拍卖品 1: Arba Turim. Hanau, 1610. Complete Set! Complete set of Tur with Orach Chaim, Yoreh Deah, Choshen Mishpat and Even Ha’ezer by Rabbeinu Yaakov Baal Haturim, son of the Rosh, along with novella by Rabbi Avraham of Prague and additional references to Talmud Bavli, Talmud Yerushalmi and various ...
拍卖品 2: Beis Yosef on Choshen Mishpat. First Edition. Sabbioneta, 1559. Classic: Premier Sefer & Basis of All Laws of Choshen Mishpat Tur-Choshen Mishpat by Rabbi Yaakov Baal Haturim, son of the Rosh, with Beis Yosef by Rabbi Yosef Karo. First edition; printed by the author. In his celebrated ...
拍卖品 3: Drishah U’Prishah on Yoreh Deah. First Edition. Lublin, 1635. Rare Classic! Tur-Yoreh Deah with sefer Drishah U’Prishah by Harav Yehoshua Falk Katz, author of the Sm”a. Renowned to many by the name of his magnum opus, the Sm”a was a disciple of the Rema and Maharshal. He authored one of ...
拍卖品 4: Bach Orach Chaim. First Edition. Cracow, 1639-1640. Tur-Orach Chaim with commentary of the Bayis Chadash (Bach) by Hagaon Harav Yoel Sirkis, Av Beis Din of Cracow. This complete first-edition volume of Bach is a very rare find and exceedingly valuable! Hagaon Harav Yoel Sirkis (1561-1640) ...
拍卖品 5: Shailos U’Teshuvos by Maharam Padua. First Edition. Venice, 1553. Classic. Halachic Responsa by Rabbi Meir Katzenellenbogen of Padua. This sefer contains 3 parts: The main body of this sefer is responsa by Harav Meir Katzenellenbogen. It also includes responsa by Harav Yehuda Mintz ...
拍卖品 6: Minchas Kohein, Amsterdam, 1668. Hebrew Classics. Impressive copy in parchment binding. Sefer Minchas Kohein by Harav Avraham Cohen Pimentel. The first section of the sefer features a composition entitled Mevo Hashemesh, which is one of the fundamental sources used to determine the ...
拍卖品 7: Pri Megadim Yoreh Deah. First Edition. Berlin, 1771. Classic! Halachic novellae, elucidations and elaboration on Yoreh Deah Shach and Taz by Harav Yosef Teumim, Av Beis Din Frankfurt an der Oder. In this monumental work, the text of the Shulchan Aruch appears in the center of the page ...
拍卖品 8: Shu”t Noda B’Yehudah. First Edition. Replete with handwritten notes. Classic Responsa on all parts of Shulchan Aruch by Hagaon Harav Yechezkel Landau, Av Beis Din of Prague. Over 330 extensive handwritten novella and notes! The comments in this copy of the Noda B’Yehudah were written by ...
拍卖品 9: Respona Noda B’Yehudah, 2nd Series. First Edition. Hebrew Classic. Autographed by Author’s Son Harav Shmuel Segal Landau, Av Beis Din of Prague. The autograph of the Noda B’Yehudah’s son: “Hakatan Shmuel Segal Landau son of the Author” appears on the title page. The signature is a remnant ...
拍卖品 10: Shu”t Teshuvah Me’Ahavah – Complete Set. Striking! Responsa by Hagaon Harav Elazar Flekeles, Raavad of Prague Complete set in very good condition. Three volumes bound together in a new, impressive leather binding. The three volumes of responsa encompass over 700 responsa! Volume 1 . ...
拍卖品 11: Responsa of Rabbi Yosef Karo. First Edition. Saloniki, 1598 Classic. Responsa upon topics in Even Haezer by Maran Rabbi Yosef Karo, author of the Beis Yosef and Shulchan Aruch. Like other epic writings of the Beis Yosef, his responsa occupies a place of respect in Jewish libraries around ...
拍卖品 12: Toldos Yitzchak by Rabbi Yitzchak Karo. Istanbul, 1518. First Edition, Rare Exceptional Find! Striking Copy! Discourses and commentary on the Pentateuch by Rabbi Yitzchak Karo. Complete copy in beautiful condition—a rare, valuable find! Rabbi Yitzchak Karo (1458-1535) was one of the ...
拍卖品 13: Long, Handwritten & Autographed Halachic Responsa by Harav Yitzchak Weiss, Av Beis Din of Verbové, 1908 Handwritten, autographed halachic responsa and chiddushei Torah by Hagaon Harav Yitzchak Weiss Hy”d, Av Beis Din of Vrbové & Author of Siach Yitzchak. Hagaon Harav Yitzchak Weiss ...
拍卖品 14: Handwritten Halachic Responsa by Harav Yehudah Greenfeld, Av Beis Din of Szentmihály, 1906 Handwritten halachic responsa by Hagaon Harav Yehudah Greenfeld, Av Beis Din Szentmihály, regarding plowing a field on Chol Hamoed in the event that failing to do so will result in severe monetary ...
拍卖品 15: Inspiring Letter by Hagaon Harav Moshe Forhand, Av Beis Din of Makov, with Mussar & Guidance from the Teachings of the Chassan Sofer Invaluable handwritten letter by Hagaon Harav Moshe Forhand, Av Beis Din of Makov, summarizing the fundamentals of the spiritual service and guidance ...
拍卖品 16: Request & Kvittel by Hagaon Harav Eliezer Deitsch to Harav Akiva Yosef Shlesinger “Please Mention Me In Your Prayers” Handwritten, signed letter by Hagaon Harav Eliezer Deitsch, Av Beis Din of Bonyhád beseeching, “Please mention me in your prayers, so I shall not come to blindness ...
拍卖品 17: Chiddushei Torah Letter by Hagaon Harav Eliezer Deitsch, Av Beis Din of Bonyhád, author of Pri Hasadeh, 1910 Handwritten, signed letter by Hagaon Eliezer Deitsch, Av Beis Din of Bonyhád and author of Pri Hasadeh, in response to comments by Harav Binyamin Ulman, son of the Yerios Shlomo ...
拍卖品 18: Handwritten & Autographed Halachic Responsa Regarding Heter Iska for a Bank Loan by Harav Shmuel Rosenberg of Unsdorf, Author of Be’er Shmuel Hagaon Harav Shmuel Rosenberg of Unsdorf (1842-1919) was renowned as a brilliant scholar and miracle worker. Thousands flocked to his door to ...
拍卖品 19: Long Handwritten Kuntress of Torah Novellae (6 Folio Leaves) by Harav Shlomo Zalman Ehrenreich, Av Beis Din of Shamlau, Hy”d Large pamphlet of handwritten and autographed Torah novellae on the Shulchan Aruch Hilchos Nedarim by the Gaon of Shamlau, Hy”d. The Kuntress is divided into 3 ...
拍卖品 20: Handwritten, Signed Halachic Verdict by Baal Kessef Nivchar. Hőgyész, 1834. Hagaon Harav Baruch Bendit Goitein, Av Beis Din of Hőgyész, gained repute among world Jewry for his phenomenal work Kessef Nivchar (Prague, 1827). In his written endorsement to the sefer, the Chasam Sofer extolled ...
拍卖品 21: Manuscript from Chust Handwritten manuscript of Torah and Talmudic novellae including lessons, testimonials & responsa by the Divray Chaim of Sanz, chiddushei Hari'm, Maharam Ash and other prominent Hungarian sages. Autographed by Harav Pinchas Naftali Schwartz of Chust. Hagaon ...
拍卖品 22: Responsa Regarding Halachos of Writing A Sefer Torah by Harav Moshe Halevi Pollack, Av Beis Din of Bonyhad, to Maharam Schick In 1876, Hagaon Harav Moshe Pollack was preparing to fulfill the mitzvah of writing a Sefer Torah and dispatched a letter to Maharam Schick to clarify several ...
拍卖品 23: Letter by Harav Shaul Brach, Av Beis Din of Kashoy, Regarding Changing the Nusach of Prayer from Ashkenaz to Sephard. Carei, 1922. Letter by Hagaon Harav Shaul Brach, Av Beis Din of Kashoy, regarding a congregation that wished to change its nusach of prayer from Ashkenaz to Sephard. There ...
拍卖品 24: Handwritten Novellae by Maharam Schick, 1834 Handwritten novellae on maseches Bava Metzia by Harav Moshe Schick, Av Beis Din of Chust and author of Maharam Schick. The writings follow the order of the sugya with Rashi and Tosfos. The novellae begins with a handwritten inscription: “With ...
拍卖品 25: Autograph of Harav Yaakov Shamash on Sefer Amudei Shlomo by the Maharshal, First Edition. Basel, 1600. Autograph of Harav Yaakov Shamash on sefer Amudei Shlomo, a commentary of Hagaon Harav Shlomo Luria (Maharshal) on Sefer Mitzvos Hagadol (Smag), first edition. The sefer was printed by ...
拍卖品 26: Manuscript: Autograph of Harav Michel Sheier, Av Beis Din of Mannheim and Rebbi of the Chasam Sofer Unpublished Manuscript of Lectures & Eulogies upon Gedolei Yisrael. Anthology of addresses and eulogies in the handwriting of Hagaon Harav Michel Sheier, Av Beis Din of Mannheim ...
拍卖品 27: Handwritten Novellae on Tractate Pesachim by the Chasam Sofer. Pressburg, 1821. Complete Kuntress of Torah Novellae! Handwritten Torah novellae on maseches Pesachim by the venerable Harav Moshe Sofer, Av Beis Din of Pressburg and author of Chasam Sofer. 9 handwritten double-sided ...
拍卖品 28: 2 Bound Manuscripts by the Chasam Sofer. Copied in Chust, 1872 1. Journal by the Chasam Sofer – One-of-a-kind handwritten copy from the Chasam Sofer’s ledger recounting the history of the Jews and Pressburg community in the era of the Franco-Austrian War of 1809. The journal was written ...
拍卖品 29: SEGULAH! Sacred Handwriting of the Chasam Sofer!'כל המחלה אשר שמתי במצרים לא אשים עליך כי אני ה' רופאך' Handwritten Torah Novellae by the Chasam Sofer.Leaf from the Sacred Mattersdorf Manuscript, 1802. Handwritten Torah novellae by Harav Moshe Sofer, Av Beis Din and Rosh Yeshivah of ...
拍卖品 30: Handwritten ‘Moreinu’ Ordination by the Shevet Sofer Harav Simcha Bunim Sofer, Av Beis Din Pressburg, 1903 This handwritten, autographed ordination by the Shevet Sofer was delivered to his disciple Harav Asher Anshel Yehudah Miller, later Av Beis Din of Petroşani, Romania, before his ...
拍卖品 31: Autographed Halachic Responsa by Harav Akiva Sofer, Av Beis Din of Pressburg, Regarding Pidyon Haben. “I followed the footsteps of my holy grandfathers the Chasam Sofer and Ksav Sofer.” Handwritten halachic responsa by Hagaon Harav Akiva Sofer, Av Beis Din of Pressburg, regarding the ...
拍卖品 32: Handwritten Letter & Kvittel by Harav Shimon Sofer, Av Beis Din of Erlau, to Saba Kaddisha “I pray that you shall have longevity and good, pleasant days. Please mention me and my family in your prayers for health and a recovery, so that Hakadosh Baruch Hu will safeguard us and spare us ...
拍卖品 33: Handwritten Chiddushei Torah by Hagaon Harav Akiva Hakohein Strasser, Av Beis Din of Takai and Grandson of the Ksav Sofer, 1908. Handwritten, autographed letter by Hagaon Harav Akiva Hakohein Strasser, Av Beis Din of Takai regarding mikveh waters. Hagaon Harav Akiva Hakohein Strasser, Av ...
拍卖品 34: Letter of Torah Novellae by Harav Shlomo Tzvi Hakohein Strasser, Av Beis Din of Debrecen, 1905 Rabbi Shlomo Tzvi Hakohein Strasser, Av Beis Din of Debrecen (1863-1953) was born to Rabbi Yaakov Yehuda Leib Hakohein Strasser, a son-in-law of the Ksav Sofer. He studied in the yeshivah of the ...
拍卖品 35: Handwritten Halachic Responsa by Harav Shlomo Eiger, Av Beis Din of Posen. Posen, 1842. Handwritten halachic responsa by Hagaon Harav Shlomo Eiger, Av Beis Din of Posen, regarding matters of purity. This responsa was not included in the Responsa of Rabbi Shlomo Eiger, and to the best of our ...
拍卖品 36: Rabbi Akiva Eiger’s Personal Copy of Maseches Megillah Which He Studied for Many Years & Inscribed His Gilyon HaShas Legendary volume of gemara autographed by Rabbi Akiva Eiger! On the final page of this masechta, Rabbi Akiva Eiger inscribes his signature: “He granted me also this ...
拍卖品 37: Drush V’Chiddush by Rabbi Akiva Eiger. First Edition. Warsaw, 1839. Classic. Torah novellae on Shas and halachic responsa by Rabbi Akiva Eiger, Av Beis Din of Posen. Drush V’Chiddush by Rabbi Akiva Eiger on Shas is one of the fundamental Torah novellae texts and studied extensively in ...
拍卖品 38: Responsa of Rabbi Akiva Eiger Av Beis Din of Posen. First Edition. Classic. “The Responsa of Rabbi Akiva Eiger overflows with ruach hakodesh.” (Avnei Nezer, Me’oran shel Yisrael Vol. 2 p. 376) With Handwritten Comments by His Disciple Harav Asher Lemmel Levy, Av Beis Din of ...
拍卖品 39: Pogrom in Posen, 1716 Urgent Appeal for Help Following the Destruction of Posen, 1716. Historic Broadside. Rare! Heartrending letter of appeal by spiritual leaders of Posen, most notably the Av Beis Din Hagaon Harav Yaakov ben Rav Yitzchak of Posen, following the brutal pogrom and ...
拍卖品 40: Handwritten Novellae by Harav Yonah Moshe Bondi. Mainz, 1811. Unpublished manuscript! Torah novellae and Talmudic discourses on Tractates Gittin, Bava Metziah, Bava Basra and Chulin by Harav Moshe Yonah Bondi. Handwritten by his student. The dates recorded in these novellae range ...
拍卖品 41: Handwritten Semichah Letter by Hagaon Harav Yaakov Meir, Av Beis Din of Strasbourg and Leader of Napoleon’s Jewish Consistory, 1820. Beautiful, handwritten semichah letter, written and enhanced with Talmudic parables and expressions by Hagaon Harav Yaakov Meir, Av Beis Din of Strasbourg ...
拍卖品 42: Book of Rituals & Customs. Fürth, 1756 Fundamental work by Harav Isaac Tyrnau describing Ashkenazic rituals and customs. This sefer was one of the sources referenced frequently by the Rema and Shulchan Aruch. Yiddish edition, complete with illustrated woodcuts. Fürth, 1756. 72 [1] ...
拍卖品 43: Exquisite Wimpel for Sefer Torah. Germany, 1843. Exquisite wimpel fashioned of 4 linen sashes delicately embroidered with colored thread. Superb workmanship featuring clusters of flowers, animals, birds and human figures. Embroidered in the center of the wimpel is the name Shimon ben Harav ...
拍卖品 44: Chiddushim on Shas and Rambam by Harav Aviezri Zelig Auerbach, Av Beis Din of Posvilliers & Prime Disciple of Harav Yehonasan Eibschitz, (1758-1768). Autographed Manuscript. Large handwritten volume of chiddushim on masechtos Brachos, Shabbos, Pesachim, Rosh Hashanah, Yevamos ...
拍卖品 45: Historic Letter by Rabbi Samson Rephael Hirsch, Leader of Orthodox German Jewry. Frankfurt, 1869. Dissociate from the Reform Congregation This autographed letter, inscribed in German and interspersed with quotes in Hebrew, was sent by Hagaon Harav Samson Rephael Hirsch to Harav Nesanel ...
拍卖品 46: Tiferes Yisrael on Mishnayos. First Edition. Classic. Complete Set! Tiferes Yisrael by Harav Yisrael Lifschitz, Av Beis Din of Danzig, is one of the most widely-used and celebrated commentaries on Mishnayos. The volumes of this work were meticulously published over the course of two ...
拍卖品 47: Megillas Esther on Parchment Rolled On Artistic Ivory Handle. Padua, 1823. Megillas Esther on parchment written by a scribe for the Ashkenazic congregation in Padua. Attached to the Megillah is a printed dedication with the inscription: “A gift sent to my master, meticulously edited to ...
拍卖品 48: Embellished Order of Hoshanos with Poems & Songs. Italy, 18th Century. Manuscript. Elegant manuscript including prayers for High Holy Days, Order of Hoshanos, and songs for Simchas Torah sung by Italian Jewish congregations. The manuscript begins with the sacred piyyut “Achos Ketanah” ...
拍卖品 49: Fascinating 17th Century Codebook for the Hachnassas Kallah Society. Venice, 1690. Rare, “Regulations of Society of Levantine Kehillah for Marrying Off Maidens.” The mission of this 17th century Jewish charity society in Venice was to provide a dowry for disadvantaged brides, both members ...
拍卖品 50: Machzor Shaar Bas Rabim. Venice, 1711-1715. The Admor Reb Nachum Dov of Sadigura’s personal Machzor. Large, ornate edition. Machzor Shaar Bas Rabim is among the most impressive and elaborate sets of machzorim ever printed. Two large printed volumes with wide margins. Each volume features ...