Санкт-Петербург, Лермонтовский пр., дом 49, Russia
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- Clover with expertise, V. Kazantsev, L. Endaurova, Gudiashvili with expertise, V. Lebedev, Archive of Captain II rank V. Lepko, Propaganda in porcelain
- Painting : Smirnova G., Tarasov N., Pisareva G., Nisenbaum L., Dubyago V., Nosov A., Ovsyannikov L., Vinogradov I., Treskin A., Vasiliev I., Lebedev V., Rubenstein A., Petrovichev P., Kranz V., Litvinenko V., Hopkin A., Egorov F., Petrov B., Shakhnazarov B.
- Graphics : Shcherbakov V., Antonov A., Astapov I., Reuter M., Ostroumova-Lebedeva A., Vereysky G., Akimov A., Yakhnin R., Venerable O., Betekhtin O., Florensky A., Latash A., Sergeeva L., Nemenova G.
- Propaganda in porcelain, Author's porcelain: V. Gorodetsky, V. Semenov, L. Grigorieva, L. Blak, N. Petrova, P. Shuriga, V. Yarovoy, Zhbanov, Bespalova-Mikhaleva, A. Bruschetti-Mitrokhina, Danko. Kuznetsov Porcelain
- Toys and folk crafts, Christmas tree toys, Household items, Textiles, Perfumes, Jewelry, Silver, Silverware, Posters, Posters, Orient : Qi Baishi, Netsuke, Okimono, Cloisonne, Icons, Crosses, Samovars, Boxes, Caskets, Bronze, Metal, Glass, Antique paper, Documents, Menus, Military photographs, Theatrical Sketches, Layouts
TARIFFS FOR DELIVERY BY RUSSIAN POST HAVE CHANGED! • Delivery across Russia and the world (SDEC, Russian Post for parcels up to 2 kg) • Pickup or delivery by courier in St. Petersburg • Buyers from Moscow will be able to pick up their lots from November 2 to 5 at the hotel "1 Artotel" (Alekseevskaya metro station) (for purchases over 1000 rubles). Please read the terms of payment and delivery carefully!
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