LOS 1: Akeidat Yitzchak. Artistic Embroidery. Germany? 19th Century. Scene depicting the binding of Isaac, embroidered by an artist in colorful threads on a piece of fabric. Framed: 17x18 cm. Fine condition. Stained.
LOS 2: Israel in poems, by Alexander ben Israel, Impressive Handmade Wooden Binding, Tel Aviv 1962. Israel in poems , by Alexander ben Israel, Shirat Yisrael by Alexander Bar Yehuda dedicated to the Israeli President Yitzchak Ben Zvi, translated by S. Kanzler. Impressive, handmade wooden binding, in ...
LOS 5: Group of [3] Etchings, Pictures of Rabbi Hirschell, First Chief Rabbi of Great Britain. [London, 1808-1830]. * Beautiful portrait of Rabbi Solomon Hirschell, first chief rabbi of Great Britain. Signed by the artist in print. Simon Fils Press. Strasbourg (France), [early 19th century]. Caption ...
LOS 8: Large Album with Over [120] Palestinian Propaganda Postcards, Late 20th Century. Many postcards with Palestinian illustrations and caricatures, nearly all dealing with the Arab-Israeli conflict. Also included are stamps, small stickers and a passport. Overall very fine condition.
LOS 9: Group of [12] Photographs - Development Towns and Housing Projects. Ephraim Ilani. Israel, 1950s-60s. Photographs of early construction in Ashdod, Dimona, Karmiel and Haifah. Housing projects and industrial buildings (including the Dagon granaries, Shimshon cement factories and more). Ephraim ...
LOS 11: Group of [4] Postcards with Photographs of Jerusalem by Ya'akov Ben-Dov: The Western Wall, Rachel's Tomb, The Churvah and Bezalel. Early 20th Century. Four postcards: The Western Wall, Rachel's Tomb with camels in the foreground, a photograph of the Jewish Quarter including the Churvah ...
LOS 12: Complete Set of [8] Postcards and an Envelope, Photographs of the Hebrew University. Azriel Press, Jerusalem, Early 1930s. Full set published by Azriel Press, Jerusalem, in the early 1930s, published by the Association of Supporters of the Hebrew University in the Land of Israel, including the ...
LOS 13: [2] Shocking Photographs from the 1929 Riots in Motza, With the Murdered Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Shach and Rabbi Aryeh Leib Maklef. Jerusalem, 1929. Pair of shocking photographs depicting Aryeh Leib Maklef and Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Shach after they were murdered by Arab rioters in the 1929 pogroms. ...
LOS 14: Shanah Tovah Postcard, The Chareidi Settlement Ramatayim Tzufim. Jerusalem, 1920s. Decorative postcard sent to supporters of the Society for the Chareidi Settlement Ramatayim Tzufim, in honor of the new year. Blessings in Yiddish and Hebrew. The Chareidi settlement Ramatayim Tzufim was an ...
LOS 15: Rare, Complete Set of [8] Postcards with Antisemitic Caricatures, with Handwritten Anti-Semitic Notations, Published by Librairie Antisémite. Paris, 1900?. Series 1, postcards 1-8, published by Librairie Antisémite , an antisemitic book publisher based in Paris and run by Charles Davos, editor ...
LOS 18: Large Photograph - Pioneers at the Kibbutz Deganiah Fish Pond, 1919. Large photograph - Two Hebrew workers pulling a net loaded with fish in Kibbutz Deganiah - "Mother of kvutzot and kibbutzim ." Unknown photographer. Handwritten on the back of one of the photographs: "Kibbutz Deganiah, fish ...
LOS 21: Dreyfus. Collection of [15] Issues of the Illustrated Antisemitic Newspaper "Psst...!" Paris, 1898. French weekly anti-Dreyfus satirical Psst...! , published during the period of Alfred Dreyfus' trial. Venomous antisemitic illustrations. The historic newspaper Psst...! with pictures by Forain ...
LOS 22: Printed Leaf with a Gilt Border - the Prayers at the 'Yeshurun' Synagogue of the Orthodox Community of Frankfurt am Main, [1893]. A leaf printed in lithographic print with a fine gilt border, with he times of the prayers and prayers as well as list of Piyyutim that will be said during the ...
LOS 23: Tzidduk HaDin. Rödelheim, 1801. Unknown. Tzidduk HaDin and the Kaddish text recited after burial, with instructions in Ivri Teitch. Single leaf, apparently given to mourners at the time of burial. The leaf is unknown in the Bibliography . It is not listed in the Bibliographic Project , and is ...
LOS 24: Mitzpah, a Journal Edited by Alexander Zederbaum, Third Volume of the First Year, St. Petersburg, 1886. Mitzpah, a journal edited by Alexander Zederbaum, St. Petersburg, 1886. Mitzpah, a monthly journal, containing articles pertaining to Jews and Judaism in the past and present, with ...
LOS 28: The Copy of Prisoner of Zion in Russia Rabbi Aharon Rabinowitz , Siddur with Handwritten Tables for Calculating the Hebrew Calendar . Added at the end of the Siddur are five handwritten leaves, including four tables for calculating the Hebrew calendar, and especially the Hebrew leap year. On the ...
LOS 29: Shabbat Hymns with Letters by the Kedushat Tziyon of Bobov. Landsberg-Germany, 1948. "It shall protect you and your offspring ... and you shall be extricated from the birth pangs of the coming of mashiach , to serenity" (from Rabbi Yechezkiah Fisch's blessings in his approbation) Sheloshah ...
LOS 30: Chamesh Shitot L'HaRashba - Remnant Saved from the Fires of Kristallnacht! . Chamesh Shitot L'HaRashb"a - two parts bound together with separate title pages (the first part is on Tractates Yevamot, Nedarim and Bava Kamma; the second part is on Tractates Ketubot and Kiddushin). First edition. ...
LOS 31: Chassidic Calendar that was Printed in Satmar in the midst of the World War. Rare. Chassidic calendar for 1940-41. Published by the department store of Avraham Meir Zisswein. Sato-Mare [Satmar]. Meir Leib Hirsch Press in Satmar. A rare calendar that is not mentioned in Mif'al HaBibliographiah ...
LOS 32: Calendar for 1943-4. Includes a Siddur. Printed in France under the Nazi Occupation. Calendar for 1943-4, with the prayers of Shacharit and Mussaf and Birkat HaChodesh. Limoges, (France), [1943]. A French title page and foreword were added: Le calendrier israélite pour l'année 5703. The ...
LOS 33: Group of [10] Zionist Propaganda Booklets Published by HeChalutz After the Rise of the Nazis in Berlin. * Bord-Merkblatt für die Ankunft in Palästina Guide for Arrival in Palestine - published by the Association of Olim from Germany. Tel Aviv, 1935. * Hachshara , April, 1934. Rare; not found ...
LOS 40: Invitation to Seder Night for the American Occupation Forces in Japan. Kyoto, 1947. Unknown in the Bibliography of the Hebrew Book. Colorful illustrated invitation to seder night, distributed US Army I Corps in Kyoto, Japan, for the forthcoming Passover Seder, 1947. Unknown in the Bibliography ...
LOS 43: [8] Large Photographs of the Nazi Atrocities Against Polish Jewry. Difficult-to-View Photographs. [8] large photographs - horrifying pictures of the atrocities undertaken by the Nazis and their accomplices in Poland. "Warsaw, 1942" is written on the back of two of the photographs. Size: ...
LOS 45: Rare, Poster with a Photograph of Mordechai Anielewicz Published by Iggud Yotzei Warsaw in Havana, Cuba April 1948. Tzum 5 Yahrzeit fur der Varshever un Aleh Gettas fun Poilen. A poster published for the fifth anniversary of the extermination of the Warsaw Ghetto and the other ghettos, by Iggud ...
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