拍卖会 141 Kaballa and Chassidut, Sifrei HaGr"a, Belongings of Tzaddikim, Amulets, Segula Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical letters, Chabad and Rare books, Jewish Art
由 Winner'S 举行
3 Shatner Center 1st Floor Givat Shaul Jerusalem, 以色列

拍卖品 2:

Likkutei Shoshanim - Catalog of Rabbi Matityahu Strashun's Important Library. Berlin, 1889

售出价为: $180
$ 180
估计的价格 :
$250 - $350
拍卖行佣金: 24%
增值税: 17% 仅对佣金收取
31.5.23于 Winner'S
标签: 书籍

Likkutei Shoshanim - Catalog of Rabbi Matityahu Strashun's Important Library. Berlin, 1889

Sifrei Likkutei Shoshanim - a list of the books collected by the rabbi, the great gaon ... expert in all Jewish literature, the respected philanthropist among his people, Rabbi Matityahu Strashun ztz"l of Vilna. Berlin, Tzvi Hirsch Itzkowisky, 1889. First edition.

Over 5700 sefarim, manuscripts, kuntressim and paper items are listed in this catalog, some extraordinarily scarce to this day. This library is considered one of the most important personal libraries. Rabbi Matityahu was a son of Rabbi Shmuel - the Rash"sh, author of glosses on Sha"s printed inside the gemera. His son Rabbi Matityahu's glosses also merited to be printed in most editions of the Talmud, beginning with the Vilna edition.

Rare jacket cover included with this copy.

IV, 304 pp + front and back covers. 20.5 cm. Several handwritten comments, some early.

Moderate condition. Detached leaves and groups of leaves. Minimal worming perforations. Not bound.
