48: Original and Rare Photograph from the Rebbe Rayatz’s Visit to Lithuania, to the Town of Fastov in 1932. At the start of Adar II of 1932, the Rebbe Rayatz visited several towns in Lithuania. This photograph is from his visit to the town of Fastov. Rabbi Yechezkel Feigin HY”D, the Rebbe ...
LOTE 49: Extremely Rare. a Rare Photograph in Unique Development Process (Platinum) from Over 100 Years Ago of C”K Admor the Rebbe Rayatz of Lubavitch, OBM. Apparently Sent to a Chossid by the Rebbe Himself. The Rebbe used to send this kind of photograph to the Chassidim who were in the refugee camps at ...
LOTE 50: “Immediately to Teshuvah, Immediately For Redemption”! Historic Call from Admor the Rebbe Rayatz During the European Holocaust. “Request from C”K Admor Shlita of Lubavitch to all households of Israel, wherever they may be”. A holy call from the Rebbe Rayatz, during the terrible holocaust ...
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