LOTE 1: “Maggid Meisharim” – Kabbalistic book by Rabbi Yosef Caro. Venice, 1649. Printed during the times of the Cossack riots in 1648 (Gzerot tach v’tat), which greatly impacted the mood of the Jewish nation and preceded the Sabbatean movement. Arranged according to the weekly Parshiot. The ...
LOTE 2: Sefer Yesod: Shealot veTeshuvot of Rabbenu Meir Katzenellenbogen from Padua. Venice 1553. First edition. Sh"ut Meharam Padua. First edition of this important sefer. At the beginning of the book are teshuvot by Rabbi Yehuda Mintz (Mahari Mintz), rabbi and father-in-law of the Maharam Padua. The ...
LOTE 3: Parshat Derachim. Deep Homiletic Explanations based on Intense Analysis, by Rabbi Yehuda Rozanis. Venice, 1743. Beautiful Copy. 26 deep explanations, authored by Rabbi Yehuda Rozanis, author of ‘Mishneh LaMelech’ on the Rambam. Second edition. Venice, 1743. Rabbi Yehuda Rozanis (1657-1726) was ...
LOTE 4: Shiltei HaGibborim. Mantua, 1612. Exclusive Edition. Shiltei HaGibborim by Rabbi Avraham HaRofeh Portaleone, son of Rabbi David MiSha’ar Aryeh, Abir HaRofim. A unique and comprehensive composition pertaining to the Holy Temple, the Tabernacle and their vessels, the Priests, the Levites and ...
LOTE 5: Rare Kabbala Book: Shomer Emunim by Rabbi Yosef Igeres. With Rabbi Emanual Chai Rikki’s Approbation. Amsterdam, 1736. First Edition. This book is one of the most fundamental books for Kabbala study. Includes an introduction – with two debates on the matter of Kabbala study, as well as the ...
LOTE 6: Kabbalistic Sefer Yesod: 'Shefa Tal'. Approbations of the Shelah HaKadosh and the 'Kli Yakar'. Hanau 1612. First Edition. An important and fundamental Kabbalah book. The foundations of Chochmat HaEmet, rules and introductions for all who come to study Kabbalah, by the Divine Kabbalist Rabbi ...
LOTE 7: Ashlei Ravrevei. Amsterdam, 1756. Magnificent Copy in Original Binding, With Clasps. Owners’ Signatures. The book Ashlei Ravrevei, on Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah with commentaries of the Shach, the Taz and Be’er HaGolah. Two title pages. The first title page is illustrated. Amsterdam, 1756. ...
LOTE 8: Chamisha Chumshei Torah. Amsterdam 1712. A Chumash with the Five Megillot and Tirgum Onkelus, and, at the end, the Haftarot for the entire year. Bound in its original leather cover, which is slightly damaged. The book retains the original lovely gilding along the edges of its pages. ...
LOTE 9: Siddur with Tehillim, in Leather and Silver Binding with Clasps. Amsterdam 1760. Prayers for the entire year according to Polish custom. Includes Parshiyot and Perakim, Shir HaYichud, Yotzrot, Selichot, Tehillim, Hoshanot, Ma’arvot and Techinot. Exceptionally magnificent copy of an Ashkenazi ...
LOTE 10: Amsterdam Chumash, 1749. Final Edition with Rabbi Shimon Aushenburg HaLevi’s Commentary. Impressive Copy. Five Books of the Torah with Targum Onkelus, and Rashi’s commentary, along with the 5 Megillot with Tirgum Sheni On Megillat Esther. Includes the explanation of the great elucidator, Rabbi ...
LOTE 11: Miniature Prayerbook in Original Binding. Amsterdam 1760. All weekly and monthly prayers arranged according to the customs of the Sefardim. Proops printing house. The prayers differ in several ways from those common today amongst the Edot Hamizrach. The Proops Family who originated in eastern ...
LOTE 12: Torah, Nevi’im and Ketuvim. Antwerp 1573. Impressive Diminutive Copy with Leather Binding Along With Original Clasps. Complete Antwerp Tanach. A small and beautiful edition, printed in 1573, by famed printers, Chrisopher Plantin. During the years 1564-1590, Plantin printed a total of 24 Hebrew ...
LOTE 13: Chamishah Chumshei Torah. Amsterdam, 1749. Most Impressive Copy. Printed by the famed Shlomo Proops Printing House. Chamishah Chumshei Torah with all the Megillot and Haftorot for Shabbatot throughout the year. Includes three Targumim, Rashi and Ba’al HaTurim’s commentary, the Rashbam, Siftei ...
LOTE 14: Three Mussar Essays by Rabbi Raphael Menorci- "Seah Solet" - Healing for the soul and Orach Chaim. Amsterdam 5117 [1757]. These three essays on Mussar contain all aspects of thought and Mussar in Jewish tradition. In this edition, there are two Haskamot: The first by the Sefardic Chief Rabbi ...
LOTE 15: Book of Parables. Igeret Ba’alei Chaim. Mantua 1557. First Edition. Igeret Baa’alei Chaim, is a book of ethical parables and wisdom about mankind and animals, authored by Rabbi Klonimus ben Klonimus of Mantua, 1557. This book is comprised of five sections, narrating stories about mankind ...
LOTE 16: Pri Chadash. Amsterdam, 1692. First Edition. Rabbi Chizkiya di Silva’s elucidation on Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah. This is the only part of his explanation to be printed during the author’s lifetime. The Pri Chadash is Rabbi Chizkiya da Silva’s (1659-1698) most renowned work. It is an ...
LOTE 17: Talmud Bavli – Masechet Erchin. Basel, 1580. From the Early Printings of the Talmud. This edition was printed after the burning of the Talmud in Italy in 1554, and was greatly impacted by it, as the Christian censorship changed the wording in many places. (See: Rabbi N. N. Rabinowitz, article ...
LOTE 18: Order of Prayer According to Ashkenazi Custom. Karlsruhe 1805 . Magnificent Copy. Order of Prayer according to Ashkenazi custom for the entire year as per early printing in Amsterdam. With Kabbalistic glosses according to the Ari zt”l. Beautiful Siddur. Antique, leather binding with original ...
LOTE 19: Ketzot HaChoshen by Rabbi Aryeh Leib ben Yosef Heller. First Edition. Rabbi Yosef Caro’s book on the Shulchan Aruch is the most widely spread seminal work of Halacha throughout the Jewish world. This work is divided into 4 sections each one dealing with different Halachic topics. This division ...
LOTE 20: Avnei Milu’im by HaGaon Rabbi Aryeh Leib HaKohen. First Edition. Avnei Milu’im on Shulchan Aruch Even HaEzer by the famed Gaon, author of Ketzos HaChoshen and Shev Shma’atzeh. Avnei Milu’im was written in a similar format to Ketzos HaChoseh. Unfortunatel, the author did not merit to see it ...
LOTE 21: Noda BiYehuda. Prague, 1776-7. Copy Belonging to Rabbi Gavriel Adler HaKohen. Rabbi Asher Yechezkel Landa Segal, the Noda BiYehuda was one of the greatest European Rabbis of all time. His outstanding genius was apparent from a young age, and already at age 20 he was appointed as Av Bet Din of ...
LOTE 22: Magnificent Volume of Hamburg Tanach, 1587. Copy Owned by a Disciple of the ‘Maggid’ of Kozhnitz and the ‘Chozeh’ of Lublin. Hamburg Tanach, printed with hollow letters and bound with an impressive antique leather binding, with artistic embossing on the leather and decorated copper corners. ...
LOTE 23: Choker U’Mekubal by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto. Shklow, 1785. First Edition. This is a controversial book, which includes explanations on the fundamentals of Kabbala as per the Ari HaKadosh zt”l. The Ramchal was genius in how he chose to present the explanations in question / answer format. ...
LOTE 24: A Fundamental Sefer Yesod: Kitzur Shulchan Aruch. Ungvár (Uzhhorod) 1864. First Edition. “In order that all those who read it will be zealous, and know that which man is supposed to do, and he should live by them.” First edition of the renowned Sefer Kitzur Halacha, which was unanimously ...
LOTE 25: Sefer Yesod. Sefer Mitzvot Gadol by Rabbenu Moshe MiKutzi. Magnificent, Complete Copy. Pinted by Daniel Bomberg, Venice 1547 Rabbi Moshe Mikutzi, one of the Ba’alei HaTosafot, was one of the greatest Rishonim, and prominent Halachic authority of his time. The Halachic work he authored in the ...
LOTE 26: Segulot and Shmirot from the Gaon R' Chaim Palagi. Izmir 1874. 'Sefer Refu'ah veChaim' of R' Chaim Palagi. Prayers, medicines, Segulot for protection for all kinds of patients, especially during a plague. With many illustrations and practical Kabbalah. The Gaon Rabbi Haim Palagi (1788-1868): ...
LOTE 27: The Zohar. Edition of the Prominent Printer, Yisrael Beck of Jerusalem. With Approbation of Rabbi Chaim Palagi. Jerusalem, 1844-1846. Beautiful copy of a set of the Zohar. Jerusalem edition. One of the primary books printed by the renowned printer Rabbi Yisrael Beck. 3 complete volumes. Very ...
LOTE 28: Lot: Tvu’ot H’aretz by Rabbi Joseph Schwarz, with Tvu’at HaShemesh, Divrei Yosef. First Edition. Beck Printers. Stamp of the Author of ‘Me’orer Yeshenim’. Tvu’ot Ha’aretz by Rabbi Joseph Schwarz, Lemberg, 1865. This is a comprehensive geographical book, by one of Eretz Israel’s greatest ...
LOTE 29: The Famed Venetian Haggadah. With a Numerous Impressive Woodcuts and the Commentary of “Tzli Esh”. Hebrew and Yiddish. Venice 1663. The Passover Haggadah from Venice 1663, printed in Biblical Hebrew and in Yiddish, with images about all the miracles and wonders that occurred to our ancestors in ...
LOTE 30: Drashot HaTorah - Torah Discourses by Commentator of Moreh Nevuchim of the Rambam, Rabbi Shem Tov ben Yosef. Venice, 1547. . Book of discourses by Rabbi Shem Tov ben Yosef Shem Tov, that has not been republished since the end of the 16th century. On the title page: “Torah discourses of the ...
LOTE 31: Pnei Yehoshua. Amsterdam, 1739. First Edition. Signatures and Glosses. Together with the Frankfurt Edition. Renowned composition of the Gaon Rabbi Yaakov Yehoshua Pollack. “The one thing I took upon myself as a commitment and a vow at a time when G-d’s wrath was upon us, on the 3rd of Kisleiv ...
LOTE 32: Ohr Yisrael – “The Get of Kleve”. The sole book printed in Kleve, in 1770. Single edition. Ohr Yisrael by Rabbi Yisrael Lifshitz. An original book from the end of the 18th century. No additional editions printed. Considerable portions of the book deal with the controversy surrounding the “Get ...
LOTE 34: Unbelievably Rare: ‘Drashot HaTorah’ by the Saintly Sage Rabbi Shem Tov Ibn Shem Tov. Salonika 1525. Glosses and Signatures. The book ‘Drashot HaTorah’ was authored by Rabbi Shem Tov Ibn Shem Tov, son of Rabbi Yosef Ibn Shem Tov. The book is compiled of sermons in Biblical order, with ...
LOTE 35: Rare and exclusive Volume: The Rambam’s Commentary on all of the Mishnayot, Including the Complete Seder Zeraim. Cracow 1604. This is a most exclusive copy. A large and magnificent volume, that contains for the first time ever, the complete commentary of the Rambam on all of Mishnayot. From ...
LOTE 36: Kabbalah: Otiyot D’Rabi Akiva zt”l. Venice, 1546. Otiyot D’Rabi Akiva is a unique Midrash, unusual in nature compared to the classic Midrashim – “Midrash Rabbah” and “Midrash Tanchuma”. Its origin has not been clarified. This copy is complete. On the opening page is a rare etching of the Dome ...
LOTE 37: Responsa ‘Zichron Yosef’ by Rabbi Yosef Steinhart. First Edition. Fürth, 1773. This responsa publication enlightens us as to ancient, lesser-known customs. The front of the manuscript bears the stamp of its earlier owner: Harav Chaim Shmuel Neiman, a Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Chofetz Chaim in ...
LOTE 38: Lev Aryeh. Lemberg 1898. Copy Belonging to Rabbi Moshe David Ostreicher, Av Bet Din of Tchimpa. Lev Aryeh on Masechet Chulin by Rabbi Aryeh Yehuda (1759-1818) son of Akiva of Brody. Rabbi Aryeh served as Rabbi of Podhajce, and subsequently as Av Bet Din and Motz of the famed Brody Community. ...
LOTE 39: Luchot Ha’ibbur. Rare Book With Author’s Signature. Lieden – Hanover, 1756. “See this new item that has never previously existed.” The author, Refael HaLavi Segal of Hanover opens his seminal book with these words. R' Segal’s composition deals with topics pertaining to the Jewish calendar, its ...
LOTE 41: Divrei David of the Radbaz, and Hon Yosef of Rabbi Yosef ben Zecharia Zamiro. Livorno, 1828. With Author’s Dedication and Personal Seal!. This book is comprised of two parts. The first section is the book Divrei David by Rabbi David ben Zamra: Responsa on Even HaEzer by Rabbi David ben Shlomo ...
LOTE 42: Two Mussar (Ethics) Books. Sefer Se’ah Solet, and Marpeh LaNefesh, by Rephael son of Gavriel Nortzi. Mantua, 1561. First Edition. “Great is the trait of love, however, the trait of yearning is even greater. For love is what the lover loves his beloved with all his actions, both hidden and ...
LOTE 43: Responsa of the Mabit, Along With ‘Chiddushei Gemara’ of Rabbi Yosef ben Moshe of Trani – The ‘Chacham Bashi’. Venice, 1645. Responsa of Rabbi Moshe ben Rabbi Yosef of Trani. Rabbi Yosef ben Moshe of Trani was born in Tzfat in 1568. He was the son of Rabbi Moshe of Trani – The Mabit, and one ...
LOTE 44: The Rosh and The Ra’avad zt”l’s Commentary. Prague, 1724. Exclusive Edition. Most Impressive Copy. This book is an explanatory work on the Bible. Printed by Yehuda Beck’s grandsons, Prague. It includes a number of compositions culled from Rabbi Bezalel Ashkenazi’s manuscript that were not ...
LOTE 45: Torah, Nevi’im and Ketuvim. First Book Ever Printed in Hanau. Hanau 1610. Beautiful Copy in Original Binding. Complete Tanach printed by Hansch Jacob Hena. This printer was responsible for printing 31 out of 115 Hebrew book which were printed in the town of Hanau, Germany. This important Tanach ...
LOTE 46: A Fundamental Sefer Yesod. First Edition of the Bet Yosef, Even HaEzer. Sabbioneta 1553. Fantastic Copy. Tur ‘Even HaEzer’ by Rabbenu Yaakov ben Asher (The Rosh) along with Maran Bet Yosef – Rabbi Yosef Karo’s commentary. First edition printed by the R' Yosef Karo himself. The Tur is a ...
LOTE 47: Sfat Emet V’Lashon Zehorit. Altona, 1752. First Edition. A Rare Polemic. A particularly harsh composition, written by Rabbi Yaakov Emden against Rabbi Yonasan Eibeschitz. Includes a transcript of Rabbi Yonathan Eibeshitz’s amulets with Rabbi Yaakov Emden’s attestation that they were written ...
LOTE 48: Sefer Yichus HaTzaddikim. “Their merit along with the merit of prayers should assist us”. Mantua 1561. Rare! . “To awaken the heart of each Jew, that our forefathers and the great men after them, as well as all the righteous ones, yearned to be buried in the Holy Land.” The book of attribution ...
LOTE 49: ‘Emet Ve’Emuna’ bound together with the book ‘Hilchot Yom Tov’. Venice, 1672. Exclusive Edition in Original Parchment Binding. Small format volume, with two books bound jointly together. ‘Emet Ve’Emuna’ is a book geared for youth in Hebrew and Italian, authored by Rabbi Yitzchak Arubasch. ...
LOTE 50: Magnificent Set of Machzorim with Selichot. Amsterdam, 1750. Complete set of Machzorim for Holidays throughout the year, with additional volume of Selichot. Printed by Naftali Hertz Levi and his son-in-law Kosman, in Amsterdam, 1750. According to the Ashkenazi custom and the other Holy ...
LOTE 52: Rare Machzor. Venice 1567. Machzor for the entire year according to the Ashkenaz communities’ custom. First Section, (including Shabbat Shacharit up till Shabbat Nachamu, as well as the laws of Bein Hametzarim). Venice, 1567. The Machzor is printed together with ‘Ma’agalei Tzedek’ – a ...
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