LOT 51: Har Hamor, including Sefer Gdulas Mordechai by Rabbi Mordechai Benet and Sefer Chochmas Shlomo by his disciple Rabbi Shlomo Quetsch. Published by Yosef Schlesinger, Vienna, 1861. First edition. With approbations by the Chasam Sofer and Rabbi Yehuda Assad. Sefer Har Hamor, including Shut by ...
LOT 52: Most important manuscript, containing facts and stories by Maran Ateres Tiferes Yisroel of Ruzhin. At its center, his virtues and lofty level and with them, chapters of his history and the time he was imprisoned. Historical to the Chassidic world! Famed is the virtue of telling the praise of ...
LOT 53: Rare! Kol Nehi, eulogy for the holy Rav Aterest Tiferes Yisroel of Ruzhin by the Tzaddik gaon Rabbi Yosef landau Av Beis Din of Jas, first edition, Chernovich, 1851. The eulogizer, the important Gaon Rabbi Yosef Landau (1791-1854) a leading contemporary Chassid Rav in Romania who served as ...
LOT 54: Imrei Kodesh handwritten by Tiferes Yisroel Maran the holy Rav Rabbi Yisrael of Chortkov. Wonderful lines in his eloquent script containing several matters and elucidations, sources from Seforim by the Sages for Segulos and lofty matters. In the first words he introduces some matters of ...
LOT 55: Pedigreed copy: Sefer Mevo Ptachim. Amsterdam, 1736. Owned by the holy Rav Rabbi Nachum Ber'nyu Friedman of Sadigura and by the Mussar Gaon Rabbi Dessler. On the title page, the holy Rav Rabbi Nachim Ber'nyu Friedman wrote 'Bought with the money of Nachum Dober Friedman' and stamped his ...
LOT 56: Pedigreed copy of the Admor of Kopitshnitz. [3] volumes, Maginei Eretz, Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim with the commentators. Vilna, 1896. Bound with Sefer Pri Megadim, Vilna 1896. Sefer Maginei Eretz, Orach Chaim I-III, published by the Levin Epstein bothers, the Rom Widow and Bothers Press ...
LOT 57: Copy of the holy author! Divrei Elokim Chaim, the first that were published from the Torah of the holy Rav Rabbi Mordechai Sholom Yosef the Knesses Mordechai of Sadigura. First edition and booklet. 1938. A stamped copy with glosses handwritten by the author the Knesses Mordechai himself. ...
LOT 58: Handwritten dedication by the Knesses Mordechai on his father's Sefer! Sefer Kedushas Aharon by the holy Rav Rabbi Aharon, the son of the holy Rav Rabbi Yisroel of Sadigura, first edition. Warsaw, 1913. On the title page, a lengthy dedication of several lines 'presented as a gift to the ...
LOT 59: Rare and holy! Irin Kaddishin - Kama and Tanyana, which had belonged to the holy Rav the Knesses Mordechai of Sadigura from which he studied the Torah of his grandfather Ateres Tiferes Yosroel of Ruzhin. Sefer Irin Kaddishin, dear compilation from Ateres Yisroel of Ruzhin and his son Rabbi ...
LOT 60: Two pure silver teaspoons of the eldest of the Tzaddikim of his generation the holy Rav Rabbi Yisroel of Husiatyn, the last of the grandsons of Ateres Tiferes Yisroel of Ruzhin, whose prayers and sanctity protected his generation and Eretz Yisroel. With an engraving of the letter 'F' on the ...
LOT 61: List of givers of Ma'amados - Ma'os Hitkashrus - to the holy Rav the wonder worker, the Ohalei Yaakov of Husiatyn. At its end warm blessings by him and his pure signature. tel Aviv, Cheshvan 1951. The holy Rav Rabbi Yaakov of Husiatyn, the son of the holy Rav the founder of the holy ...
LOT 62: Lofty Manuscript Facts and Stories of Maran the Besht, Including Innovations that Have Never Been Printed. Important manuscript by the famed holy Gaon Rabbi Yaakov Margolis Rosh Av beis Din of Berditchev, who wrote what he had heard and received and most of it was printed in his composition ...
LOT 63: 222 - List of Distribution of Charity for Kollel Romania - by the Tzaddikim of Bohosh, 1928. Historical list! List of receivers of funds from Kollel Romania in Jerusalem, by the Tzaddikim of Bohush, 1928. A long list with more than a hundred and forty signatories. 'We the undersigned, members ...
LOT 64: Two rare letters handwritten by the pious Rebbetzin Mrs. Chava Leah Friedman, the pure wife of the holy Rav Rabbi Nachum Mordechai of Chortkov and the daughter of the holy Rav Rabbi Shlomo of Sadigura. * Letter that was sent to the famed Chassid Rabbi David Moshe, dealing with charity money ...
LOT 65: Large collection of letters written by the faithful Chassid Rabbi Yosef Sternberg, the confidante of the holy Rav Rabbi Yisroel of Chortekov, with important details about the royal court. In one of the letters, he writes with intense emotion about repeating the Torah of the holy Rav of ...
LOT 66: 'For Maran the holy Admor of Belz Shalita'. Mishnas Chassidim by the holy Kabbalist Rabbi Emanuel Chai Ricci. Third Edition, Lemberg 1858. A copy from which Maran the holy Gaon the Maharid of Belz studied. Sefer Mishnas Chassidim, authored by the great Rav knowledgeable in Nigleh and Nistar ...
LOT 67: Rare Segulah and protection! The holy Stroi on which the holy Rav Maran the Maharid of Belz stood during his Avodas HaKodesh on Yom Kippur in Belz. Special and uncommon. The straw was given as a gift by the Rebbetzin Chaya Devorah, the wife of the Maharid of Belz, to the mother of the ...
LOT 68: Shyarei Mitzvah delay Divine punishment - wonderful, special Segulah, Shyarei Mitzvah from all year round of Maran the holy Rav Rabbi Aharon of Belz. The impressive item includes leftover pieces of Hoshanos beaten on Hoshana Rabba, of the wax of candles, of the Stroi, the straw on which his ...
LOT 69: True and tried Segulah for protection! Two pages handwritten by the holy Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Yehuda Yechiel of Komarno, his elucidations on Mishnayos tractate Kilayim, second chapter. A great Segulah for protection against all evil! Two pages handwritten by the holy Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak ...
LOT 70: Wonderful and special letter of blessings handwritten by the holy Rav Rabbi Shmuel Zvi Horowitz of Spinka, also known as 'Rabbi Herscheleh Spinker', who was famed for his pure Avodah, his total devotion, piety and prayers which worked wonders for thousands all over the world. The letter was ...
LOT 71: Volume of a Gemore Tractates Shvu'os, Avodah Zarah and Makos, published in Vilna. With lenthy glosses handwritten by the holy Gaon Rabbi Aryeh ZVi Frmer of Kozhiglov, one of the Geonim of Poland and its glory, some of them with his handwritten signature. In addiiton, an ownership signature of ...
LOT 72: 222 - The Personal Copy of the Admor the Tzaddik Rav of Blendov-Kozhnitz: Shut Pnei Yitzchak. Yaroslav . Pedigreed copy of the Admor Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchak Shapiro of Blendov-Warsaw and Rabbi Chaim Dov of Bardejov: Shut Pnei Yitzchak.Yaroslav, 1905. First ediiton, bound with Chidushei Mahartza by ...
LOT 73: Letter by the Holy Admor author of Imrei Esh of Modzitz to the chairman of the religious council of Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, 1943. In the letter, the author of the Imrei Esh (who then did not yet serve as Admor) asks for the birth certificate of his son Yisroel Dan, the future Holy Admor author ...
LOT 74: Michlol Yofi, the Sefer of the holy Rav Rabbi Eliyahu Ba'al Shem on Sefer Koheles, second edition. Berlin, 1875. A copy signed by the holy Rav Rabbi Yehoshua of Ostrova the author of Toldos Adam. On the title page, his stamp 'הק' יהושע בהרב המנוח מוהרש"ל זצללה' and then 'Of Sosnovich and ...
LOT 75: Reciept and letter on the official stationery of the holy Rav Rabbi Moshe Bezalel Alter of Ger, on monetary matters and the family lottery business. Ger, 1935. Official stationery of the holy Rav Rabbi Moshe Bezalel Alter, the son of Maran the Sefas Emes and the brother of the Imrei Emes of ...
LOT 76: The personal bag with handles that had belonged to the holy Rav the Beis Yisroel of Ger and which he used for many years. Brown leather bag with handles on both its sides, with a lock [the key has been lost] which was used by the holy Rav of Ger author of the Beis Yisroel. The Beis Yisroel ...
LOT 77: Small collection of letters handwritten and signed by the holy Rav Rabbi Moshe Kliers the Rav of Tiberius and with him the greatest Chassidim and Tzaddikim of Tiberius. * Letter handwritten and signed by the holy Gaon Rabbi Moshe Kliers, with the stamp of his Beis Din, from 1931, with ...
LOT 78: Meir Netivim. The Copy of the Holy Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac of Svaliave. The holy Sefer Shut Meir Netivim by Rabbi Meir of Ostroh, a leading disciple of Marana the Besht. The personal copy of the holy Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Weiss of Svaliave the uncle and Rav of the Chakal Yitzchak of ...
LOT 79: "Should degrade ourselves for the Mitzvah of settling the Holy land and by this may we merit liking the Mitzvah of its settling" - letter to Rabbi Noah Weinberg and his son, leading Slonim Chassidim in Tiberius. Slonim, [1885]. "Due to the intensity of your stress and your huge debts I ...
LOT 80: 'And may this cause our prayers to be accepted willingly Amen Selah', Shana Tova letter of blessings, with a lengthy addition handwritten by the holy Rav Rabbi Mordechai Chaim Kastelanitz, the leader of the community of Slonim Chassidim, also known as 'Rabbi Motel Slonimer'. Printed Shana ...
LOT 81: Rare letter, handwritten by the senior Chassid Rabbi Yisroel Zalman Shelyovsky, by the holy order of Maran the Admor the holy Rav Rabbi Shlomo David Yehoshua of Slonim, the son of Maran the Beis Avraham, with a request for help with immigration to the Holy Land, with important details and ...
LOT 82: The personal copy of the Gaon Rabbi Yaakov Segal Beilush Av Beis Din of Yanassi, the son-in-law of the Gaon Rabbi Naftali Hertzka of Ratzfert. Sha'areu Tzeddek, [I], Orach Chaim, by Rabbi Menachem Mendel Panet. Munkatch, 1884. First edition. Pedigreed copy! Sha'arei Tzeddek, I, Teshuvos ...
LOT 83: Blessing for Simchas Yom Tov handwritten by the great Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Halevi Wosner author of Sheves halevi Gaon Av Beis Din and Ram of Zichron Meir, one of the greatest Amudei Hora'ah of the recent generation. On the official stationery of Maran the author of Sheves Halevi, his ...
LOT 84: Lengthy and important Psak Halacha, on four pages, handwritten by Maran Rabbi Shmuel Halevi Wosner author of Sheves Halevi, dealing with the Dinim of the Shehechiyanu blessing. ''He who knows the great spiritual burden imposed on me will judge me favorably if I do not respond at all or only ...
LOT 85: Letter by Maran author of Sheves Halevi, Rabbi Shmuel Halevi Wosner, praising the publication of the writings of the Tzaddik Gaon Rabbi Avraham Chanoch friedman, Dayan and More Hora'ah in Satmar. Zichron Meir - 1996. A letter that was handwritten in Teves 1996, entirely by Maran the Sheves ...
LOT 86: Seder Tehillim with Ma'amados, with a Yiddish translation. Published by Rabbi Chanina Lipa Shapiro the grandson of the Rav of Slavuta, Josefow, [1843]. Rare. Seder Tehillim with a Hebrew-Teitch translation and Ma'amados. On the title page: printed in Josefow at the printery that was ...
LOT 87: Set of Ein Yaakov printed at the pedigreed printery of Rabbi Aryeh Leib Shapiro during the years 1862-1864. Three volumes. Two title pages in red ink for each volume. * Section I, Zhitomir 1862. [2], 3-244 leaves. Leaf 245 is missing. Two title pages with red lettering. Ownership ...
LOT 88: Sefer HaAggudah, Krakow 1571 edition, which had belonged to the holy Gaon author of Be'er Mayim Chaim and Sidduro shel Shabbas. Sefer HaAggudah, by Ravvi Alexander Zusslin Hacohen, one of the Rishonim in the time of Rabbi Yaakov Ba'al HaTurim, known as the Razach of Erport and Frankfurt. ...
LOT 89: Important letter of recommendation handwritten entirely by the holy Rav author of the Knesses Yisroel of Deyzh for one of his leading disicples, 1904. 'The Bachur Muflag sharp and knowledgeable ... Yitzchak Werner ... his Yirah precedes his wisdom, in Halacha and Aggada, Pilpul and Svara ...
LOT 90: Pedigreed copy, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Panet, First editions. . Pedigreed copy. Sha'arei Tzeddek, Mishpas Tzeddek amd Avnei Tzeddek, responses on the four parts of Shulchan Aruch and Pilpulim on Sugyos HaShas, by Rabbi Menachem Mendel Panet. Munkatch, 1883-1885. First editions. [4] sections ...
LOT 91: [2] leaves, responsum handwritten by Rabbi Shlomo Kluger [1854]. [4] large pages with responsum by the Gaon Rabbi Shlomo Kluger, handwritten by him. [4] pp. 38 cm. Contains [4] responses and partial responses on Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah, published in the Seforim by Rabbi Shlomo Kluger: 1 ...
LOT 92: Important historical document! Lengthy letter which was sent from Tiberius, referring to the great loss of the holy Rav Rabbi Avraham of Kalisk 'מקול השמועה חרדה נפשינו ואמרנו מי יעמוד בפרץ'. The lengthy letter, four full pages, was written by the Chassid Rav the Tzaddik Divine Kabbalist ...
LOT 93: 'יש בתפילין ג' בחינות חיצונית, אמצעית ופנימית' Kabbalistic elucidations handwritten by the holy Gaon Rabbi Gershon Kitover the Brother-in-Law of Maran the holy Besht. Glosses and lengthy and short elucidations handwritten by the holy Gaon the Divine kabbalist the holy Rav Rabbi Avraham ...
LOT 94: 40 densely written pp. in the fine eloquent script of the great Gaon Rabbi Akiva Glasner Rosh Av Beis Din of Kloisenburg, who followed in his forefathers' footsteps with Chidushei Sugyos of the Shas, mainly on Tarctate Gittin. 'Chidushei Torah on Tractate Gittin what G-d has bestowed on me ...
LOT 95: Dinei Hanukkah in riddles, alphabetically ordered, manuscript, by Lipman ben Rabbi Meir Zvi Berkovich, Częstochowa, [1916]. Notebook with Responsa on the Dinim of Hanukkah. By by Lipman ben Rabbi Meir Zvi Berkovich, Częstochowa, [1916]. [5] leaves, 20 cm. At the end of the notebook, an ...
LOT 96: Torah innovations and Drushim handwritten by the Gaon Rabbi Yisroel Nissan Kupershtok, one of the greatest rabbis of Poland, author of Sefer Ani Ben Pachma. The sermons deal mainly with the proximity of the end of the Torah and its beginning, with Parashas Bereshis and the connection ...
LOT 97: Batei Tefillin DeRashi, which had belonged to the holy Rav Rabbi Elazar Menchaem Mendel of Lelov.The Tzaddikim of the generation greatly exalted the Avodah of the Tefillin. The Tefillin were miraculously preserved, generation after generation. We did not dare to examine the Tefillin; ...
LOT 98: Reztuot Tefillin shel Rosh - of Maran 'Der Heiliger Ribnitzer Rabbi'. וראו כל עמי הארץ כי שם ה' נקרא עליך'! Straps of Tefillin shel Rosh which were put on by Der Heiliger Tzaddik Maran the Admor of Ribnitz the holy Rav Chaim Zanvil Abramovich. With these straps of Tefillin shel Rosh, the ...
LOT 99: Unique artistic Jewish item! A kit for the traveller for the Jewish festival of Shavu'os, containing a silver case with the scroll of Ruth, placed with a Torah pointer in a fancy case. [Europe], [1896]. Artistic kit for Shavu'os containing: * The Scroll of Ruth, ink on vellum, height 9 cm. ...
LOT 100: Zohar Ruth, known as Har Adonai, written in ancient script by the Chassid Rabbi Aharon Yaakov Katz of Stari. 1867. Zohar Ruth, published in Amsterdam in 1712 and titled Har Adonai, which is Zohar on Megilas Ruth attributed to the great Tana Rashbi. It was written that 'anyone who says it ...
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