Leilão 120 Special
Por Winner'S
3 Shatner Center 1st Floor Givat Shaul Jerusalem, Israel
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LOTE 56:

Bottle with Water from the Hands of the Baba Sali zy"a, Given to one of the Prominent Mashgichim of the Last Generation

Vendido por: $1 500
Preço inicial:
$ 500
Preço estimado :
$2 000 - $3 000
Comissão da leiloeira: 22%
IVA: 17% Sobre a comissão apenas
3.3.20 em Winner'S

Bottle with Water from the Hands of the Baba Sali zy"a, Given to one of the Prominent Mashgichim of the Last Generation

Bottle of blessed water, received by the legendary mashgiach of the Ohr Yisrael yeshivah in Petach Tikvah, the gaon Rabbi Yissachar Dov  Shpieler ztz"l, from the hands of the Baba Sali. Rare remnant, one-of-a-kind, from the holy wellspring that was and is no longer.

The original bottle of water before us, with the water inside, was stored in the mashgiach's archive. After his passing, it was stored by his family members. The mashgiach would use the blessed water in the event of illness of one of his family members or students. Needless to say, the water was effective and the patient would recover.

The Abuchatzeira family has a tradition of healing based on a blessing originating with the head of the dynasty, Rabbi Ya'akov Abuchatzeira, given on water and granting it a segulah for healing. This is the link between the Baba Sali and the holy bottles of water, which the Baba Sali would give to his visitors. There are no other bottles known to have remained and been put up for auction, ever.

It is appropriate to mention here the exciting story told by Rabbi Meir Mazuz, rosh yeshivah of Kiseh Rachamim, at his weekly class (Saturday night, of the week parashat Va'era was read, 29 Tevet, 2020): "This week is the hillulah of Rabbi Yisrael Abuchatzeira, a"h, who would work wonders with ease. Once, I visit an Arab who treats people with backaches and the like, (his name is Abu Yosef, from Rechov HaMeches in Haifa). He told me that once two childless women came to him. One was Jewish and the other was not. They said they had been to the Baba Sali, who gave them water. The one who drank it became pregnant, and the other did not. The second one returned to the Baba Sali and asked why she, too, did not become pregnant. The tzaddik responded: Why are you coming to me with complaints? I gave you water with my intentions in it, and you spilled it out ..."

Rabbi Yisrael Abuchatzeira [1889-1984] discovered a segulah at an early age to heal the masses and there are many miraculous stories associated with his name. In his later years, he ascended to the Land of Israel and settled in the town of Netivot. He became famous for his lofty sanctity, and enacted miracles and wonders like one of the ancients. His blessings were realized precisely as he worded them. The Baba Sali was accepted by all circles and communities, Ashkenazic and Sephardic; everyone venerated him. Hundreds and thousands came to be blessed by him and to experience salvation, including leading rashei yeshivah and Admo"im who sought him out. His grave in Netivot serves as a pilgrimage site, and there is a hillulah held there annually in his memory attended by leaders and tens of thousands of participants. It is estimated that a quarter of a million people visit his grave site each year.

Handwritten and signed authorization from the mashgiach's son, shlit"a, regarding the authenticity of the bottle and of the water, and the associated segulah.

Greenish bottle, height: Approximately 30 cm. Cork. The bottle is in fine condition; the water contains some residue.