拍卖会 105 Winner's Unlimited - Eretz Israel and Zionism, Postcards and Photographs, Numismatics, Posters, Maps, Judaica, Holy books, Letters from Rabbis and Rebbes
由 Winner'S 举行
3 Shatner Center 1st Floor Givat Shaul Jerusalem, 以色列

Monday, 19 February

Tuesday, 20 February

From 12:00 AM - 7:00 PM


拍卖品 509:

Bylaws Instituted by the "Vaad HaShivim," Signed by Rabbi Moshe Charlap. 1919.

$ 120
估计的价格 :
$200 - $400
拍卖行佣金: 20%
增值税: 17% 仅对佣金收取
21.2.18于 Winner'S

Bylaws Instituted by the "Vaad HaShivim," Signed by Rabbi Moshe Charlap. 1919.

Handwritten bylaws of the "Vaad HaShiviim" for charity, regarding president of the committee, vice president, electing the committee, meeting times, conditions for creating new bylaws and more. The bylaws are signed by Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Charlap.

The bylaws were valid for one year, through Rosh Chodesh Nissan 1919 [per clause 19]. The bylaws include interesting clauses, such as: "The smaller committee is obligated to invited the seventy for a general meeting every month, to present a report of their activities that month. When necessary, for an important matter regarding charity relating to the public, they must hold a meeting, even in the middle of the month to discuss this with a meeting of seventy ...;" "It is impossible to change a statute without the agreement of 2/3 of the seventy" and more. The margins of these bylaws bear the signature of Rabbi Charlap and the signature of the secretary.

Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Charlap [1882-1952] was the rosh yeshiva of Merkaz HaRav and rabbi of the Shaarei Chessed neighborhood. He was a devoted disciple of Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Michel Shapira, author of Tzvi L'Tzaddik. In his youth, he studied with the Mahari"l Diskin. His father, Rabbi Zevulen Charlap, was a leader of the Maharil's beit din. He also studied much kabbala. When Rabbi Kook moved to Jerusalem, he drew close to him and became his devoted student. He was one of the founders of Yeshivat Merkaz HaRav. After the passing of his beloved teacher, he was a candidate to take over his position as Chief Rabbi of the Land of Israel. At the end of his life, he established the Beit Zevul Yeshiva. His halachic works were titled Beit Zevul and his philosophical works are titled Mei Marom.

[1] lined paper, text on both its sides. 25x40 cm. Fold marks, filing holes. Fine condition.