Auction 47 Part 1 Printed graphics, catalogs, erotica
Nov 17, 2022
- Exhibition catalogues from the collection of the artist B. A. Smirnov;
- Printed graphics before 1917: Western European lithography, prints, splints.
- Pre-war printed graphics: A. Ostroumova-Lebedeva, I. Pavlov, B. Grigoriev, V. Stepanova, T. Mavrina, V. Matyukh, V. Warriors, V. Tambi, M. Sinyakova-Urechina; book graphics by A. Leo;
- Soviet printed graphics: B. Ermolaev, G. Vereisky, G. Nemenova, A. Kaplan, G. Israilevich, L. Ovchinnikov, E. Aisenstadt, I. Varakin, V. Bendinger, V. Tambovtsev, V. Blinov, V. Solntsev, O. Kukushkin, O. Venerable, E. Natarevich, A. Tarantula, O. Davydova, L. Sergeeva, S. Zvonova, Pen Verlaine;
- Modern graphics: E. Novikova, Y. Lavrukhin, Mitki, L. Stroganov, collection of K. Avelev, L. Inochkin, S. Koryagin, E. Mekhova, N. Serdyukova, Y. Shtapakov;
- Erotica: modern graphics, Franz Byros, Paphos-Drucker, illustrations for Milan Kundera, Jules Maltest, Emerick Timar.
Buyers from Moscow can pick up their lots from November 26 to 29 at the hotel "1 Artotel" (Alekseevskaya metro station), the cost of delivery is 500 rubles • Delivery across Russia and the world (SDEK, Russian Post, Art Pochta) • Please read the terms of payment and delivery carefully!