LOS 1: Bavli Talmud, Bomberg first edition. Tractate Zevachim - Venice, 1522. Tractate Zevachim with Rashi's commentary and Tosfot of the famed first edition of the Talmud printed by the renowned printer Daniel Bomberg in Venice. At the end of the tractate, Piskei Tosfot were printed for the ...
LOS 2: First edition. Porat Yosef - Venice, 1590. Fine, complete copy. Important signatures. Sefer Porat Yosef, novellae on the Rif and the Rabn on the Sugyot of the Shas by Rabbi Yosef Samiga. Zuan Degara press. Rabbinic signatures on the title page. 154 leaves. 19 cm. Late binding. Quality ...
LOS 3: Extremely rare. Reshit Daat - Venice, 1583. Fine complete copy with the leaves of the indices. Signatures of Rabbi Akiva Bresler Rosh Av Beit Din of Altona and more. Drushim on matters of faith, by Rabbi Moshe Albalda Av Beit Din of Arta, one of the exiles from Spain, author of Olat Tamid ...
LOS 4: Basic. First edition in the author's lifetime. Kiryat Sefer by the Mabit - Venice, 1551. Signature of Rabbi Avraham Provencialo. The great book of the Mabit - Rabbi Moshe of Trani - of the greatest disciples and friends of the Beit Yosef, on the entire Yad Hachazakah by the Rambam. Aloisio ...
LOS 5: Halevush - two sections - Venice, 1620. The great book by Rabbi Mordechai Yaffe, Halevush, one of the greatest Poskim. These are the sections of Levush Habutz VeArgaman - on Even HaEzer and Levush Ir Shushan - on Choshen Mishpat, bound together in an elegant leather binding with an ...
LOS 6: Shas Lemberger complete and well-preserved - approbation by the holy Rav of Ziditchov and leading contemporary rabbis - Lemberg, 1860-1868, the format of the leaf is different. Talmud Bavli with the commentators and Rav Alfas, 28 original black leather bindings, quality paper, very well ...
LOS 7: Pedigreed. Sha'arei Dura, first edition with the Maharshal commentary - Basel, 1599. "פתחו שערים ויבא גוי צדיק" - Sefer Sha'arei Dura, Piskei Halachot pertaining to Issur and Heiter, by Rabbi Yitzchak Halevi of Dura, with a commentary and glosses by Rabbi Shlomo Luria (the Maharshal) . At ...
LOS 8: Impressive copy. Shut Mayim Chaim printed by the Shapira Brothers - Zhytomyr, 1857-8. With a letter by the Baal Shem Tov and the rare approbations! Single edition, Shut Mayim Chaim on the four parts of the Shulchan Aruch, two sections. By Rabbi Chaim Cohen Rappaport Av Beit Din of Ostrohe. ...
LOS 9: Kanfei Yonah the personal copy of the holy Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Weiss of Svalive, with important glosses handwritten by him. Sefer Kanfei Yonah on Yoreh Deah by Rabbi Yonah Landsofer. Prague, 1812. First edition. Rabbi Yonah landsofer was one of the greatest Acharonim and his famed ...
LOS 10: Wonderful Kabbalistic work handwritten on the Atkinu Se'udata for the Sabbath meal by the Ari, with kavanot for Motza'ei Shabbat and Havdalah - 1826 - has not been printed. Wonderful Kuntres of 31 pp. handwritten in beautiful, stylish script, with a handwritten title page. "Fine commentary ...
LOS 11: Four pages! Wonderful words on the Torag handwritten by the Tzaddik of Greiditz. Two leaves written on both sides, Torah novellae handwritten by the Tzaddik of Greiditz, the holy Gaon Rabbi Eliyahu Guttmacher, on Parashiyot of Chumash Vayikra, Drush and Mussar. Additional handwritten ...
LOS 12: Two large pages with Torah secrets handwritten by the holy Gaon Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Shklov, one of the leading disciples of HaGra - 18th century. A large leaf, written on both sides, deep kabbalistic matters, secrets and wonderous Gematria, holy names and more. The holy Gaon Rabbi ...
LOS 13: "וכן מצאתי בכתבי אדמ"ו ז"ל" Two large pages of Sitrei Torah, Masechet Nitzotzot, handwritten by the Gaon Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Shklov, one of the leading disicples of HaGra - 18th century. Large leaf written on both sides, deep and sublime Kabbalistic matters with secrets and wonderful ...
LOS 14: Awe-inspiring! Two pages handwritten by the Baal Shem of Michlstadt. Two pages handwritten by Rabbeinu the Kabbalist and wonder-worker Rabbi Zekil Leib (Yitzchak Aryeh) Wormaser, the Baal Shem of Michlstadt. Clear script, partly Hebrew and partly Yiddish-German with several foreign words. ...
LOS 15: Single edition. Olat Shabbat - Venice, 1577. Sermons on the Torah by Rabbi Yoel ibn Shuib, who was exiled from Spain. At the beginning of the introduction, he describes his situation after the Expulsion. Zuan Degara Press, "with Bomberg fonts". Rabbi Yoel ibn Shuib was one of the ...
LOS 17: Unique. First edition printed in the author's lifetime. Melechet Machshevet, with the copper-engraved artistically illustrated title page - Venice 1710. Sermons on the Torah by Rabbi Moshe Chefetz, one of the greatest Italian sages. After the completion of the book, to some copies were ...
LOS 18: First and rare edition. Basic. Akeidat Yitzchak - two sections - Salonika, 1522 - Post incunabula. The great book by Rabbi Yitzchak Arama on Chamisha Chumshei Torah, the book for which he was known as Baal HaAkeidah - a basic Mussar, thought and study book. Printed without a title page. ...
LOS 19: Awe-inspiring Segulah. Stroi - from the angel-like Rav, the holy Rav of Belz - 1956. Pieces of straw on which the holy Rav Rabbi Aharon of Belz stood during the Yom Kippur prayers of 1956, as was the custom of the Admorim of Belz. A famed Segulah for protection and good health. The Admorim ...
LOS 20: The awe-inspiring letter by the holy Admor the Yismach Yisrael of Aleksander that was sent to thousands of his Chassidim. Original copy - has not been seen in auctions and not in the National Library - the eve of Rosh Hashana Aleksander, 1907. Background: in the period before World War I ...
LOS 21: Sefer Hazohar printed by Rabbi Yisrael Bak - Jerusalem, 144,6. One of the first books printed in Jerusalem. 3 (of 4) sections in 2 volumes. Sefer Hazohar printed at the famed printery of Rabbi Yisrael Bak, the section of Bereshit and the section of Vayikra, Bamidbar, Devarim. This edition ...
LOS 22: Chemdat Yamim Two sections - Zholkva, 1756. Copy of Rabbi Aryeh Leib of Ozarov? Rare edition of Sefer Chemdat Yamim, Shabbat Kodesh section and Rosh Chodesh section, bound together. On the upper part of the title pages of both section, a signature: "הכר נא למי החותמת הצעיר באלפי ישראל הק' ...
LOS 23: Fine manuscript with a color title page. Bikkur Cholim Halvayat Hamet Dinei Avelut, [33] leaves - Italy, 19th century - has not been printed. On the title page: Mitzvot Bikkur Cholim Halvayat Hamet Dinei Avelut. With Segulot, Dinim, Hanhagot, prayer passages, passages to study and Kadish. ...
LOS 24: Shut Mahari Weill - Kopust, 1834 - handwritten signature of the holy Rav Rabbi Yitzchak Gedalya of Tshorni-Ostrohe. Shut, Hilchot Shechita and Bedikah and Chidushei Dinim by the Rav of the Kollel, Rabbi Yaakov Weill, and additional Chidushi from Sefer Agudah and Nimukei Rabbi Menachem ...
LOS 25: A treasure trove. 14 letters by Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, on varied matters, blessings and important guidance! The letters contain detailed questions, a treasure of blessings, guidance and halachic responses by Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky. Among others, changing the father's customs, Kvitel for a ...
LOS 26: Rare. Original binder of PSST - issues of the antiSemitic caricature magazine, the Dreyfus Affair - France, 1898-1899. PSST...! A volume with 52 issues. The caricatures were drawn by Forain Caran D'Ache. Published by LIBRAIRIE PLON Large volume, original semi-leather binding. ...
LOS 27: "קול שאון מעיר מונקאטש". Kuntres on the Belz-Munkatch controversy, extremely rare! Seini, 1923. A booklet full of slander and insults, with much historical material about varied contemporary controversies. The Kuntres was published in response to the Ma'asseh Rav booklet of the Belz ...
LOS 28: Torah novellae handwritten by Maran the Gaon Rabbi Itzaleh of Ponevezh - has never been printed. Official stationery of Rabbi Itzaleh, on deep Sugyot of tractate Sotah. An entire page and an additional line on its verso. The Gaon Rabbi Itzaleh of Ponovezh (1854-1919) the Rosh Yeshiva of ...
LOS 29: Impressive, illustrated Ketubah on parchment - Gibraltar, 1898 - signed by the Gaon Rabbi Raphael Chaim Moshe ben Naim - the Rachman - the Rav of Gibraltar. Very large Ketubah, approx. 60C60 cm. handwritten and illustrated on parchment. Gibraltar, 1898, signed by the Chief Rabbi, Rabbi ...
LOS 30: Rare and early Ketubah - Cortemaggiore (Italy) - 1815. Large, fine Ketubah (68X36 cm.) Scribal script on parchment with decorations. The illustrated border contains the entire verses of Eshet Chayil. On the top, a star-of-David integrating the names of the bride and groom, and varied ...
LOS 31: Rabbinic, handwritten Shtar Tena'im - Leeuwarden (Holland), Tishrei, 1760. Signature of Rabbi Nachman Segal. "Tna'im ... stipulated by the parties ... the bridegoom Yosef Josefow ben Rabbi Yechiel with the attendance of Rabbi Nachman Segal Av Beit Din of our community representing his ...
LOS 32: Ancient Megillat Ester placed in an impressive enthnic-style carved bone case. Megillah, Sephardic scribal script. The right edge of the scroll is cut in a semicircle and dangling from it is a vellum strip for tying the scroll. Some letters have faded as a result of staining. Several lines ...
LOS 35: Historical stamp of the Beit Midrash of the Admor Rabbi Chaim Halberstam of Sanz: "חותם ביהמ"ד של מרן האדמו"ר הגה"ק מוהר"ר חיים הלברשטאם זיע"א אבד"ק צאנז והגליל בעיה"ק צפת תובב"א". Rubber stamp on wood, missing handle.
LOS 36: Original stamp from Safed: Yeshivat Torah Eretz Yisrael and talmud Torah Haklali founded by the Gaon the Ridbaz of Safed: "ישיבת תורת ארץ ישראל ות"ת הכללית שיסד הגאון הרידב"ז ז"ל פעיה"ק צפת" Hebrew and a foreign language. Incomplete stamp.
LOS 37: Personal stamp of "שלום בהרי"י זילבערמאנן נכד הבעש"ט" (Shalom ben Rabbi Y. Zilberman the grandson of the Baal Shem Tov) - one of the rabbis of Safed - Dafed, 19th century. Fine stamp in Hebrew and a foreign language of the Gaon Rav Shalom Zilberman, a leading disciple of the Ridbaz. Rabbi ...
LOS 38: Fine brass personal stamp of the Chassid Rabbi Yosef Heisler - Dayan of Tiberius - Tiberius, mid-19th century. Fine stamp with a wooden handle of Rabbi Yosef Heisler. "הק' יוסף בר"י הייזליר מעיה"ק טבריא" "JH" He was born in Kosov in the late 18th century, the son of rabbi Yaakov who was ...
LOS 39: Chassidut First Edition. Igra Dechalah - two sections - Lemberg, 1868. Chassidut on the Torah by the holy Rav Rabbi Zvi Elimelech of Dinov, author of the Bnei Yissachar. Section I on Chumash Bereshit and Section II on Shemot, Vayikra, Bamidbar and Devarim. At the beginning of the book, an ...
LOS 40: Chasidut. First edition. Kol Simcha, the personal copy of the hidden Tzaddik Rebbi Avraham Fisch (Breslau?) 1859. By Rabbi Simcha Bunem of Peshischa, on the Torah, Shas Sugyot. On the last leaf, the famed letter for Rosh Hashana. approbation by his leading disciple the author of Chidushei ...
LOS 41: כי הוא נורא ואיום Manuscript from the early days of Chassidut - Mezeritch/Vildenik, ca. 1772. The entire holy book Likutei Amarim - Maggid Devarav LeYaakov! The Sefer Kodesh Maggid Devarav LeYaakov (Likutei Amarim) by the Maggid of Mezeritch handwritten by a leading disciple, with important ...
LOS 42: Special, most important letter by Maran the Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Wosner to his son the Gaon Rabbi Chaim Meir - has never been seen before - for his crowning in London. A touching letter with wonderful content that the Shevet Halevi sent to his eldest son for him being appointed as Rav of ...
LOS 43: Special, touching letter by Maran the Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Wosner - has never been seen before - for his return to the Holy Land. Personal letter with wonderful content that the Shevet Halevi sent to his eldest son for his return to the Holy Land: "ברוכים הבאים בשם ה' כבוד בני רחימאי הגאון ...
LOS 44: Halachic responsum with an illustration from the youth of Maran Rabbi Shmuel Halevi Wosner - Vienna, early 1930s - unique"About the bridges in our city of Vienna".A unique and rare item - possibly, Rabbi Wosner's first responsum - fine halachic respinsum Maran the Posek Author of ...
LOS 45: Rare and Special. Sha'arei Tevunah first edition with a dedication by the author the Steipler to the Novhardok Yeshiva - Bialystok, 1925. The first - and extremely rare - book by Maran the holy Gaon Rabbi Yaakov Yisrael Kanievsky - the Steipler - authored by him when he was 25 years old. ...
LOS 46: Extremely rare. Wonderful letter by Rabbi David and Rabbi Ephraim, the son of his brother rabbi Avraham Dov, the holy Admorim of Rachmastrivka - handwritten entirely by Rabbi David of Rachmastrivka and with the handwritten signature of his nephew who served as Admor alongside his uncle. ...
LOS 47: Basic. Sefer Kol Boh - Venice, 1547. Justinian Press. One of the basic books of halachic Pskikah, attributed to the Ribash or the Roeh and there is even an opinion that a woman wrote the book (!). The most common assumption is that the book was written by the Roeh - Rabbi Aharon Hacohen of ...
LOS 48: Post incunabula. Basic. HeAruch - Pissaro, 1517 - the rare second edition. Sefer HeAruch - explaining every difficult word of the Talmud. By Rabbeinu Natan ben Yechiel Maromi, one of the Rishonim. Gershom Soncino Press. An impressive and important volume being the first attainable edition ...
LOS 49: Wonderful letter of blessings by the Gaon Rabbi Yehuda Ze'ev Segal - Rosh Chodesh Adar, 1974. Aerogram handwritten and signed by him and with his foreign name on the letter. The letter is addressed to one of his disciples, who studied under him in Manchester and later moved to study at the ...
LOS 50: Letter of Blessing by the Admor Rabbi Yankaleh of Pshevorsk - Antwerp, 1989. Sacred letter by the Admor Rabbi Yaakov Leiser of Pshevorsk, recommendation on medicinal matters and saving lives, with many blessings. On the official stationery of Rabbi Yankaleh "of Pshevorsk now in Antwerp" ...
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