Auction 66 Part 3 Second-hand books, rare books, autographs before 1917
Sep 17, 2023
- Rarities: Historical and revolutionary almanac of the Rosehip publishing house from the destroyed edition (lot 1334); Apukhtin from the library of Princess I.A. Romanova (lot 1333); Heavenly camels in collector's condition (lot 1337), etc.
- A large selection of scientific publications on geography, including Przhevalsky, IRGO publications.
- Rare scientific publications: Simonovich V.F. Oil and the oil industry in Russia. St. Petersburg, 1909 (lot 1442); [First lifetime edition] Sechenov I.M. Physiology of the nervous system. St. Petersburg, 1866. (lot 1464); [Lifetime] Mendeleev D.I. Investigation of aqueous solutions by specific gravity. St. Petersburg, 1887 (lot 1467).
- And also: religious and historical books, law and military affairs, literary studies, philosophy, poetry and prose
Delivery to Moscow by prior arrangement, from September 30 to October 3, hotel "1 Artotel" (Alekseevskaya metro station), delivery cost 500 rubles • Delivery across Russia and the world (SDEK, Russian Post, Art Mail) • Please read the terms of payment and delivery carefully!