Leilão 62 Didan Notzach!
Por Tiferet Auctions
domingo, 5.1.25, 20:00
Beit HaDfus 12, B, 4th floor, Jerusalem, Israel

“There should be an encouragement regarding purchasing Seforim… as well as special Seforim from rare prints” (from the Sicha of the 5th of Tevet, 1988).

Tiferet Auction House is happy, excited, and proud to present a historic Chabad sale, on occasion of the Chabad Seforim Holiday, the 5th of Tevet 5785, with the main theme of Treasures of our Rebbes the Nesi’im.

This will be an unprecedented sale.

As part of this sale we present part of a rare, holy, and hidden treasure – a collection of letters from C”K Admor of Lubavitch to the renowned Mekubal, Rabbi Yehuda Zerachya Halevi Segal ZTz”L, the Rabbi of the Kiryat Shalom neighborhood in Tel Aviv.

Rabbi Segal had a lofty connection for many years with the Rebbe, and merited to receive wonderous responses and blessings. Almost all of the Rebbe’s letters to him are full of special blessings for all sorts of good tidings, and all in handwritten additions to the text of the letters.

In addition to this, the sale presents dozens of other rare and unique letters of blessings from the Rebbe, which include blessings for health, abundant livelihood, Nachas from children, joy, Shidduchim and marriage, birthdays, Upsherens, moving house, success with education, public service, building Should, and disseminating Torah.

The uniqueness of these letters lies in each having rare handwritten additions, which the Rebbe added onto the standard letters.

In addition, the sale includes several unique letters of blessing signed by C”K Admor the Rebbe Rayatz, with additions in his holy handwriting, including a rare and historic letter sent to the Israeli Chief Rabbi, Rabbi Yitzchak Eizik Halevi Herzog ZTz”L.

Additionally in the sale: Holy items from our rebbes the Nesi’im: A Talis with a piece of cloth belonging to the holy Ba’al Shem Tov; a volume of Gemara from the Tzemach Tzedek’s home, inscribed with “Belongs to C”K Admor Shlita”, and unknown “Hanacha” of a Ma’amar of the Rebbe Rashab handwritten by the “Chozer” Rabbi Pevsner of Minsk, a glass cup belonging to the Rebbe Rayatz, a silver saltshaker of the Rebbe Rayatz, a Hadas from the Lulav used by C”K the Lubavitcher Rebbe, an elegant handbag that belonged to Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka, a Yarmulka with pieces of cloth from three(!) of our Nesi’im, a rare platinum photograph (over 100 years old) of the Rebbe Rayatz, which he sent to the Chassidim in the DP camps, the Rebbe’s handwritten comments on a Ma’amar of the Tzemach Tzedek, the personal copy of “Tzofnas Pa’ane’ach” belonging to the Rogochover Gaon, with a gloss in his handwriting, and Dollar bills handed out by the Rebbe on various occasions, including rare $2, $5, and $100 bills and a bill with a blessing for health.

Rare Chabad Seforim in first editions

This sale presents Tiferet Auction House as a leading and unique source of items from Chabad-Lubavitch, and in our mission to continue this path of quality, prestige, and rare history.

תמונות הרבי ואדמו"ר הריי"צ באדיבות rebberdrive

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Shulchan Aruch Harav – Sudylkiv, 1826 – first edition of §175-176 – the only edition in which appears the ...

Preço inclui comissão e IVA: $ 3 877,50 (₪13 990,02)
Calculated by the last official currency rate. Final currency rate will be set in the auction day
Preço inicial:
$ 3 000
Comissão da leiloeira: 25%
IVA: 17% Sobre a comissão apenas

Shulchan Aruch Harav – Sudylkiv, 1826 – first edition of §175-176 – the only edition in which appears the enthusiastic approbation of the holy Rabbi Mordechai of Chernobyl: “I, too, have long ago been ignited with the flame of the heart’s fire, and have said ‘when will there come before me such a man that his heart will lead him to shed this new and holy light in the world’.”

Six parts in six volumes. The word “In Kopust” is printed on the title page in bold, large letters.

This edition contains, for the first time, §175-176 of the Halachot of Brachot.

The Sudylkiv edition was printed page-by-page and nearly line-by-line based on the first edition (Shklow – Kopust, 1814-1816). This version has several differences over the first edition: A: the “Second Edition” of the first four Chapters, and their preface, were printed after their “First edition”. B: The famous preface by the author’s three sons: the holy Rebbe Rabbi Dov Ber – the Mitteler Rebbe, the holy Rabbi Chaim Avraham, and Rabbi Moshe, which in the first edition had been printed at the beginning of the Pesach volume (Shklow, 1814), is printed in this edition twice – at the beginning of vol. I and vol. III, but with some sections omitted, and omitting the name of the third son, Rabbi Moshe. (The preface had been printed in this way in all the following editions after this, until it was corrected in the new editions printed in the recent years.)

As said, the first edition was printed during 1814-1816 in Shklow and in Kopust (White Russia – Belarus). Nearly ten years had passed since then and until the printing of this edition, which was done in Sudylkiv, Ukraine. The holy Rabbi Mordechai of Chernobyl, who was an in-law of the author, the Ba’al HaTanya, tells in his enthusiastic approbation (printed at the beginning of vols. III-IV) to this edition of the incredible demand for the reprint amongst the Chassidim of Ukraine, who had not gotten hold of all the volumes of the Belarussian edition: “Came before me the wonderful Rabbinical [the editor]… to say that he wishes to quench the thirst of the holy nation, the children of Israel, in which the fire and flame of Hashem was burning, wishing that the fountains of wisdom of the Halachic rulings and foundational truths of the Shulchan Aruch by the Rabbi and Gaon… Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Lyadi… for I, too, have long ago been ignited with the flame of the heart’s fire, and have said ‘when will there come before me such a man that his heart will lead him to shed this new and holy light in the world’, and especially in our lands (Ukraine) where we have not merited to obtain his Shulchan Aruch in its entirety, all as one, for there is scarce travel between our land and his land, where they have been printed so many years ago. And before he came to our land, every one who was able to obtain one swallowed it whole and any palate which tasted its flavor said ‘It is mine’…”

Mondshein, The Alter Rebbe’s Halacha Seforim, bibliography, Shulchan Aruch, B, pp. 40-55.

More about this edition and about the printer and his printing house, see “Heichal HaBa’al Shem Tov”, vols. 37 & 39.

Most volumes are incomplete, besides for vols. II and VI).

Vol. I (Orach Chaim pt. 1 – §1-215): [3], 193, 197-200, 181-188, 209-318 pp. Missing title page and last page. Stains and wear. Tears on bottom of ending pages. Moth holes in some pages. Good-fair condition.

Vol. II (Orach Chaim pt. 2 – Shabbos – §242-344): [1], 256, 261-377 pp. Stains and wear. Moth holes in some pages. Tears on bottom of title page. Restored. Fair-good condition.

Vol. III (Orach Chaim pt. 3 – Eiruvin, Shabbos, Holidays, Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Sukkah, Lulav; §345-mid 514): [4], 180, 185-192, 189-204 pp. (originally: 180, 185-192, 189-252, 213-220, 261-268 pp. Total of 64 pp missing at the end). Moisture stains and wear. Tears on the last page, pasted with adhesive tape. Good-fair condition.

Vol. IV (Orach Chaim pt. 4 – Pesach): [2], 2-29, 33-247 pp. Missing pg. 1 and two last pages. Large tears on the first two pages. Moth holes in all pages. Stains and wear. Fair-bad condition.

Vol. V (part 5 – Yoreh De’ah – Shechita, Treifot, Usury and business, Niddah, Torah study, with responsa): [1], 226, 229-254, 257-287 pp. Missing last page. Moisture stains. Beginning pages partially detached. Good condition.

Vol;. VI (part 6, Choshen Mishpat): [1], 66pp. Stains and wear. Good condition.

All volumes are ~19cm. high. New bindings.