ืฉืžื•ืืœ ืกืœื ื˜ 14, ืคืชื— ืชืงื•ื•ื”, Israel

ืื ื—ื ื• ืฉืžื—ื™ื ืœื”ืฆื™ื’ ื‘ืคื ื™ื›ื ืงื˜ืœื•ื’ ื ืื” ื–ื”, ื‘ื• ืื•ืกืฃ ืฉืœ ืžื’ื•ื•ืŸ ืคืจื™ื˜ื™ื ื ื“ื™ืจื™ื ื‘ืชื—ื•ืžื™ื ืฉื•ื ื™ื, ื‘ื”ื: 
ืคืจื™ื˜ื™ื ื—ืฉื•ื‘ื™ื ืžื”ืชื ื•ืขื” ื”ืฆื™ื•ื ื™ืช, ื‘ื”ื ืขื•ืชืง ื”ืžื”ื“ื•ืจื” ื”ืขื‘ืจื™ืช ื”ืจืืฉื•ื ื” ืฉืœ ืกืคืจ ืžื“ื™ื ืช ื”ื™ื”ื•ื“ื™ื, ืขื•ืชืง ื ื“ื™ืจ ืฉืœ ื”ืจืฆืื•ืช ืฉืœ ื“ืจ' ืœื™ืื• ื›ื”ืŸ ื‘ืขื ื™ืŸ ื—ื•ืงืช ื”ืžื“ื™ื ื”, ื•ืžืกืžื›ื™ื ื ื“ื™ืจื™ื ืžืจืืฉื™ืช ื™ืžื™ื• ืฉืœ ืฆื”"ืœ - ื”ื ื•ื’ืขื™ื ื‘ื ื•ืฉืื™ื ื”ืขื•ืžื“ื™ื ื‘ืœื‘ ื”ื“ื™ื•ืŸ ื”ืฆื™ื‘ื•ืจื™ ื›ื™ื•ื.

ืžืกืžืš ื™ื™ื—ื•ื“ื™ ื•ื ื“ื™ืจ ื‘ื›ืชื‘ ื™ื“ ืžืืช ื‘ืจื›ื” ืคื•ืœื“ - ืœื•ื—ืžืช ื•ืžืคืงื“ืช ื”ืคืœืž"ื— ืฉื ื”ืจื’ื” ื‘ืœื™ืœ ื•ื™ื ื’ื™ื™ื˜ ืžืืฉ ื”ืฆื‘ื ื”ื‘ืจื™ื˜ื™ - ืืฉืจ ืžื•ืชื” ื”ื™ื” ืœืกืžืœ ื‘ืžืื‘ืง ื•ืชื ื•ืขืช ื”ืžืจื™ ื ื’ื“ ืฉืœื˜ื•ื ื•ืช ื”ืžื ื“ื˜, ืขืœ ืฉืžื” ื ืงืจืื” ืื•ื ื™ื™ืช ื”ืžืขืคื™ืœื™ื 'ื‘ืจื›ื” ืคื•ืœื“' 

ื•ื›ืŸ ืื•ืกืฃ ื—ืฉื•ื‘ ืฉืœ ืžืกื›ื™ื ื•ืคืจืกื•ืžื™ื ืฉืœ ืชื ื•ืขืช ื”ืขื ืœืžื“ื™ื ื” ืขื‘ืจื™ืช, ื•ืชื ื•ืขื•ืช ื”ื ื•ืขืจ ืฉืœื”.

ืžื›ืชื‘ื™ื ืžืืช ืื™ืฉื™ื ื‘ื•ืœื˜ื™ื ื‘ื™ื™ืฉื•ื‘ ื”ื™ื”ื•ื“ื™ ื‘ืืจืฅ ื™ืฉืจืืœ, ืคืจื™ื˜ื™ื ื”ืงืฉื•ืจื™ื ื‘ืชื ื•ืขืช ื”ืงื™ื‘ื•ืฆื™ื ื•ื”ื”ืชื™ื™ืฉื‘ื•ืช ื”ืขื•ื‘ื“ืช. ืคืจื™ื˜ื™ื ืžื™ืžื™ ืจืืฉื™ืช ื”ื”ืชื™ื™ืฉื‘ื•ืช ื‘ืชืœ ืื‘ื™ื‘. ื›ืชื‘ื™ ืขืช, ืกืคืจื•ืช ืขื‘ืจื™ืช ืžื•ืงื“ืžืช ื•ืกืคืจื™ื ื—ืฉื•ื‘ื™ื ื•ืขื•ื“. 

ืžืฉืœื•ื—ื™ื ื‘ืืจืฅ ื‘ืืžืฆืขื•ืช ื—ื‘ืจืช ื’ืœ ืžืฉืœื•ื—ื™ื, ืขืœื•ืช ื”ืžืฉืœื•ื— 40 ืฉ"ื—. ืžืฉืœื•ื—ื™ื ืœื—ื•"ืœ ื‘ืืžืฆืขื•ืช ื—ื‘ืจืช DHL' ืขืœื•ืช ืžืฉืชื ื” ืœืคื™ ืžืฉืงืœ ื”ืคืจื™ื˜ื™ื, ืžื™ื ื™ืžื•ื 40$.

ื ืฉืžื— ืœืขื ื•ืช ืœืฉืืœื•ืช ื•ืœืฉืœื•ื— ืชืžื•ื ื•ืช ื ื•ืกืคื•ืช ืžืคืจื™ื˜ื™ื, ื ื™ืชืŸ ืœืคื ื•ืช ื‘ืžื™ื™ืœ, ื•ื‘ื˜ืœืคื•ืŸ / ื•ื•ืืฆืืค 0533101546.

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LOTE 23:

Rare prospectuses of the People's Movement for a Hebrew State โ€“ virulent denunciations of the Brits, a proposal ...

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$ 50
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Rare prospectuses of the People's Movement for a Hebrew State โ€“ virulent denunciations of the Brits, a proposal for a Hebrew insurrection, and manifestos of electioneering and a statement of the movement's program.

1. Four-page manifesto, the movement's idea under the title 'What the People's Movement Wants for a Hebrew State'. Internal publication for members. 1945 soon.
2. Prospectus 'Platform for the Election to the 22nd Zionist Congress' โ€“ a detailed exposition of the movement's platform.
3. 'The Foundations of the Jewish Resistance Movement' โ€“ a call for Jewish resistance against the British Mandate authorities in Palestine.
4-8. Propaganda leaflets.

Rare prospectuses are not to be had.

The People's Movement for a Hebrew State, founded as a party in 1944 by Benjamin Eliav (Lubetzky) and his associates who had split from the New Zionist Organization founded by the Revisionists, with the aim of returning to work with the Labor Settlement people.
The party's political goals remained in line with the Revisionist movement and on the party's banner they inscribed the intensification of the struggle against the British rule in Palestine, with a harsh criticism of the Mapai party and of the activities of Chaim Weizmann, president of the Zionist Organization.
Concurrently, they worked for socialism in the settlement, in the spirit of the working settlement.
The movement contested the elections to the Fourth Assembly of the Eretz Yisrael Assembly, and won one seat for its chairman, Binyamin Eliav. It also submitted a list for the elections to the World Zionist Congress in 1946.
Among the movement's luminaries were the Ashkenazi nationalist Klemens Kaczyล„ski and the son of Ze'ev Jabotinsky, Adi Jabotinsky.

ืคืจื•ืกืคืงื˜ื™ื ื ื“ื™ืจื™ื ืžื˜ืขื 'ืชื ื•ืขืช ื”ืขื ืœืžื“ื™ื ื” ืขื‘ืจื™ืช' โ€“ ื“ื‘ืจื™ื ื—ืจื™ืคื™ื ื›ื ื’ื“ ื”ื‘ืจื˜ื™ื, ื”ืฆืขืช ืชื›ื ื™ืช ืžืจื™ ืขื‘ืจื™, ื•ืžื ื™ืคืกื˜ื™ื ืฉืœ ืชืขืžื•ืœืช ื‘ื—ื™ืจื•ืช ื•ืคืจื•ื˜ ื“ืจื›ื” ืฉืœ ื”ืชื ื•ืขื”

1. ืžื ื™ืคืกื˜ ืืจื‘ืขื” ืขืžื•ื“ื™ื, ืจืขื™ื•ืŸ ื”ืชื ื•ืขื” ืชื—ืช ื”ื›ื•ืชืจืช 'ืžื” ืจื•ืฆื” ืชื ื•ืขืช ื”ืขื ืœืžื“ื™ื ื” ืขื‘ืจื™ืช'. ื”ื•ืฆืื” ืคื ื™ืžื™ืช ืœื—ื‘ืจื™ื. 1945 ื‘ืงืจื•ื‘
2. ืคืจื•ืกืคืงื˜ 'ื”ืžืฆืข ืœื‘ื—ื™ืจื•ืช ืœืงื•ื ื’ืจืก ื”ืฆื™ื•ื ื™ ื”ื›"ื‘' โ€“ ืคืจื•ื˜ ืจื—ื‘ ืฉืœ ืžืฆืข ื”ืชื ื•ืขื”
3. 'ื”ื™ืกื•ื“ื•ืช ืœืชื›ื ื™ืช ื”ืžืจื™ ื”ืขื‘ืจื™' โ€“ ืงืจื™ืื” ืœืžืจื™ ืขื‘ืจื™ ื›ื ื’ื“ ื”ืฉืœื˜ื•ื ื•ืช ื”ืžื ื“ื˜ ื‘ืืจืฅ ื™ืฉืจืืœ
4-8. ืคืจื•ืกืคืงื˜ื™ื ืฉืœ ืชืขืžื•ืœืช ื‘ื—ื™ืจื•ืช

ืคืจื•ืกืคืงื˜ื™ื ื ื“ื™ืจื™ื ื‘ื™ื•ืชืจ, ืื™ื ื ืžืฆื•ื™ื™ื ืœื”ืฉื’ื”.

ืชื ื•ืขืช ื”ืขื ืœืžื“ื™ื ื” ืขื‘ืจื™ืช, ื”ื•ืงืžื” ื›ืžืคืœื’ื” ื‘ืฉื ืช 1944 ืขืœ ื™ื“ื™ ื‘ื ื™ืžื™ืŸ ืืœื™ืื‘ [ืœื•ื‘ืฆืงื™] ื™ื—ื“ ืขื ื—ื‘ืจื™ื• ืืฉืจ ื”ืชืคืœื’ื• ืžื”ื”ืกืชื“ืจื•ืช ื”ืฆื™ื•ื ื™ืช ื”ื—ื“ืฉื” ืฉื”ืงื™ืžื• ื”ืจื‘ื™ื–ื™ื•ื ื™ืกื˜ื™ื, ื›ืฉืžื˜ืจืชื ื”ื™ื™ืชื” ืœืฉื•ื‘ ืœืขื‘ื•ื“ ื™ื—ื“ ืขื ืื ืฉื™ ื”ื”ืชื™ื™ืฉื‘ื•ืช ื”ืขื•ื‘ื“ืช.
ืžื˜ืจื•ืช ื”ืžืคืœื’ื” ื‘ื”ื™ื‘ื˜ ื”ืžื“ื™ื ื™ ื ืฉืืจื• ื—ื•ืคืคื•ืช ืœืชื ื•ืขื” ื”ืจื‘ื™ื–ื™ื•ื ื™ืกื˜ื™ืช ื•ืขืœ ื“ื’ืœ ื”ืžืคืœื’ื” ื”ื ื—ืจื˜ื• ืืช ื”ื—ืจืคืช ื”ืžืื‘ืง ื›ื ื’ื“ ื”ืฉืœื˜ื•ืŸ ื”ื‘ืจื™ื˜ื™ ื‘ืืจืฅ ื™ืฉืจืืœ, ืชื•ืš ื‘ื™ืงื•ืจืช ื—ืจื™ืคื” ืขืœ ื“ืจื›ื” ืฉืœ ืžืคื"ื™ ื•ืขืœ ืคืขื™ืœื•ืชื• ืฉืœ ื—ื™ื™ื ื•ื•ื™ืฆืžืŸ ื ืฉื™ื ื”ื”ืกืชื“ืจื•ืช ื”ืฆื™ื•ื ื™ืช.
ื‘ืžืงื‘ื™ืœ ืคืขืœื• ืœืžืขืŸ ืกื•ืฆื™ืืœื™ื–ื ื‘ื™ื™ืฉื•ื‘, ื›ืจื•ื— ื”ื”ืชื™ื™ืฉื‘ื•ืช ื”ืขื•ื‘ื“ืช.
ื”ืชื ื•ืขื” ื”ืชืžื•ื“ื“ื” ื‘ื‘ื—ื™ืจื•ืช ืœืืกืคืช ื”ื ื‘ื—ืจื™ื ื”ืจื‘ื™ืขื™ืช, ื•ื–ื›ืชื” ื‘ืžื•ืฉื‘ ืื—ื“ ืœื™ื•"ืจ ื”ืžืคืœื’ื” ื‘ื ื™ืžื™ืŸ ืืœื™ืื‘. ื›ืž"ื› ื”ื’ื™ืฉื” ืจืฉื™ืžื” ื‘ื‘ื—ื™ืจื•ืช ืœืงื•ื ื’ืจืก ื”ืฆื™ื•ื ื™ ื”ืขื•ืœืžื™ ื‘ืฉื ืช 1946.
ืขื ืื™ืฉื™ ื”ืชื ื•ืขื” ื ืžื ื• ื”ืœืื•ืžืŸ ื”ืืฉื›ื ื–ื™ ืงืœืžืŸ ืงืฆื ืœืกื•ืŸ ื•ื‘ื ื• ืฉืœ ื–ืื‘ ื–'ื‘ื•ื˜ื™ื ืกืงื™ ืขื“ื™ ื–'ื‘ื•ื˜ื™ื ืกืงื™.

General good condition. Minor tears. Age-related flaws.