Subasta 142 Elul Early Prints, Chassidut, Belongings of Tzaddikim, Amulets, Segula Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical letters, Chabad
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3 Shatner Center 1st Floor Givat Shaul Jerusalem, Israel
Early Prints, Chassidut, Belongings of Tzaddikim, Amulets, Segula Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical letters, Chabad
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LOTE 233:

Segulah of all Segulahs for Healing and all Salvation: Prayer Book with a Promise from the Leaders of the ...

Vendido por: $750
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$ 700
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27.8.23 en Winner'S

Segulah of all Segulahs for Healing and all Salvation: Prayer Book with a Promise from the Leaders of the Generation for One's Prayers to be Accepted

"One who prays from this sefer Tehillim will have his prayers answered. Hashem will fulfill all his requests for the good with grace, lovingkindness and mercy. He will recover from any disease or injury. The verse 'No plague will come near your tent' will be fulfilled for him and he will merit greeting Mashiach Tzidkeinu"

This important and rare promise is signed by leaders of the generation, the leader of the entire Diaspora Rabbi Dov Landau and Rabbi Moshe Hillel Hirsch, and another twelve gedolei hador and elders who have 1000 years [this is not a typo - a thousand years!!!] of combined Divine service and toil in Torah. Is there any greater segulah than this? Doesn't Hashem Himself attest "The G-d of Israel has said - the rock of Israel has spoken to me - be a ruler of men, a righteous ruler with fear of Hashem." The gemara (Moed Kattan 16:) explains: What is this saying? Rabbi Abahu explains: The G-d of Israel says, the Rock of Israel spoke to me, saying: I rule over man! Who rules over me? The tzaddik, as I make a decree, and the tzaddik annuls it."

This rare promise was written on the first leaf of the Kavvanat HaLev Tehillim, which also includes Shir HaShirim, Perek Shirah, a prayer for the sick, the Chid"a's prayer for success and health, a prayer for reciting at the grave sites of tzaddikim, a prayer for a woman during pregnancy, a prayer by the Pele Yoetz for a mother for her children, a prayer for a woman to recite for her husband, and a prayer to be recited at the Western Wall. All these lofty prayers have the blessing of the gedolei hador: "[He] will have his prayers answered. Hashem will fulfill all his requests for the good, with grace, lovingkindness and mercy."

The following gedolim of our generation, the renowned tzaddikim, signed this promise (in order of their signatures): Rabbi Yehudah Aryeh Dunner (rabbi and dayan in Bnei Brak, and rabbi of Divrei Shir), Rabbi Chaim Feinstein (rosh yeshivah of Ateret Shlomo); Rabbi Mordechai Shmuel Edelstein (son of Rabbi Ya'akov Edelstein); Rabbi Baruch Dov Povarsky (rosh yeshivah of Ponovezh); Rabbi Binyamin David Elyashiv (author of Yad Binyamin, son of the gaon Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv); Rabbi Dov Landau (rosh yeshivah of Slobodka), Rabbi Moshe Hillel Hirsch (rosh yeshivah of Slobodka) Rabbi Nathan Zochovsky (rosh yeshivah of Chochmah V'Da'at in Rechovot); Rabbi Massoud Ben Shimon (a leading Bnei Brak rabbi); Rabbi Avraham Pollak (one of the elder mashgichim of our generation); Rabbi Ze'ev Berlin; Rabbi Tzvi Yehudah Edelstein; Rabbi Shimon Galai; Rabbi Yitzchak Kolodetzky.

Kavvanat HaLev Tehillm published by the Shirah Chadashah institute, 2014. 512 pp. 23.5 cm. Beautiful edition in a large easy-to-read format.

Excellent [new] condition. Elegant original binding. Placed in its original cardboard slipcase.